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Everything posted by ZippyWharrgarbl

  1. IC: Kororia - Making Friends "That's really cool! What other things do you make?" She was really liking this place so far. Everyone was so nice! And she already had something in common with this Rahkshi- she liked to make things, too. it made her wonder if there was a whole arts and crafts club here.
  2. IC: Armani - Proud Of Bai Bai She beamed at Bai Bai, lifting her hand to pat Bai Bai's shoulder as she went by. She was very happy for her friend. When she left, Armani stood at attention facing Hakkzan and the rest of the group once more.
  3. IC: Kororia - With New Friend "Wow, you made it? It's really nice! I like to make things too. Mum showed me some stuff about making metal things, but I'm not very good at it yet, and the fire you need was very hot and dangerous so Mum had to do that part a lot. Did your parents teach you, too?"
  4. IC: Kororia - Locked On To Friendship "Yeah!" She grinned. "I like your spine. I've never seen a spine like that before!"
  5. IC: Armani - Denied Helping "I would have gladly taken the report myself after this important meeting, had my fellow Skrall not been so keen to leave," said Armani. "The poor warrior looked very stressed." It took a lot to rattle Armani, much more so to dissuade her from helping a being in distress. Delivering reports may have been considered by some to be below her station, but helping others was second nature to her.
  6. IC: Kororia - You Can't Escape Friendship That Easily (Un)fortunately for the modified stranger, Kororia noticed them as they passed by. "Oh, hello! I'm Kororia! I just started today! What's your name?"
  7. IC: Kororia - Rooms She nodded and headed down the halls, looking for the number that matched the one she'd been given in the envelope. She found it, finally, and used the key she'd been given to unlock the door. Inside, the room was very small. She had no idea how it would house a second Rahkshi in the case of roommates, so she supposed she was staying alone. She put her things on her bed, and looked around. It was small, but nice, like a hug. And it was a bit bigger to her due to being small herself. There seemed to be a lack of bedding, but she knew how to make blankets. She kept the backpack with her, though she emptied some of the bigger items from it so she could fit her lunchbox inside. She also made a very quick masterpiece to place on her door so she could see at a glance which room was hers, which she stuck to her door with tasteful stickers. She ran back to her guide after locking her door. "I really like the room! It's really small and cuddly, like me!"
  8. IC: Armani - Being Supportive She gave Bai Bai a thumbs up with a grin and continued to believe in the small Skrall.
  9. IC: Kororia - Following Close Behind Despite having shorter legs and carrying bags, she had no trouble keeping up with her guide. She asked, "Do we get our own rooms, or do we share? I think it would be nice to have my own room, but sharing would be like a sleepover all the time, which is nice as well!"
  10. IC: XPlode - Villain Friend Ship "Cover story?" XPlode laughed. "For a group of wanted criminals taking a Hero to loot a ship?"
  11. OOC: I wrote a post last night but apparently forgot to hit "post" so here we go IC: Kororia - Front Steps She thought this over, and then grinned. "You don't need to worry. I'm super tough! Mum and Dad both warned me about bullies before coming here." She set her backpack and luggage down, scrabbled about in the backpack, and then removed an envelope before zipping up and replacing the bag on her back. "Can we go to rooms first? I have my room number, and if we go there first, I can put all my things in there!"
  12. IC: Armani - The Tower She placed a hand on Bai Bai's comparatively tiny shoulder, and smiled. "I understand that confidence does not always come as easily to others as it does to me, but you have very good reason to be confident in your abilities and the quality of your work. I am sure His Spikiness will be very happy to see your report, whether he shows it or not." She patted the shoulder under a massive hand scarred and weathered by the grip of a blade, and turned for the door, which she proceeded to walk through and salute to His Spikiness. "I am sorry for the slight delay. Hopefully no one has been waiting too long. But, I happened to run into my friend Bai Bai, who has brought her report for you!" She gestured for Bai Bai to step forward, grinning in a way that radiated the feeling that everything was going to be fine.
  13. IC: XPlode - Villain Friend Ship XPlode didn't let his surprise show on his face. The cosplayers he had seen travelled in groups on occasion, but Thak seemed very certain he knew what he was looking at. So, there was the very definite possibility of a Hero who was legitimately dressed as Rotor sitting in the ship? Why? There was a whole lot of 'why' on a whole lot of levels, and he just couldn't figure out any of them. He was a careful 'bot. He didn't like to put himself in danger. But, the Heroes had presumably already tailed their friend back here and knew where their fellow Hero was, and kicking them out would only make matters worse. The Heroes hadn't swooped in the first chance they got, yet. That meant they were likely waiting for something. He threw a friendly arm around Thak's shoulders and said, loud enough for Whipcrack and Thak to just hear but soft enough to ensure he was not overheard beyond that, "Well, chum, I see it this way: either we have a very talented cosplayer with some very concerned friends, or... seemingly more likely, from how certain you look... a hostage who does not yet know they are a hostage, and seems very willing to work with us under the false pretence that we do not know they are not, in fact, our dearest friend Rotor."
