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Status Updates posted by Grantaire

  1. You have to get AIM, Mangs.

  2. You have? :P


  3. You know the rules and so do I

  4. You know, whenever I see you, I instantly think 'Veef' :P

    Serves me right for RPing so much...

  5. You lie! I was in there for years and the food was awesome!

    However I DID get thrown in there because I demanded that I be fed bread made out of sawdust accompanied By pig slops.....

  6. You need to get a more distinct avatar. So far, i have mixed your posts up with those of about a half dozen other people who have the exact same avatar as yourself. :P

  7. You talk and sound exactly like him. :P

  8. You're a break from the everyday life of BZP :P

  9. You're alive! Now I need to start a duckling hunt! XD

    1. Aderia


      no you don't, because I just paid you your long overdue review on WT, so if you touch a single one of my ducklings, I will personally see to it you never see one of my reviews on one of your stories again :P

  10. You're like, never on AIM. What happened?

  11. You're talking about that kingdom of whachamacallit: Life on earth, right? Can't think of any other one :P

  12. You're welcome.

    Hey, just realized you're Christian too!

    What RPGs do you play? Haven't seen you in any...

  13. Your avatar makes jean Valjean look creepy. O.o

  14. your entry about the march for life made my day.

    That is the first time I've seen anything on it here.

  15. Your idea about an RPG sounds nice but it would create a lot of spam and god-modding.

  16. Your majesty, you must die

  17. Your member interview is officially out of date :P (You HAVE posted in the BBC forum :P)

  18. Your name=awesomeness. XP

  19. Your quote about the duck = awesomeness.

  20. Your sig is awesome. *Adds to favorite quote block.*

  21. Your sig is evil! I crack up laughing every time I see it!

  22. Zar or Zarayna. I will not describe the pain I inflict on people who cal me Zaranya (Glares at Akaku)

  23. Zarayna ran up to Akaku and slashed his head off with one swipe. Anger glittered in the Toa of Sonic's eyes as he kicked the head of Akaku a good two hundred yards away.


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