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Everything posted by ZippyWharrgarbl

  1. Big enough to hug the world. >:y
  2. In that case, are you all ready for the squishiest, most sheltered Rahkshi who is about to get incredibly surprised that this isn't a fun and happy friend school ~ Name: Kororia Variation: Elasticity Level: 2 Gender: she/her Gear: Backpack with school and arts and crafts supplies, photo of her “parents”, luggage consisting of some articles of clothing and (powerless) accessories she’s brought from home, some assorted run-of-the-mill kitchenware, and a lunchbox with a lovingly packed lunch from her Makuta creator. Appearance: Kororia is small for a Rahkshi, and has a rounder shape than the average. She is young, and looks and acts childlike. She sometimes wears nice clothes or accessories for special occasions, or if she wants to look nice. Because of her variation, she can become quite soft and pillowlike. She looks like she would, and she does, squeak if hugged too tightly. She looks like a small squishy stress ball with rounded spines. Also of note is I got lazy and drew the set version of the Rahkshi head because while I love the MoL version, I just couldn’t figure out a way to draw that multi-jaw mouth on with a trackpad on MSPaint. Personality: Kororia takes after her ‘father’ Makuta in that she is very sweet and cares a lot about people. However, she has a streak of her ‘mother’- the Matoran her creator Makuta was married to for political reasons- in that, while she doesn’t like to start fights, she sure will finish them. Like her appearance, her personality is also childlike, though she is incredibly intelligent. She will quickly warm to people who are nice to her. She can come off as naïve and a bit sheltered, being used to being treated like a member of a family rather than a tool, weapon or underling. Bio: Kororia was created by Makuta Andrax, a Makuta notorious for being a hopeless, emotional klutz who spent most of his days messing up and then crying about it. The Brotherhood eventually offered him for a political marriage to Xenia, the leader of the vicious Matoran filled island, Woomera; this was done a little out of a desire for access to Woomera’s massive Energised Protodermis spring and mostly as an attempt to push babysitting duty onto someone far away. Kororia’s creation was an ordeal. Andrax didn’t want to have to choose between two kraata to essentially kill one to make a suit for the other. Xenia, pragmatic as she was, solved this by simply dragging out the husks of Rahkshi that had the terrible idea of attempting to attack an island full of bloodthirsty warriors at kneecap height, and tossing them into Energised Protodermis until she fished out something workable. The resulting suit was quite small, and as such, so was Rahkshi Kororia. This is due to her suit’s properties, from the Energised Protodermis; the stature of the suit reflects the level of the kraata piloting it. In addition, the transition isn’t instant; it takes time after going up a level to reach the height and stature the suit considers appropriate for that level. The squishy little Rahkshi is well loved by both her parents. Andrax showers her with affection and is very doting. Xenia trains her in combat (especially improvised weaponry, something Xenia is well known for); fighting and violence are a very prominent part of the culture on Woomera, something only Andrax is exempt from due to his ineptitude in combat and his small strong wife who fights for him. She likely would have stayed on Woomera for many years, but Woomera does not have much in the way of non-combat education, most Matoran having already received basic education upon their creation. Kororia was intellectually gifted, and like any good parents, Andrax and Xenia wanted to encourage that gift. Not many places will take a Rahkshi as a student, however, and finally they were forced to concede that the Corpus Rahkshi Academy was the only place she would be able to go to learn, even if they preferred not to associate with the Brotherhood and didn’t like the look of most of the Academy. Kororia was very keen to go to a school with other Rahkshi, and pleaded to leave the relative safety of Woomera in the pursuit of knowledge and new friends. And so, she has arrived at the Corpus Rahkshi Academy, late to the original starting date due to her parents’ hesitation, ears still ringing with the voices of her parents telling her to stay safe, write often, and, from her mother, remember what she’d been taught about using one of her father’s lovingly hand-knitted scarves to garrotte anyone who tries to hurt her. But, she’s not sure why they’re so upset. She’s sure she’s going to have a great time and make lots of friends!
  3. Hey! I have a few friends that play Corpus and have convinced me it's a super cool game, and I've been working on a profile to start playing! I had a few questions before I put up a profile: 1. What's happening at the moment? Sorry to be That Guy, but there's 646 pages and while I am keen to read them all sometime, I've been told it's acceptable to ask what's happening in the meantime and start playing. 2. Can Rahkshi send and receive mail while at the Corpus Academy? If it helps, the mail would be to and from their Makuta.
  4. IC: Armani - The Tower She paused in her stride. "I am very sorry, Bai Bai! I should have asked sooner. Would you like me to bring you back downstairs?"