  14. IC: Kororia - Front Steps "Okay, thank you..." The Rahkshi hadn't given her their name. She missed a beat trying to think of what to say, and then brightened. "... very much!" She hefted her things to rest more comfortably in her hands. "But if you need to sit down, that's okay too. If you're sick, walking around too much can make you more sick." She smiled up at the queasy-looking Rahkshi, who seemed a little less queasy now. She wasn't sure what they meant by ruining her day. Bullies, maybe?
  15. I still have questions: 1. This is something I'm not sure on so correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Thak relatively new to crime? And in any case he's been able to escape jail time, so theoretically wouldn't he have minimal contact with Heroes and thus very little experience in this regard? 2. I'm not sure about thermal readings on Hero cores not being able to be copied. It's like saying nothing else can be that specific temperature. Again, this depends on the resolution, because of course fluctuations in heat might be a different matter. I think there was a thermal shot of a Hero in one of the episodes. I'll check tonight. Mostly I just find this interesting to think about, I'm not trying to pick on you or be nitpicky or anything. EDIT: Scorp has informed me off-site that Thak's thermal vision has a resolution pretty much on par with normal vision, meaning that while the sensitivity might still make looking at Flames some degree of Interesting Experience, the point regarding Hero Cores and differences in temperature thereof and observations of experience and stuff is moot, since he's got enough detail to recognise the Hero build. Which is pretty recognisable by itself. Thanks for clearing that up, Scorp! And thanks to everyone for your patience. I'll get to a post soon!
  16. Just wondering, how can Thak tell that what he's seeing are Heroes? I thought "Hero Core", but most robots would have some manner of power core, and besides that one is an Ice Hero and might have a lower temperature to the others. And one is absolutely radiant with heat. So you essentially have three figures with three different appearances with heat vision. I guess it depends how high of a resolution the heat vision has. If it's really high, never mind. Though he might be in some pain if the tiny ball of sun that is Flames appears too bright on a monitor through non-Euclidean means, or something. He can't be too hot normally if he's not, you know, melting himself and everything around him, but since there's a Fire Friend in him that is a spooky Lovecraftian monster of some description it could be giving off that kind of reading. I guess Hero Factory would have found it already if that were the case, unless it's emotion triggered. I thought about this for far too long.
  17. IC: Kororia - Front Steps She tilted her head at the being who had been looking close to a faint, and now seemed a little queasy. "Are you sure?" she asked quizzically. "You seem sick. You can go lie down instead of you want. It was really nice of you to come welcome me, anyway! If you're not feeling up to walking around, that's okay."
  18. IC: Kororia - That's A Weird And Long Name "I sure am!" she said, using the hand she had extended for a handshake to grab and hold up her lunchbox proudly. "My Dad packed my lunch and everything!"
  19. IC: Kororia - Welcomed "Oh! Thank you!" She smiled at the Rahkshi. Goodness, they were tall! She'd seen old Rahkshi shells from wild ones, but somehow seeing another living Rahkshi really hammered it home. She's seen them before, of course, but it always surprised her. She walked over and reached up with a tiny hand for a handshake, clutching her luggage and lunchbox in the other. "I'm Kororia! My parents just dropped me off for school. What's your name?" The chain ball, she noted, but wasn't extremely worried. The Rahkshi didn't seem keen to use it from their body language, for a start. Maybe they were scared because they'd heard of her or her homeland? Were other students told about new students coming in? She wasn't sure. But, nevertheless, being nice and friendly usually makes friends.
