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Everything posted by Leynok

  1. I'm guessing he closed it because of an overload of requests, and he will have Black Six open it back up when he's finished them all.

  2. Why, is something wrong with my language skills? When did I say that everything is a signature?

  3. Do you still have Rock Raiders on your computer?

  4. I wouldn't expect you to know. It's alright, I probably would have asked the same question when I was a new member.

  5. About the friends request, I use my friend's list mainly for people I talk to frequently. I don't need you on my friend's list because you're already my friend, and I consider most people on this site a friend.

  6. In your signature, you say that you refuse to have a signature. Well, by saying that, you are having a signature, therefore that statement is not true.

  7. I was able to fix Jala's Hau, because of your help. Thanks, I appreciate it.

  8. It's fine. I don't mind, and I understand how it is to have lots of homework. If you ever start any pixel-projects, you can send me a message and I'll comment. Thanks for that edit, by the way.

  9. I really like all of your Pixel-Art, it is quite impressive.

  10. I like those banners you made, very artistic.

  11. He's been busy with Homework.

    I don't mind, as long as you check every year or two.

  12. Hi! I'm one of the members on this site. If you need any help, comment on my page. I hope you enjoy it here! :)

  13. That's sad. Did he leave because he was no longer interested in Bionicle?

  14. You look stout, Dlakii... you should consider a career in the Guard. :P

  15. Did you receive my message?

  16. You aren't allowed to have a banner that large on this site. I would remove it until you have time to make it the right size.

    Welcome to this site! :) If you need any help, just pm me.

  17. Hi Slicer! I just wanted to say that the stories that you've written are excellent. I really enjoyed reading Gladiator, even though I didn't finish it. Keep it up!

  18. Yoda is so fitting on your page... Is he munching on a Chocolate Frog?

  19. Wow! *Watches Xaeraz being destroyed*

  20. Why are you listed as GreenBionicleGuy362 on the front page? A glitch?

  21. Hey, no need to make fun of him.

  22. Just one more post... You can do it Dlakii!

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