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Kanaya Maryam

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Status Updates posted by Kanaya Maryam

  1. Oh my god, you read Red Dead Virgo?!


  2. I ship you with Gamzee. >:I

  3. To be honest, i don't know. I'm just naturally tidy. :P

    It helps if you zoom in until you can't zoom anymore in MSPaint.

  4. Oh, and i added you on MSN. B|

  5. I thought they were lighting effects. ._.

  6. Yes, yes i did. =D

    Late reply is late. =P

  7. Holy crud, i thought you were Nikira. XD

  8. And now it's no longer my OTP. D=

    Still hot, though. =D

  9. What's this i hear about making a Terezi Bust?

    Do it.

    I would love you forever. 8D

  10. Yes, yes it was. >:]

    And darnit, Hussie's messing up my shipping chart! D:

  11. I'm fine, thanks. :P

  12. That may be, my friend...

    That may be... >:/

  13. Blackouts suck, man... :/

  14. I came here because i saw Mike Shinoda.

    Awesome sig and av. >8D

  15. Hey there Aradia.

    Or should i call you Erodia? Because of what you made?


  16. Your current name is so awesome.

  17. Lol, i did not know that. :P

  18. Wait, wait, wait, wait...

    You're a POBZPC?

    Why didn't i notice this? O_o

  19. Hurp well okay then. :I

  20. You were Kanaya? O_o

  21. You misspelled Serket.


  22. You're not Terezi... >:/


  23. I assume you're gonna be the next Vriska? :I

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