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Everything posted by ZippyWharrgarbl

  1. Nuuh! Not my mushroom! XD

  2. Ah. Is that one of your friends in a LewaTheToa suit, or is it another account?

  3. >=D Yes, those guys.

  4. Oh, cool.

    And I'm so so so so so sorry about mixing you up with someone else. It's just that I was sleepy and you two had the same name and ARGH THE INTERNET IS CONFUSING

  5. I thought it was some weird fusion of Nokama and Vakama... 0_0

  6. Google 'The Wiggles'. They're a kid's band and they're awesome.

  7. Never mind... =D

    And where IS that phrase in your Personal Statement from?

  8. My goodness! What has Gali become?

  9. Both. >=D

    Nah, the Wiggles are just awesome. I like to see how many people get the reference.

  10. *Bites into rainbow*

    Mmm, now THAT'S good rainbow!

    What do you Earthlings eat?

  11. None mentioned, none implied. ~EW~ Sweet. I have a couple ideas already. Also, I live in the great land of Oz, so would I be able to mail-order shirts? I obviously can't just stroll over and pick one up. Zippy: TOL'ning
  12. Nah, we eat rainbows. Wags eats dog biscuits.

  13. Really? Cool. XP

    I'm working on heaps of stories, I just have writer's block for most of them. And one's about a Toa called Sammy.

    Oh, and that's okay. =D

    (BTW sorry if I'm sending this twice, my computer screwed up.)


  15. Is there a limit to how many designs we can enter? Zippy: TOL'ning
  16. Wags the Dog is currently breathing down your neck. XD

  17. You may not want to say that in public. We have eyes EVERYWHERE. XD

  18. Well, she doesn't like BIONICLE. So nyeh to her.

    Malum's in it. Coz he's hot like that.

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