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Everything posted by ~Allegretto~

  1. Actually I haven't had a winter here, either, more like a double helping of fall.And I live in Buffalo, where winter normally looks like this...
  2. 2000 words in less than 3 hours yeah! *passes out*

  3. I was actually planning to do this for like months now. XD I'm planning on going with a few friends on Friday. With luck they'll be in stock.
  4. Sounds like me. Also me. Well, younger me. Eeyup. See: 8th grade. Most of the things I do, actually... (sixteenth notes are the reason I stop learning any given song)
  5. You know, you need to start spicing things up a little. Post an entry with a title like this... and not have a wet mane pony!
  6. Some hobby shops and anime stores should have them, and there are a few websites devoted to selling Gunpla.I remember seeing a store in Toronto that had tons of Gunpla, but I didn't get any and I forgot where it was... :/
  7. ~Allegretto~


    I am going to punch you in the face if you don't st-- Wait. Punch...
  8. These puns are melting my braiiiiiiiiiin

    1. Scanty Demon

      Scanty Demon

      That's why you don't post pictures of wood and use it describe your mood.

    2. ~Allegretto~


      Hmm... maybe I should make this a regular thing... My Mood as Wood, or something...

  9. I didn't get that for a second... Then I did and double facepalmed. >/)(\<
  10. Romanced Ashley once for the Achiev, romanced Tali three times because she's just that great, and maybe I'll make a FemShep to romance Garrus with. Killed Kaidan once because I was romancing Ashley, killed her off on my second game for variety, but saved Wrex both times because he's cool. Jeong I killed once because I couldn't do the Paragon check, and kept alive the second time.Kept everyone alive twice through the suicide mission (doing the third now), but I honestly don't really like Miranda because the way her facial expression never changes a bit is kinda creepy, or kinda Jacob because there are better squadmates. Garrus and Tali I always liked, but ME1 Garrus was better, at least aesthetics-wise; I liked his silhouette better in the original, and there's kinda the hole in his armor in ME2. The alternate appearance pack fixes that, but I don't particularly like the orange eyepiece. Liara is kinda awkward in the first game in an unfunny way, and then her personality completely whiplashes in ME2 and I'm not really sure I like that either (never got Shadow Broker so I might be missing some stuff here).Jack and Thane both have interesting backstories (sorta Miranda too, but less so and HER FACE), Grunt is kinda funny; not as good as Wrex but I still like him (I also like when his conversation sequences end he says he has everything he needs and not some garbage about not wanting to talk or needing to do calibrations for the rest of eternity). Samara and Legion both give detail about their cultures (and all the references Legion makes are great), Morinth is dumb so I've killed her every time because I'd feel irrationally guilty if I killed Samara, even if I went back and redid it, Kasumi and Zaeed were good, Zaeed because of all the stories, and Kasumi because she's funny, her loyalty mission was pretty fun, and her room is the only one that has any personality to it, and Mordin... sings. Also there's the whole talk with Shepard about the sterilization and comfortable positions, and... yeah okay.
  11. >Sounds like you're being punished right now >Sounds like you're being punished >you're being punished >being punished >punished >pun oh dear god
  12. you guys oh my god all the puns my poor brain
  13. ~Allegretto~


  14. I have the HG Stargazer, actually. :wub:The Civilian Astray DSSD Custom is less wub, though; the shoulders and backpack keep falling apart.
  15. I think I remember something a while back about Ashleigh Ball getting a throat illness; maybe that affected this ep. I didn't hear any differences in the other characters, though; I'll have to watch again.
  16. I actually didn't notice anything, aside from Twilight getting blurred when Spike first came down the stairs. :X I thought the lack of Doctor Whooves was kinda funny, actually. (Needed a DeLorean, though...)
  17. I feel like this entire episode was directed at me... Anyway, liked the Greek mythology references, the nod to Pinkie Sense, and that ending. Also Spike's dream lol
  18. Just watched Stargazer last night. Really liked it, but I feel like some of the technology was out of place, specifically the space shuttle and those space suits.Also GINN-type Insurgent.
  19. I think they're just experimenting a bit, like with the vanishing points in Lesson Zero, and the 3D effect in the latest episode. I actually don't have any of the blind bags... just AJ and her truck, along with a brushable Rarity.
  20. Well, her older sister IS a marshmallow, after all... ohgodimplications
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