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Blae Durian

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Status Updates posted by Blae Durian

  1. I was just too lazy to post in there.

  2. Why is it that theres no one who says random things that start topics in here?

  3. Heh. I found out a while ago. You know, you really shouldn't have put that TNTR folder on majhost.com while you were still working on it.

    And I need a life too...:P

  4. Xaeraz, you scare me sometimes...

  5. DUDE!





  6. *Grins from knowing what TNTR probably means*

  7. ...I'll join you!


  8. Yeah. I just put it

  9. Really? You know, you should make a kit later on. Well, uh, yeah. I want to see them.

  10. *Takes out cute little kraata of fear*

    Kraata: Fear me!

    *sniff* *sniff* Do you have corn?

  11. I just got on so yeah.

  12. Wow. You haven't gotten any comments before this one? Thats sad...

  13. But it's Muffin Time...*Cries*

  14. *Grabs muffin and watches*

  15. Then fear the power of my aspargus sword!

  16. But seriously, I want a new display name, but I can't think of anything. It should have something to do with Blade Titan974. I would put this in my blog, but I don't have one yet. I'm thinking about making it an actual Matoran name, but it would still have to include Blade Titan974 in a way.

  17. I'm going to change my name to Blade Titan974 T5! :D

  18. WOAH! Woah! Woah. Woah...


    Thats good?


    But seriously, you might close your comics?! *Screams*


    Have you noticed I've been saying ?! a lot lately?

  19. OH MY EGGS! A CREAM MUFFIN!?! *Dies like Onepu*

  20. DuBlEz ZoMg!1q3y3y!!!!!!!

    By the way unfortunately, I can't make my Steak Boy comedy on his birthday. But, I'm still going to go birthday crazy! Heck, I'll even throw in a comic!

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