  5. IC: GyRotor - Screaming Internally He wasn't sure how to read his companion's ignoring his question, except to hope it wasn't out of suspicion. Did Rotor hate that guy? Did he screw this up even more? He hoped not. And... XPlode was back. He tried to look busy at the cockpit as he considered potential escape plans. This was stupid. He was stupid. He was going to wind up either as a bunch of scrap metal on a junk planet somewhere, or he was going to be in a horribly awkward situation of explaining exactly what his deal was with copying Rotor's style. Or both. He replied to Blink, "Ah, finally. Took him long enough."
  6. OOC: I think everyone might be busy or something. Not sure. And then some of us are waiting on posts from people who are either busy or forgot people are waiting on them. I'm sure it'll pick up again at some point! IC: XPlode - At Villain Friend Ship He read his companion's silence as being lost in thought, or perhaps simply not listening. They arrived back at the ship quickly enough, where he saw Thak waiting for their arrival. "Ah, hello, chum!" The ship, he noted, was idling, the checks apparently completed. Whoever was on his ship, they knew how to fly one. He considered that briefly.
  7. IC: Rorohiko - Capstone, Time Out Table "Oh! Yeah, sure. Sure. Easy." He nodded. "No more waving tasers around."
  8. IC: Armani - The Tower She ascended the stairs Bai Bai still on her shoulders. "So, where do you go to leave your reports, Bai Bai?" ~ IC: Rorohiko - Capstone, Time Out Table He couldn't help but ask, in a small but attempting to be jovial voice, "I guess this means we're not checking out the markets this trip...?"
  9. IC: Armani - New Friend Acquired "Nonsense! All names are important! Especially yours, citizen! Why, you are the very welcoming face that greets visitors to the Tower! The first thing they see! You are very important." She returned the smile like a radiant sunbeam on the being. "But, I respect a want for privacy, or being unwilling to share a name. Thank you for letting us in, and thank you for doing such an excellent job here!" She had to duck a little lower than usual to get through the door without knocking Bai Bai off, but with the smaller Skrall clinging so firmly to her helmet, it wasn't much of an effort. She gave the being one last appreciative smile and wave before ascending the stairs.
  10. IC: Rorohiko - Meek He sheepishly sat at the table Xaril had shooed them to. ~ IC: Armani - The Tower At Maldrakk's look, she offered a friendly wave. It felt like the best gesture for the occasion, since things had gone very badly for him and thus a thumbs up felt rather inappropriate. To the servant, she grinned and gestured to her friend. "This is Bai Bai! She has reports to submit. But where are my manners? I never asked your name, citizen!"
  11. IC: Rorohiko - Capstone Despite all common sense, the question slipped out before he could stop himself: "Do taser things usually spill blood? I just, I think it's a taser thing by the looks of it, and I'm pretty sure they're usually not something that makes you bleed?" ~ IC: Armani - The Tower "Very good!" Armani said cheerfully. "You should be very proud to be assisting our great city with your reports. And fear not, Bai Bai! Your right grip is admirable, but unnecessary, for I have excellent reflexes and will not allow you to fall. However, your attention to safety despite this is very wise." They arrived at the Tower moments after His Spikiness and his group entered the building. She greeted the nameless servant, "Hello, citizen! We also seek to enter the tower. Could we please come through?"
  12. IC: Armani - Wearing A Tasteful Nerd Scarf With Bai Bai secure on her shoulders, she nodded to Ezezko. "Let us be on our way, citizen!" She then set at a respectable pace for the tower. She glanced up at Bai Bai. "What brings you to His Spikiness, Bai Bai?"
  13. IC: GyRotor - Villain Friend Ship "You know what's up with that guy?" Gyro asked gruffly, going about he flight checks. "Seems like he's got some sorta beef with me." Internally, he felt like he was going to bust a gasket. That guy was not convinced at all by his cover story. What felt like a genius idea at the time was now feeling a lot more like a death sentence. And obviously, if Rotor was with these criminals, it was only a matter of time until he returned to the ship with the others. He couldn't out-Rotor the real Rotor, no matter how much he'd studied the guy. And he really was not emotionally prepared right now to explain why he looked just like the guy. ~ IC: XPlode - With Whipcrack "Good. That makes this much easier to explain. See, Rotor and I quite accidentally crashed one of their conventions, which was surprisingly easy- it was assumed we were wearing costumes. We were there to break into another section of the building, you see. It was such a surprise to see so many people in costume, and to our utter shock, there were people dressed as Hero versions of Villains! It was hilarious! From what I could glean, it is an odd internet fad. I don't understand it myself, but it was certainly entertaining. I believe I still have some photographs from the event." He laughed. "While I cannot assess the situation in full until I return to the ship, here is what I believe may have happened: Blink might have found an extremely talented cosplayer who has gotten in way over their heads in acting in-character." OOC: I found this possible scenario too hilarious to pass up, so I just wanted to explain I do acknowledge the questionable ethics of dressing up as a criminal, and I'm considering either it being the equivalent of dressing as a costumed villain in the DC or Marvel universe rather than the equivalent of dressing as a criminal in our universe, or else that Rotor and XPlode stumbled into some kind of Weirdo Creep Convention. It is just too funny to me to imagine people cosplaying Heroes and Villains and AU versions of them in the universe.
