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Everything posted by Leynok

  1. Look at your comments.

  2. Look at your comments.

  3. Now that I look at it more closely, it's even more confusing. :P

  4. You ever going to change that name to Ga-Metruan?

  5. You around? It seems like there ain't no more o' them pixel-artaists 'round heres.

  6. Hi, I think you should change your banner to flash, just for fun, and make the button link to your profile.

  7. Wow, quite a bit of pointless ramble on your page. I feel sorry for you...

  8. it sys it uner hiz prsonl statmnt lol

  9. Why haven't you responded to any of those pm's that I sent you a while back?

  10. You thought my Avatar was perfect? Well, I had to change my name....

  11. We could do a crit-swap, if you want. I need to fix my Pakari... So, you up to it?

  12. Would you be willing to tell me what to change, if you know, of my sprites? Or are you too busy?

  13. I've finally gotten myself to sprite. Finished a few masks and half-completed a suva. Have you completed any sprites recently?

  14. Hi, welcome to BZPower! If you need any help, just comment on my page.

  15. It's fine. Hey, have you ever tried making Isometric poses of a sprite?

  16. You should really continue working on your game, t'was quite good!

  17. There's something about Rayg on a picture of Karda Nui...

  18. Why did you change your Avatar? It was perfect, and then you had to change it...

  19. Do you want to be called a Geek?

  20. Nice Avatar...

  21. Haven't heard from you in a while.

  22. I don't get a prize?

  23. Welcome to BZPower! If you need any help, just comment on my page (because you can't send messages yet.)

  24. Do I get a prize?

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