  20. Thanks, Loganto! And I hope so too. In fact, it's incredibly likely if I'm going to go about my endgame of befriending every single Rahkshi! >:y And Timageness, that's a tricky one. The slow spread was meant to be about several things about Xenia's character (who, along with Andrax, are pre-existing OCs of mine and hence have a wealth of lore to them): first, she's got a will stronger than iron and even at the best of times it'd be hard to mind control her. She's also mentally against a giant softie who isn't really wanting to control her. And, Matoran of Woomera train to become extremely resilient to elements through rigorous and gruelling training exercises, and I'm not sure how that applies to mask infection (Kororia does not have this training, to be clear. She is too young. Additional note: neither does Andrax, because he's too much of a weenie). Nato has also informed me that the Rahkshi gets control of infected people, not the Makuta. To my credit, I was trying to do my research and I went by what BS01 said, and that differs from Corpus (understandably so). But, editing out the infection thing should fix that too. I can edit it, or be lazy because I am Too Proud of how it turned out and edit in something about how these parts are non-canon, since it's not regarding anything but myself and my own characters. Either way, I am very happy to not let it slide, or have it be an allergic reaction so I can be lazy about rewriting it. As for the language barrier, funnily enough, I was originally going to have Kororia signing! But the first post mentioned Matoran learning the Rahkshi language, and I thought, what kind of small angry mother wouldn't learn her squishy baby's language? But if those Matoran learned it by gist and tone, instead of actual language, then that's fine and yeah just assume Kororia is signing for mercy while being attacked by a tiny albino bundle of fury. I can edit that in with the fix on the corruption part if you like, or do the same as before and say "this isn't canon but I nearly had to rewrite the whole thing already and I'm too lazy to do it again".
  21. Just to let everyone know, Nato's informed me and thus I am aware that in Corpus, infection works differently and the kraata has to be completely out of the suit to infect a mask, not just have bare kraata contact. It's late and I'll fix it tomorrow or something. It's not really important to the scene but I like the part, so maybe I'll just leave it and make it clear it's not how it works or something unless it really has to be edited out- which is absolutely fine, by the way. But either way I'll fix it tomorrow if needed.
  22. OOC: I hope you all like REALLY LONG POSTS If not there's a very quick tl;dr at the end Prepare for Squish Rahkshi ~ IC: Kororia – Flashback Kororia was roused from slumber by the soft-spoken voice of Makuta Andrax and the grumbling murmur of Chieftain Xenia, in the other room. She blinked blearily, readjusted herself in her armour with a sleepy wriggle, and quietly crept to her door to press the side of her head against it, and her kraata against that. Her parents sounded upset, their voices hushed. They had been bothered by something for a while now. Kororia wondered what it was. When she was able to make out words, the first thing she heard was a string of swears from Xenia. She clamped a hand to her multi-jawed mouth to stifle a surprised giggle. “I know,” Andrax replied softly to whatever point Xenia had been making. “They are very insistent on this… school.” “Of course they are,” Xenia snapped, and then continued in a quieter tone after a pause. “They’re getting annoyed. First, they wanted the Energized Protodermis. When we said no, then they wanted other things. We keep saying no to them, and they can’t stand that. But they don’t want to fight a war they can avoid, do they? Not with us. No one wants to pick a fight with Woomera. And rightly so! But…” “But?” Xenia paused again, and then sighed. She sounded so old, Kororia thought to herself. She sounded old and strange. “Miserix… whatever else he might have been, he believed in a fair fight. Ever since you came back from that club meeting-” “Convocation,” Andrax offered. “-Nerd gathering,” Xenia corrected herself, “it sounds like everything’s gone downhill. I know of Teridax. Not just because he seems to have his name on every little list of requests sent our way nowadays. He’s a scummy cheat. He doesn’t play fair. He doesn’t believe in sword against sword, he believes in sword against back. He’ll only lead an army if he’s got someone on hand to take blows for him. If he decides that he wants to wage war with us, he’ll play to win, or he’ll play to do the most damage to us. And he doesn’t like being told no, not even for the little things.” Andrax made a funny noise, like a soft keening. Xenia said, some of her usual gruff confidence back in her tone, “But, we’ll burn that Makuta when we get to him. For whatever reason, he’s dealt with us denying his inane requests this long. What’s a few more refusals for this Rahkshi school? And even if Kororia needs a place to learn, well… we’ll find a way. That’s what we do.” Kororia crept back to bed. She’d heard enough. There was a Rahkshi school, which sounded