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Blae Durian

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Status Updates posted by Blae Durian

  1. Why is it that most of my friends are older than me?

  2. I remember when I got ran over by a lawn chair. And it didn't even have wheels...Good times...

  3. It depends. If your comics are fairly well and have a nice amount of quality, I may decide to. Hope ya make your comic series soon.

  4. Dang. It got cut off. So basically, to change your post setting to rich text or standard text by the little box with the 2 arrows in the top right corner. Rich text is like sort of like a post preview thing. To put 2 links, do something like this:

    (Topic name), (Topic name)

    Oh yeah, and I tried to rate you 5 stars.

  5. Eh. Oh well.

    You know, I can't believe you only had 3 stars. Just because you're new-ish doesn't make you bad.

    And you can put more than one link in a sig. So first, if you have your post setting thing to rich text (Which is useful because it's almost like a preview thing.), change it to standard. To change it, click on the little box with the 2 arrows in the

  6. I tried the forums on my second try. :P

    ...I think.

  7. Hello fellow member who has only wacked up 19 posts in 4 months! I hope I have been a good help to get you off the ground here on BZPower. By the way, what site did you upload your comics in? I want to see um. ;)

  8. That's strange. I couldn't get on the home page...And yet I can get on the forums...

  9. Woot. I can get on again. BZPower was offline all day yesterday for me.

  10. Ooo! u juhst got duble nohped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Uh, just be sure to recolor every color on the masks and bodies.

  12. Although bacon tastes good all the time! I'm eating Bacon Ranch Pringles right now! They out of Muffin Dorrito(e?)s, so...

  13. It can be either way. And it's not that easy. Just go look for the Mnolg-style Character Creation Kit.

  14. Man, I can't believe I STILL haven't commented on the new Toast Busters episode...

  15. *Pokes eye* What are you doing?

  16. Hi. I like muffins. *Drools* And the banners you're capable of making.

  17. Heh. Sometimes I dip muffins INTO garlic ketchup...Thats what happens if I get bored with plain muffins.

  18. NOOOO!!!

    ...Eh. I prefer muffins...

  19. Nah, I'm not going to save it. Besides, if I decide to remake it, it would be SO much more better. If I ever get a blog, I may talk about my ideas there.

    I'm just an angel, Takuma. Now I must attack the ponies!

  20. Yeah. I had tons of good ideas for it. But I was such a terrible writer back then. Just look at how small each chapter was. Sigh...

  21. No! Thats too dangerous too! *Grabs nuclear bomb*

  22. Now it's Memorial day! :P

  23. Ok, dude, you should REALLY make your self well known to BZPower. You shouldn't just post in one topic! Go out there and do...stuff!

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