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Everything posted by Leynok

  1. Did you? And how is the Time Machine going?

  2. Any reason for it?

  3. I didn't know you were female...

  4. Weird name...

  5. Haven't seen you around for a while...

  6. So, did you enjoy playing the game?

  7. Wow, I didn't know so much cruelty could be contained in one profile!

  8. Your sig is too big. Go to the signature guidelines topic.

  9. Sweet Ness.


  10. Sweet Ness!

  11. Insteresting name...

  12. Hello? Anyone home?

  13. Did you get my pm? Yes, I'm impatient.

  14. Also, could you give some examples of difficult-to-pronounce Bionicle words?

  15. How did you get Brisingr that early?

  16. Nice Bohrok drawing by the way! :)

  17. I know. It sounds out thought. And I like it better as Ga-Metruan. I guess I have to deal with it. =(

  18. Lepaka is totally cooler than Leppy. You should change your name...

  19. It's easier to say, for one. Plus it's confusing to say Ga-Metruian. =P

  20. You spent a lot of work on that game!

  21. And what is your help center going to do?

  22. What! I'm not your number 1 best friend! I'm going to go off and cry...

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