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Everything posted by ~TKM~

  1. And I don't even have to pay for plane tickets! Cuz I live about 2 miles away! So if you look for me, good luck. I'll be the blond kid in the Mariners T-shirt. One of the many blond kids with Mariners T-shirts.
  2. [importantannouncement] Ahem. Toasters are really ovens.[/importanannouncement] TORCHICS > MUDKIPS. Go ahead. Sue me.
  3. ~TKM~


    Horray! Pokemon Platinum is out! :dances: ... Man, I wish I could read Japanese...
  4. 42 Cower in fear of the great number! The meaning of life! The universe! AND EVERYTHING!!! Look at the number of entries in this blog. Blink. Look again. Have a heart attack as you realize that you are looking at the meaning of life! The universe! AND EVERYTHING!!! It's true. I met and old man on a mountain once. I asked him what the meaning of life was. He said 42. This entry therefore must have some importance. Somehow. Dunno how. Someting to do with toasters though. Y'now what I like on toast? Jam. Mmm. Jam made from blackberries. Except I don't like picking blackberries. Too many thorns. Like cacti. Cacti are spiky. Like Bionicle gears. Gears have gone exctinct though. They're all gone now. Pity. Ah well. Like dinosaurs. Man, those things are ugly. Like lizards...oh, wait. Y'now, lizards are like Pokemon. I've spent over 609 hours on those games. Why are there 60 minutes in an hour, anyways? Why not 50 or 48909876543212345678902345678876554757654745675467 minutes? That's a big number. I bet there's a toaster with that many watts somewhere. Y'now what I like on toast? Jam. Mmm. Jam made from blackberries. Except I don't like picking blackberries. Too many thorns. Like cacti. Cacti are spiky. Like Bionicle gears. Gears have gone exctinct though. They're all gone now. Pity. Ah well. Like dinosaurs. Man, those things are ugly. Like lizards...oh, wait. Y'now, lizards are like Pokemon. I've spent over 609 hours on those games. Why are there 60 minutes in an hour, anyways? Why not 50 or 48909876543212345678902345678876554757654745675467 minutes? That's a big number. I bet there's a toaster with that many watts somewhere... Mission make the most random entry ever: ACCOMPLISHED. Quote of the day:
  5. You'll see...you'll see... Quote of the day(new feauture): -Black Mage, 8-Bit-Theater
  6. ~TKM~


    My sister is the most *censored* *censored* *censored* *censored* *censored* *censored* *censored* *censored* *censored* *censored* *censored* *censored* *censored* *censored* *censored* *censored* to ever live.
  7. I'm back from my trip! THE HATED ONE (AKA my sister) made us come back a day early because she didn't want to camp but she WILL die... *insert Imperial March here* So. What'd I miss? Comment or die.
  8. ~TKM~

    Oh Mr. Walrus...

    YOU FOUND the BUKKIT? ~Tkm~
  9. ~TKM~

    Avatar Finale: 8d

    There is no season 4. I went ahead in time and ate it. Also, I could'nt go past 12/21/12.
  10. ~TKM~

    Needs Moar Comments

  11. ~TKM~

    New Stuff

    Congrats! Iv'e always wanted to go to E3...
  12. OK, so I'm changing my name as we speak. I'm gonna change it to TKM, or something like that. Also, I'm leaving for Tuscon, AZ, to visit my granndad. We're camping the entire way down. So, don't expect to see me much until the 1st of August. At least. Bye 4 now, ~TKM~ EDIT: Comment here or you will die.
  13. ~TKM~

    Best. Post. Ever.

  14. ~TKM~

    Hey, Bfahome!

    I want to eat it.
  15. ~TKM~


  16. ~TKM~


    Insanity?! Insanity?!? No... THIS...IS...SPARTAAAAAAAAA!
  17. ~TKM~

    No Way!

    Indyindyindyiondyindyindyindyindy indyyyy!
  18. 'Nuff said. EDIT: Look at his sig! 'Nuff Said!
  19. I didn't know where to put this... Name: Kazvir Species: Toa w/ adaptive armor Side: OoMN Tool: Staff of Stuff Mask: Golden Pakari Nuva Method of Combat: Slash/ stab/ shoot stuff out of my staff/ Tae Kwon Do Vehicle: A golden board similar to Lhikan's Homeland: Metru Nui Friends: Several OoMN agents, Artahka, The First Toa (can't reveal her name till Jul. 15th.) Status: Alive, spying on the Dark Hunters and crooks in Metru Nui. Gender: Male Element: Anything and everything. Enemies: The Dark Hunters and the Makuta. People I hold a grudge against: Axxon, for personal reasons.
  20. *Shoots, shanks, decapitates, incinerates, and 'splodes you all at once* BURNED!
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