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Status Updates posted by ~Allegretto~

  1. No, you said that to me. I said I dream of cheese, not Potu.

  2. Aaand we're back.

  3. O_o What kind of face was THAT?

  4. Aaand we're back.

  5. I could punch you if you want... :P

  6. Sorry I've been away for so long, MT; music trip to Virginia Beach.

  7. So basically less than a week.

    Also, it's Mongeesises. ;)

  8. Also, yes it would. But given that Caliga and Sumiki both thought it was... You know, it might be a necessary measure

  9. No, that's what I want you to think. Because it's TRUE.

  10. You could always just watch one of the 5 movies; they only last about an hour each.

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