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Kanaya Maryam

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Status Updates posted by Kanaya Maryam

  1. I assume your average day starts with talking to corporate, and ends with death by crashing to the sun? :P

    The Lonely Island FTW. I'm thinking of changing my sig to a screenshot from Boombox.

  2. Hi miss Tufi. I just wanted to apologize for my rather insensitive topic. I didn't think it through first before i posted it. It won't happen again. :)

  3. Wait, you're the kind of person who says what's on their mind without sugarcoating it. I understand.

    Still, that kinda hurt. :P

  4. Wait, you're the kind of person who says what's on their mind without sugarcoating it. I understand.

    Still, that kinda hurt. :P

  5. Dude, i'm sorry if my last topic offended you or anything, but i'm not even a popular MOCist. Saying i'm overrated is worse than actually bashing me.

  6. So, you don't play the Touhou games?


  8. Lol. Mata Nui Fsjdal.


  9. Cryoshell AND Pink. :D

  10. Wait, you're not gonna make it super ugly and say that's how i requested it/you imagine me, are you? :/

  11. Draw a human version of Sevrakh! :D

  12. "Freakingly Huge" Otaku? I'd say you're still a Novice Otaku because you don't play Eroge, don't watch or read Ecchi Anime and Manga, and don't collect Figma, Nendoroid, or Revoltech. ;D

  13. Actually, i've liked Naruto since 2007. But just caught up with the current chapters last month. :P

  14. Welcome Home. It was really awesome. :D

  15. Dude, your MOCs are awesome! Kinda reminds me of KylerNuva's works.

    Also, the Mining Mech i saw on your Brickshelf is WIN. It inspired me for a new character...

  16. Your new Av/Sig/Profile Pic theme is WIN.


  17. Woot! Coheed and Cambria!

    I've only listened to one song, but it was awesome enough for me to become a fan. :P

  18. *Gasp* I missed your Burfday. D:

    Oh well, i'll say Happy Birthday anyway. :P

  19. Woot! You like LFG!

  20. Curse your username!

    I just lost the game. I almost went for 2 months without remembering, too. :/


    First Comment Woot!


    It should be more transparent. :P

  23. Hey, i know you from MOCPages! =D

  24. After 2 years, i've reached 1000 Posts.


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