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Erebus Toa of Darkness

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Status Updates posted by Erebus Toa of Darkness

  1. You sir, deserve a cookie. You were the first one who got who 6 was based off of.

  2. My profile changes based on my mood. And always contains ponehs.

  3. You are one of the busiest admins I have ever seen.... You are everywhere 0_0

  4. Hey buddy waitin on you to progress.

  5. Battling Makuta.... He stands no chance against my High Caliber Sniper Scythe!

  6. Heir of the Chronicler is doing some custom work for one of my mocs. Super excited to see what it's going to look like with all the reprinted bits and a new weapon!

    1. Chro


      Good to hear he's back in business after he got hurt.

  7. So I have 3 female mocs I need to bring to life and no idea on how to make a torso for them :'( anybody have any thoughts?

    1. Chro


      Don't use Nuva shoulders.

  8. I'm baaaackkk! And I'll have mocs coming in soon! Toa Erebus 2.0, Matoran Erebus, Selene, Matoran of Moonlight and finally an unnamed Toa of Psionics.

  9. Please dont double post and revive topics that have seen activity for over twenty days

  10. Welcome to Bzp dude. I look forward to hearing your review for Reshef and gladly call you friend. :)

  11. Sorry Omi. I guess I need to brush up on my BZP rules

  12. I reported him to Bionicle Rex

  13. Im not you dad nor do I think that anybody on this site has any desire to be your dad. If I get another stupid comment on my profile like that then I will report you to one of the staff

  14. I see the Chronicler of Wiki Nui has visited my profile

  15. Do you have Vezon and Fenrakk. If so check my Trade Topic

  16. Dude listen. You are going to have to wait awhile because Toa_Ausar and Fireknight are trading me right now. I have limited funds, and i cant be mailing stuff to all these different ppl in a few weeks because i quit my job and I dont start my new job until sunday. So we will postpone our trade until further notice

  17. He should be a Trusted Trader. He won't rip you off and makes good deals

  18. both are nice mocs. wish i had those pieces i want to build one two

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