excellent in and of itself, and someone was threatening her parents- someone with no apparent regard for the safety of their own kneecaps- to get Kororia to go. Her parents seemed so upset. Maybe they didn’t want to force her to leave? There was a good solution to all of this, and it was one where everyone left happy. Her favourite kind of solution. ~ IC: Kororia – Arriving The little Rahkshi was jolted from her dream from the shudder of the ship dropping anchor. She climbed on deck, hefting her bags along with her and popping open a parasol to block the sun, to see her parents staring at the island before them. “Hear they serve nothing but gruel,” Xenia grumbled, hands tensing around the wheel as she squinted through her tinted visor. “Is happiness something the Brotherhood’s opposed to, now?” “I’m sure they offer other options,” Andrax replied quietly, though his tone suggested he wasn’t sold on his own opinion. “I’ll be finding whoever runs this place and serving them their own-” “Hello,” said Kororia. Andrax’s hand flew out by some parental instinct the moment he heard her voice to clamp over his wife’s mouth and cut off Xenia’s upcoming swear. “Hello, little one,” Andrax said, smiling in a way that did not quite reach his eyes. Xenia narrowed her eyes and wrangled Andrax’s taloned fingers away from biting range, lest she be tempted. “Good timing, kid,” Xenia said. She and Andrax both understood the Rahkshi tongue, as Kororia did the Matoran language. Kororia had to narrow her eyes to look at her, and even then the pale near-white Ga-Matoran was a little painful to look at in the brightness of the sun. “Though you’re up early. Reckon you’re about as blind as I am right now.” Andrax concentrated, raising his arms, and a smudge of darkness fell across the ship. Xenia, having a defect that left her without any pigment in her armour, had poor eyesight from that same defect. Kororia was just sensitive to light the same way all Rahkshi were. Andrax actually enjoyed sunshine- it made him feel like nothing could go wrong- but he appreciated the needs of his family. “Thanks,” said Xenia. “Seems like the sunlight won’t be lasting much longer anyway, but I’d like to be able to see for a while longer.” She glanced to Kororia, looked like she was about to say something, thought better of it, and then turned to start setting a little rowboat in the water for the trip to shore. Andrax knelt, and held Kororia’s little soft body against his black and orange armour, hugging her like he was afraid he’d never hug her again. “It’s not too late, you know,” he mumbled. “You can come back home. We won’t be upset. I can teach you at home, you can stay with us…” “It’s okay, Dad,” she said, and he held her even tighter. “I wanna go. I’ll get to make new friends, ones that are Rahkshi, just like me! And I know what you and Mum said about this place, but I think it’ll be okay. It sounds like a lot of fun!” Andrax, though he did not breathe, shuddered in a hitching sob. “You have to write. You have to write to us, and you have to tell us if you need anything, and the moment, the moment, you want to come back, you just have to say the word, we’ll be right back here to pick you up…” The rowboat hit the water with a splash. “Just promise me you’ll stay safe,” he pleaded. “I know you are strong, but please try to avoid fighting. It’s not like home, little one. People fight to hurt, to make someone feel pain, not just to show strength or play with someone.” “I’ll be okay,” Kororia said again, her voice muffled by his armour. He hugged her a while longer, while Xenia silently and thoughtfully loaded Kororia’s things into the rowboat, and when he drew back, he handed her a little red box with a handle and a latch. “I packed you some lunch,” he said. By the weight of it, ‘some’ was an understatement. “And I’ll send you sweets. Whatever you would like.” “Thanks, Dad.” She planted a slimy, four-mandible kiss on his cheek. He smiled, even though he was sobbing more now, and she hugged him one more time before following Xenia down a rope onto the rowboat. “Dad’s not coming?” asked Kororia. “For one, he’d sink the boat,” Xenia said, sounding more gruff than usual as she fiddled with ropes. “For two, neither me nor him could trust him not to run after you.” Kororia smiled. It looked oddly sweet, given the face that wore it. Most of the trip over was done in silence, Xenia rowing and refusing any help Kororia offered. That, at least, was normal, unlike the quiet. Kororia instead assisted by holding her parasol over the both of them until the sun finally kissed the horizon. The boat touched the sand of the beach. Kororia turned to look, and missed the blur of motion that was her mother tackling her out of the little boat and onto the hot sand. The Matoran’s shadow fell over her faceplates to block the last rays of sunlight, calculatedly so, even as she pulled the Rahkshi’s head into a noogie. Kororia squealed with laughter and tried to turn squishy enough to free herself. “Oh, no you don’t!” Xenia bellowed, instead turning her attack into a barrage of prods and pokes. Kororia flailed before grabbing Xenia and trying to get her in a bear hug, a manoeuvre that resulted in agonising tickles. “Mum, nooooo!” “I’m