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Blog Comments posted by Seranikai

  1. Pardon me for saying this, but your idea for the Crystal village sounds awfully like the Av-Toran village. Even some of the Matoran points, like them being few and far between, and being able to change color.

    Yes, but this is so much more awesome.


    Transparent Toa = yayyyyy


    Also, trans-glitter-clear Avohkii. There's a thought.



  2. Am I the only one here with no memory whatsoever of the MoL teaser trailer or its music? :unsure:

    Yes. It was the one where it just showed the Mask, with beads of light flashing across it.

    Still don't recall it. But maybe that's because I didn't really start keeping tabs on the online BIONICLE community until 2005 (and didn't get a significant online presence until 2006).

    Then I'm afraid you missed out on the most gorgeous teaser for a Bionicle film ever. Except possibly LoMN. Or WoS. Or maybe even tLR.


    Oh, acronyms, I love you.

    So what was the music like? MNOLG-ish? Some rock medley? Or the more typical orchestral dramatic movie music like you'd hear in typical dramatic movies?

    The section they used was choral and very mysterious, then it gets very dramatic and sounds oddly like the music they actually used in the film.

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