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Status Updates posted by Tradakk

  1. Redwall ftw

    ... That is Redwall, yes? =P

  2. "Swertyuiop"

    ^THAT is going directly into my signature.

  3. I just realized...

    I never PMed you back those two chapters, did I? >.>

  4. Go Jesus!

    And Cheese!

    ... =D

  5. I paid 11 dollars. ^.^

  6. Ya.

    ... =o!


  7. *Gasps*

    I WANT YOUR AV!!!!

    *froths at mouth*

  8. In other news

    I got the new Flobots album :3

  9. WHOOZAT?!

    Oh, it's you. Hai!

  10. So you know, the quote in your signature is misspelled. It's "business". =)

  11. ... please?...

  12. Hey.

    And yes... yes you did.


  13. *Picks up Ignika and resurrects TtW, in the process dying*

    ... I'd say something but I'm dead.

  14. *demands you sign on*

  15. She can be aaaaaanyone at all~

  16. DX

    I give you 5, 'cause you deserve it. =D

  17. I'll be off for a few days to a week; I need to straighten some stuff out. =)

    Bye guys.

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