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Everything posted by ~Allegretto~

  1. Eurobeat Brony The Perfect Stallion (Euromance Mix) [No solo] Becoming Popular (Canterlo Disco Mix) Art of the Dress (Euro Fashion Mix) So Many Wonders (EuroSky Mix) Luna [DREAM MODE] d.notive Let Your Mane Down WoodenToaster Beyond Her Garden [No intro] UnanimousDelivers Night of Nights agh the autocorrect on the title (Prolly shouldn't have played Night of Nights first, in hindsight...)
  2. As long as there's still armor customization and ODST armor I'll be alright. :PNo health packs I'm not worried about; it was that way in H3 and it was fine. Chief's armor and the BR I'm still iffy on, though.
  3. ~Allegretto~

    Anyone Else Awake?

    I'm awake! Wait, it's 10:30 in the morning now...
  4. Where have I heard this before... ... I got nothing.
  5. I only ever got Takadox and Pridak, but Ehlek was definitely my favorite. Just his design, and pretty much everything about him set-wise I liked.
  6. ~Allegretto~


    Well, I'm not consciously eating them then, so I'm more okay with it than realizing there's a fly swimming in my juice. I'm fine with people eating bugs, as long as it isn't me.
  7. ~Allegretto~


    lolol I c wat you did thar Well if you want to drink it be my guest, but I'll pass. Ew EW (loljk no offense EW if you're reading this which you prolly aren't but w/e) Yeeeeah, not particularly my favorite flavor... I can get protein from other things thanks. Like beef! Beef is good...
  8. William Anderson did, actually. I think he said it was going to be a 2-parter too...
  9. ~Allegretto~


    >Mom has leftover juice fro. the candied kumquats she's making >Decide to drink it >Realize there's a dead bug floating in it >Already took a sip Excuse me while I go wash my mouth out. With soap. For the next few hours.
  10. Well, you should take the only logical course of action. Travel back in time so you can watch the livestream, of course! (or watch the 1080p online version but that doesn't involve DeLoreans or police boxes)
  11. Finished Seed Destiny... Gundams were pretty nice, characters were pretty meh.Also trying to decide between watching Stargazer or Stardust Memory next.
  12. Newegg; apparently they were still selling. :shrug:
  13. Big Mac. Or if CheeriMac then Twixie. If not Twixie then TwiDash, but if Double Rainbow or AppleDash, then TwiRarity, else Twilestia, else Twiluna, else forever alone.
  14. 1-2 days, but I still have a ME2 save to work through so as long as it's coming I can wait a bit for the extra stuff.
  15. So hopefully I'll be preordering the Collector's Edition sometime within the next 2 and a half hours... Thank goodness I have a brother to split the costs with.
  16. ~Allegretto~

    3065 Words

    College syllabi. I'm supposed to look one up and write a paper about it.
  17. ~Allegretto~

    3065 Words

    Can you write my Lit paper for me? It only needs to be 1500 words!
  18. Well, I didn't undo it so that has to count for something, right? Besides I already consider you a friend.
  19. >Doesn't recognize Aibohphobia >Accidentally clicks Add Friend instead of Display Name History >Realizes it's Eeko Oh thank God it wasn't some random person.
  20. Xbox Live. I mean, I have MSN, but I don't really use it. because I was afk
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