not stopping until you promise you come home safe!” “I promise!” “That doesn’t sound convincing!” “I triple promise!” Xenia relented after a moment longer. “Good. Don’t you forget that. Else I’m going to know, and I’m going to come back here and drag you right back home and ground you.” “Okay, okay,” Kororia said in a hissing laugh. She sat up. Xenia headbutted her, hard, but didn’t recoil; she pressed her forehead against Kororia’s, a gesture of kinship on Woomera. Including the headbutt. Even Woomera’s expressions of friendship or not completely hating someone were hardcore. “I mean it.” She backed off, clearing her throat awkwardly. “I mean. Your father would never stop his crying if you managed to hurt yourself. And I have to live with him. So stay safe, and if you need to, come right home. No ifs or buts about it.” Kororia hugged her. Xenia was no good at showing affection, so she awkwardly patted her back and didn’t jerk back from the kraata slobber that Kororia smooched onto her mask. It was a very practiced reaction, especially with the feeling of creeping infection tickling at her Kanohi and Andrax’s surprised and flustered presence seeping into the corners of her mind. Kororia noticed the pitted, rusty tint spreading over Xenia’s cheek. “I’m sorry, I forgot about that…” Xenia gave her a smile. A genuine smile, not the grin from adrenaline and bloodlust, not the leer to strike fear in the heart of an enemy, but a warm turn of the corners of the mouth. Xenia rarely smiled like that. It looked strange on her face, normally set in some degree of grump. It was gone a few moments later, but the image stuck in Kororia’s mind, even as Xenia unloaded her belongings. “Don’t worry about it,” she said in that too-gruff tone. “I’ll have your Dad fix it when I get back. No harm done.” Kororia put on her backpack, and picked up her luggage and lunchbox. Xenia looked over her critically, the infection creeping around one of her mask’s eyeholes. “Where does a Woomeran aim?” “Anywhere we can reach.” “What if an opponent is too tall?” “Then you climb ‘em!” Xenia noogied her again, gentler this time. “Atta girl. Do your best here. Even if your best is going home tomorrow, or staying until you graduate or whatever you do in these places. Show them what a Rahkshi from Woomera is made of.” “I won’t let you down,” Kororia promised. “I’m gonna make friends with everyone, and we’re going to have a great time!” “Of course you are,” Xenia said, a little tiredly. “You’re so much like Andrax. A huge nerd with a big heart. Knock them dead, kid. Figuratively or literally.” Xenia kicked the rowboat back into the water, and waved goodbye before rowing for the ship. Kororia stood and waved until the rowboat reached the ship they sailed in on, and waved even then until the ship disappeared over the horizon. Then, she took a deep breath, and turned to the sheer cliffs behind her. She got into flight mode with a bit of unsteadiness- she hadn’t quite lost her sea legs yet- and put her luggage and lunchbox in her lap. Then, she flew up, around, and landed in front of the big, castle-like structure that was Corpus Academy. ~ OOC: If you managed to survive that novella of a post, Kororia is open for interaction! If not, the tl;dr is Kororia found out her parents are getting pressured by some nerd to send her to an all-Rahkshi school, and she’s all about making new friends so she decides to go. Her parents dropped her off and now she’s at the front gates with her luggage and her lunchbox. Her Makuta dad is also probably a sobbing mess right now.
  23. IC: Rorohiko - With NERD CREW Unsure of what else to do, he patted Fifteen's back awkwardly. OOC: If we get enough people patting Fifteen then she has to feel better
  24. IC: Rorohiko - With NERD CREW, Time Out Table He looked up at Xaril, standing above them, and slowly eased out of his seat. "Uh, yeah. Lesson learned. We're gonna head over to the market real quick now, so you can do what you came to do and stuff." ~ IC: Armani - The Tower Armani frowned slightly. "Helping others is the most important thing I do! A momentary detour downstairs would be no trouble. But, I am sure His Spikiness would appreciate some less dire news delivered to his person today. I think he would be very pleased to receive your report in person, Bai Bai!" She resumed her pace, reaching the top of the stairs, and paused to let Bai Bai off her shoulders. She said, "Just so you are not surprised, you may be asked to leave rather quickly. It's not because of any offence on your part; we are simply to recieve a top secret debriefing. I am sure, on any other day, His Spikiness would be incredibly keen to discuss your work with you!"
  25. Scorp has informed me offsite that this was a legitimate question out of a legitimate concern, and not a joke as I had assumed So, I'll be completely honest and say I hadn't really thought about that. I'm still not entirely sure on a concrete response, but it wouldn't be anything taller than the reasonable size range for a Rahkshi. So she's not going to be the size of MoL Teridax or anything. Maybe a bit taller or smaller than the average for a Rahkshi, I haven't decided yet.
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