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Republic Commando Sev

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Everything posted by Republic Commando Sev

  1. Awesome Banner and Av, I just saw How To Train Your Dragon today. It was really good!

  2. That's awesome! I am too.

  3. That's awesome! Theirs a lot of us on here, which is really cool.

    Are you homeschooled?

  4. Hey, spontaneous comments are cool. :-)

    Have you played the game Republic Commando?

  5. Well, I've been sick for the last couple days, so I haven't been on BZP too much. Hopefully I'll be able to get on more now that I feel better! Today's the last day for my Latin and Logic class (YES! ), and it's also the last day of my Junior Lifeguarding class (NO! ) Sev
  6. That's cool, at least you got a bunch of stuff with the CDs. Why wern't they happy about it being released? Sev
  7. I'm doing level 7 this year. I just got back from it, I think it went well. The test was easy, so I think I passed that, and my songs went well. My technique wasn't so great though, so we'll see... Sev
  8. Thanks Brickeens, I'll need it... Sev
  9. Well, I'm heading off to go to ASP in a couple minutes. For those of you who don't know, ASP, (Arizona Study Program), is a thing that I do for piano. I memorize some songs and technique, and play for a judge, than afterwards I have a test to take. I'm so nervous. I've done this like 6 or 7 times already, but you still end up being a little scared. Whatever I get, at least I'll know that I tried my best... Sev
  10. Lol, that reminded me of some-thing. One of my friends has brought the same cow to the fair for about the past 3 years, so she's REALLY tame. So her sister asked her if she could lay on her side, and she said "Sure, if you want to get eaten." Sev
  11. No, I just haven't had time to post an entry until now. I'll fix it anyway... Sev
  12. What the heck?! You put a smile face by Cap'N Kopaka's name, but not mine?!?! Sev
  13. *gasp* No cursing in my blog!! Sev P.S.: I'm totally joking, I know you didn't curse...
  14. Well that's a relief... But seriously: *claps* Go JB1!!! Sev
  15. Wow, I haven't posted an entry in a while. (What can I say? I've been at the fair a while. ) EDIT: Since the title seemed to confuse some people, *coughcoughsongbirdnovacoughcough*, I'll tell you that it actually ended on Sunday, so I got back then. The Fair was a ton of fun this year, as always. I didn't do as good as I wanted to this year, but that's ok. (Be prepared for a REALLY long entry. ) We ended up going their on Saturday the 10th, and cleaned all the stalls every-thing out so we could get our money back. It was pretty fun cleaning. (As fun as cleaning can be, anyway...) We got their on Tuesday, and that's the day we just set every-thing up, get the cows in the stalls, and bathe them to get them clean for the week. It's a really fun day, because we get to see everyone again that we haven't seen since the last fair. We had to clip them on Wednesday. *shudder* (I seriously have to say that clipping a cow is one of my least favorite things to do, ever.) On Thursday we had 2 classes to go to. In the breed class I got 9th out of 16, and in another breed class I got 11th out of 11. What really stunk about that last one though, was that depending on what place you got, that's the order you went to auction your cow. So that means I would have to go last, which wasn't good. (More on that later) Then on Friday we had our Showmanship class. Showmanship is all about you, how you clipped the cow, how clean you made her, how you act if your cow starts freaking out in the ring. Do you get annoyed, or just grin and bear it? I usually do good in Showmanship, last year I got 1st and won a Belt Buckle. (If you look about 10 entries back I belive, I have a picture of it.) I got 3rd out of 5 this year, so not too bad. Then Saturday was the auction. Remember how I was going to go last? It actually turned out well. I sold my cow for more than I thought. She sold for $1,800.00. It seems like a lot, but I have to pay back the Farmer for the cow since he gave it to me, and I have to pay for the food and stuff. I did get enough to make money though, which is great. Afterward, me and my sister went to go on rides for a little bit. Every County Fair on Saturday night, they have this thing called the Exhibitors Olympics, and that's where every exhibitor that shows any-thing, can come and we play games and compete against each other. So it's all the Dairy people on one team, all the Beef on another and so on. Well, my Mom went to their office that morning and asked where it was going to be, and they said in the Dairy Barn. (It's been in there every year.) IT was supposed to be at 7:00 P.M., and by 7 O Clock it hadn't started yet. So we gave it a little longer, but at 7:30 we decided that maybe they just decided not to do it, because their was a lot of people saying they were too tired to go. Well, at about 7:50 some of the Dairy people found out that they had moved it to the Sheep Barn, and they hadn't told us. So a bunch of us ran over so we could play, but they kicked us out because we were too late. So we were kind of mad. Then every year after that, we have a dance, and all the exhibitors can go to that. They get a DJ, and he plays songs that people request, and everyone dances to them. (duh ). This was the second time I've gone to the dance, and no, I haven't danced either time. It's fun watching everyone else though. One of the Dairy Exhibitors dances really well though, she's 9 years old. Seriously, she is one of the best dancers I've seen. It was fun, because their was this 18 year old guy at the dance, and she and him kept competing to see who could do the best moves. He would do one, then she would try to top him. It was a lot of fun. We went to the Fair on Sunday afternoon after Church, and cleaned every-thing up, and said good-bye to everyone. It's so sad when it's time to leave, because we've become really great friends of the other Dairy people that show, and we only see them at the fair which is every 6 months. I had a lot of fun this year, it really is the high-light of the year for me. So yeah, this was a really long entry. Sev
  16. I just got back from getting my braces off! It feels a little weird, but I'm so happy their gone! My Orthodontist gave me a small tub of candy too. Sev
  17. No,no,no, and no. *laughs*

    The only thing I have is a Wii. (Unless you count my iPod Touch...)

  18. Run around screaming bloody murder!!! But seriously, mouth wounds bleed a lot longer than any other wound, it'll heal, it just takes time. You should be fine though. Sev
  19. Actually, it's the OffWorlder. That's my favorite armor too.

  20. Dude, on word: POST ALREADY!! (Ok two words, but what-ever...)


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