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Kanaya Maryam

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Status Updates posted by Kanaya Maryam

  1. Hey there Tornadinlo.

  2. Yes. Yes you are.


    Though, some people have other theories... >:]



  3. There are several sites that provide rotating signature and avatar services, i would link it here, but the one i use has forums. Just right click my sig and view the image info for the URL.

  4. So you like MSPA AND Scott Pilgrim?


    My friend, you are officially an awesome person.

  5. Woo! Scott Pilgrim FTW!

  6. Teehee, you're pretty naughty for noticing that.. >XD

  7. Oh hey.




    *runs off laughing*

  8. I've never watched Con Air 'til the end. I loved him in Ghost Rider, though.

    What're your thoughts on Equius wiping his sweaty face with your poster?

    God, this is less fun without my typing quirk. :(

  9. It's a Webcomic/Flash Game Hybrid with an Apocalyptic theme. Try Googling it, i can't give you the link here because the site has Forums and NSFW ads. :/

  10. Haha, thanks! Sorry i forgot to tell you. XP

    It's a reference to Homestuck, btw. ;)

  11. Oh, sorry. Should've known that. :/

    I'll stop using them then.

    Thanks for reminding me. :P

  12. I saw your name on MSPAF.

    So, you basically discovered Scratchification? :P

  13. SO... WH4T DO W3 DO NOW? SHOULD W3 RP 4S the TROLLS? >:P

  14. UMMM...

    N1C3 W34TH3R W3'R3 H4V1NG. >XP


  15. Is it weird that we're supposed to be Matesprits now?




    Lol, just kidding, i just said that to freak you out. XD

  16. Dude, are you trying to imitate Sollux?

    ...Yeah, you should work on that. XP

  17. Hehe, yeah, i did. :P

  18. Also, the only way it could be more awesome is if Dave was the one dressed up as Simon.

  19. YOUR N3W N4M3 1S W1N. >:D

  20. YOUR S1G MAD3 M3 SQU33! XD

  21. Y3S, Y3S 1 4M. >;]

  22. Nah, probably a resized or cropped version of that IRL Boy-Skylark pic i showed you. :P

    Or a page/ flash screenshot that is just too awesome to resist. :D

  23. H3Y VR1SK4, WH4SSUP? >:]

  24. Also Rai, to answer your statement in my profile, i'm working on one right now. :D

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