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Everything posted by Seranikai

  1. I hadn't even heard of this before. Ironic, as it's a day of silence and all that. Indeed. -Seran
  2. Seranikai

    Good Results

    Oh, congratulations! It's lovely isn't it. Assuming... -Seran
  3. Seranikai


    That actually sounds like a very enjoyable end. Custard AND fangirls. ^__^ Oh you guys are so cute. =3 -Laka Eww fangirls. -Seran
  4. Seranikai


    But I wanted you to make one so I could see what you thought my brain was like. Then I would make one for you.
  5. Seranikai

    Dsi Get!

    I might buy one. However, I just realised I lost my GBA SP. Lost it. As in, I have no idea where it is. This worries me. -Seran
  6. Seranikai


    I very much want to see it. I love films like that. Also, I made a MOC today. It is a recoloured Inika with a black Miru and Lhikan's blades. It entertained me for a short time whilst I was waiting for Disty to make the brain map he STILL hasn't done yet. But yes. 9.
  7. What if I find a moose and change the pronunciation slightly?
  8. I want a muse too, they sound like fun. Where can I get one?
  9. Seranikai


    Nothing's wrong with black clothing. In fact, it's rather good if you spill paint on it, then you can just go over it with a marker pen. No stains at all. -S
  10. Seranikai

    Hey Guys

    Link on a train. On. A. Train. -S
  11. Seranikai


    Because you just think it is. If it's hard asking one out, ask about seven. Then at least one might say yes. -Seran
  12. Seranikai

    Stressed Out

    We're always here for you. Well, obviously we're not actually here...or there, but still, metaphorically. And we're not here all the time, we have other things to do. But still, you know. So actually, we're not here at all. For you. ... Lovely. -Seran
  13. Seranikai


    It's quite simple...I said I would post a new photo of me, and I did.
  14. I think The Subtle Knife is still my favourite of the trilogy, but I also have to go back and read them all a second time to make sure I understood everything, which I'm not sure I did. And nothing in it offended me at all, yay!
  15. Seranikai


    [ As promised. ]
  16. Seranikai

    Pic Now Relevant.

    Trains = win. Zelda = usually win. Trains + Zelda = probable win.
  17. My school did it once, but due to my long-standing refusal to get involved because of their typecasting and refusal to do anything other than musicals, I didn't get to see it, sadly. I'm told it was rather good though.
  18. Can't beat Brightly Coloured Blobs, tho. =D *Throws Magical Points around somewhat dangerously*
  19. O Disteh, you do make me chuckle.
  20. No, that'd be silly. If you don't have a 'mailbox'.
  21. I am still alive. I have not quit MOCing. Guys are weird. Hair gel is pure love. Exo Toa are annoying. Bohrok Flash Animations entertain rather a lot.
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