  14. Oh, whoops. sorry. Whipcrack would be able to hear it if he's got good enough hearing to be able to hear the other end of the phone call from wherever he's standing. So, probably not unless he has really excellent hearing. He'd have a better chance hearing tone and voice, but might have trouble making out words.
  15. Well, Thak originally made it a group call of sorts so the other villains could hear, and I don't think he changed it. So probably, yeah, so long as he has a communications device. As for hearing it without a communications device, he probably can't hear it very well, unless he has super good hearing.
  16. IC: XPlode - With Whipcrack "Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. I asked Blink to have Rotor start the ship. And, perhaps she has a better eye for comedy, rather than a lack of perception. Now, I'm not there at the ship yet, but this situation does so remind me of one Rotor and I had fairly recently. Tell me, chum, have you ever heard of cosplay?"
  17. Oh! The GPS thing is fair. Gyro wouldn't have included his location in the email, since he didn't want the others coming over, but absolutely no edits are required on this because like I said, the GPS thing is legit.
  18. IC: XPlode - With Whipcrack "Are you now?" XPlode mused. What an odd choice of words this fellow had. "Well, you would know best, hm? In any case, Whipcrack and I are nearly at the ship. I do have to wonder, about many things, really, but one specific question I have for the situation so far would be regarding Rotor's apparent disappearance. Surely, as his appearance was a surprise, there must have been a disappearance some time before then." ~ IC: GyRotor - Doing The Best He Can "Where th' heck is he going?" Gyro asked his companion, after she had climbed on board and the more nosy being had left. "We're about to take off!"
  19. Quick question: how are the Heroes finding the Villain ship so quick? I'm not asking for edits or anything, I just realised they're all just suddenly surrounding it and I feel like I missed something.
  20. IC: Rorohiko - With NERD CREW He turned to Fifteen quickly. "Huh? You didn't? Well, look, usually someone's meant to tell you that before you come here, so that's not entirely your fault." ~ IC: Armani - With Small Friends Bai Bai was very limp, and probably would fall over if set down. Armani shrugged cheerfully. "Very well! No doubt, your legs must be tired and sore. I will carry you there! All in a day's work serving the citizens of New Atero! Though, do see if you can climb on my back, Bai Bai. Carrying you like this leaves me with less than optimal number of hands free!" Unless Bai Bai objected, she would assist Bai Bai in changing position to rest on her back.
  21. IC: GyRotor - Struggling He suspected this might be a trick, but he couldn't risk being wrong, so he decided to give an in-between answer. "I don't remember you asking me for restraining bolts!" He flicked a switch a little too hard in feigned frustration. "And I ain't goin' back for 'em. I ain't yer gopher. Do your own shopping."
  22. IC: Rorohiko - With NERD CREW "No," he said in a small voice. "That's actually pretty low in my 'Things To Do In Cliffside' list. Not on there at all, actually. It's actually on my 'Things To Avoid In Cliffside' list."
  23. IC: GyRotor - Bluff It Til You Stuff It He stuffed his growing dread into the pit of his tank and turned it into an angry snort. "A'ight, fine, maybe it wasn't a hologram. Do I look like the kinda guy who gets that nerd stuff? I told you, I dunno what it was. So you can stop making up garbage, because "Mister" XPlode is comin' back right now and I gotta get the ship started. Thanks." He was totally screwed if Rotor came back. Or if XPlode decided to quiz him on Rotor's personal life. He stomped to the giant pilot's seat, sat heavily in it, and started going through the flight checks for takeoff.
  24. IC: Armani - Too Strong For Mortal Eyes To Comprehend She lifted Bai Bai in her arms with incredible ease. "Ah, how rude of me! Bai Bai, this is my companion, Ezezko. We are travelling to see His Spikiness. If you are headed the same way, you are very welcome to join us in travel!"
  25. IC: Armani - With Softly Screaming Friend She said cheerily, "No need to apologise, Bai Bai! I hope you are all right. My mighty form does often leave even unintentional challengers sprawling!" Armani regarded Bai Bai carefully after that, and came to the conclusion that she may not be capable of getting up herself, in her current state. She bent to pick Bai Bai up, though she paused to ensure Bai Bai was both fine with and not taken by surprise by the mighty arms that would lift her. "If you cannot rise, I can simply lift you, if that is what you prefer!"
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