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Blog Entries posted by JINZONINGEN 73

    Why don't like Transformers or Gundam or any other mecha toy line think ahead?
    Would it be SO hard to include an out of the way peg or slot so, after say, 10 years of collecting them and being a good customer, they could all combine into a HUGE freaking gestalt?
    Then again, I think I just thought of a problem... you get dorks like me who've been doing it awhile.
    Collapse. Fall. Crush. Lawsuit.
    (New avatar.)

    And, just because they ARE that awesome:
    EDIT: Found another beautiful piece...

    What the heck? I clicked on "past usernames" in my profile and noticed I'm coming up on 7 years here.
    What's up with that?
    For a moment I thought this might be the site I've had the longest account at, but then I realized the one over at... well, it's a site that has many flash videos and a cool flash portal with lots of blam. That one I've been at since like late 1999 or something.
    Still... I feel like I need to do something festive. It'd be better to wait until like a 10 year anniversary, but I have a feeling world events may get in the way of that.
    Or that's what I feel like.
    Every day, I lift like a 300lb. electric scooter off the porch, likewise, lifting it back on the porch.
    The other day, I did this like 4 times because we kept going out all day.
    Later in the day, I went bike riding (something I haven't done in years).
    I wasn't really out of breath when I got home and I didn't feel exhausted. I lifted the bike onto the porch, put my keys in the door and then my ears went "PWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHRRRRRR" like I just went underwater.
    I got vertigo and my vision went ALL the heck blurry.
    I just stopped and stood there, looking around at things just to see how weird everything looked.
    Finally going inside, I was hit with massive nausea, like that hot, sweaty feeling you get right before you hurl from drinking too much hard stuff too fast.
    I just stood there about 2 minutes in the livingroom, not DARING to move.
    Then I walked over to the diningroom table and sat down, putting my head on my arms like a kid in school lol.
    Well, I didn't throw up, it all went away after about 10 minutes, but my ears are KILLING me.
    Then today, I was lifting a freaking heavy box of diecast metal, BOOM. My ears feel like they're pushing outwards.
    So like, huh?
    I should also note that when my hearing first went crazy on the porch, I could hear the kids over at the playground (VERY far away) as if they were just a few feet from me... which is nuts... they were easily 500ft. away and not talking all that loud. That happened once or twice in my life before, but not from a trauma of some sort.
    I'm now afraid to pick up anything heavier than a cracker.
    ...This better be something that heals itself over time...
    I choose not to vote.
    Voting is not real. It is a laughable thing that the people who control this world present to the people to make them think THEY are choosing their leaders.
    The world is more corrupt than it has ever been before and the reality that voting = choice is a thing of the past.
    Hey, I want a better world. I want change. But that would come in the form of winding the hands on the clock of the government backwards... this of course will never be allowed to happen.
    Don't take my word alone on this. No, YOU search this out for yourself. Words like "corruption", "fraud", "tampering" go great in search engine along with the word "voting".
    Oh well, it was a nice world while it lasted.
    It's all downhill from here.
    Yah, so I was getting antsy for Halloween and jumped the gun on carving my pumpkin.
    Then I went out and bought some stuff to go with it.
    Before tax, it's under 35 bucks. Not too bad, though I'd like to have done more:

    Purple lightbulb, $1, dollar store.
    Black plastic rose (as the "star" on the tree lol), $1, dollar store.
    Purple pre-strung christmas tree, $20, Walmart.
    Orange garland with beetle silhouettes, $3, Walmart.
    Black and neon green electric jack-o-lantern, $6, Walmart.
    Pumpkin, $4, supermarket.
    (Always have candles laying around.)

    This time I was smart. When you carve a pumpkin, you should put a candle in there as soon as you can, for the heat closes the pores open inside and reduces the ability for bacteria to drink up all that sweet water content, making the guy rot faster.
    Last year I was stupid. I put a candle in, but it was a candle that was housed in glass. That's bad. It gives off heat, but not ENOUGH heat... giving it just a nice, jungley environment for bacteria to thrive.
    My jack-o-lantern was a mess in under 4 days!
    This year I not only used a really hot-burning candle, but shoved a hairdryer in there about 20 minutes.
    Some say you can also spray gloss sealant on the inside, but, well, I have none lol.
    If I had the cash, I'd put more pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns underneath the tree, like christmas presents. There's probably a danger in that though, having candle-lit pumpkins underneath a plastic tree that could fall over on them if the wind gets crazy.


    Remember kids, it's not Halloween if you don't at LEAST:
    A. Carve a pumpkin into a jack-o-lantern.
    B. Light it up inside... with FIRE.
    Even with fire, I'll probably need to carve 2 more pumpkins up between now and Halloween. They only last so long y'know...
    (Jack-o-lantern, 2006) http://www.majhost.com/gallery/JINZONINGEN...loween_2006.jpg
    (Jack-o-lantern, 2007) http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2371/161279...6778143ba_b.jpg
    EDIT: EW! The one I did this year and the one from 2007 look nearly identical!!!
    Main difference being, the one this year can't hold a cigarette in it's mouth.
    How weird... it was totally unintentional.
    Hypothetically speaking, if you knew someone in charge of picking and choosing who continues on and who doesn't during the end of times, and the passage through to "life" was almost as small as the time you had to squeeze people through...
    ...would you be mad at them for picking only the BEST people in the world, not allowing possibly you or your loved ones through?
    Or would you pity them and try to not slow down their already hard job?
    (Worse yet, would you be trying to harm them, if you were given the chance?)
    Well, once again we've moved.
    That makes this the SIXTH house we've lived in in this town since we came here in 2002.
    Now back in Jersey, lots of stuff went on.
    When we moved here, all i saw was the first day we moved in... I was walking through the house for the very first time, in the dark and trying out light switches as I made my way up.
    When I got to the attic, before I found the switch, there was a giant, gaseous-looking green ball on the ceiling, it got brighter, expanded, then went up through the ceiling.
    And that was it, which is a VERY strange place for me to find myself in after a lifetime of weirdness, shadow creatures, apparitions and all sorts of hardly credible junk.
    A few years ago, I got a tug on my shirt while at one of the other places we were living.
    And that too was it.
    Well, this place seems to be different already.
    My wife has weird feelings here, which, knowing her, might actually mean she's seeing A LOT more than she's actually saying. She's weird like that, as well as it being a way of obeying some "higher laws" of disclosure that I'd lose most of you on if I went too deep in explaining.
    Aaaanyway, I'm sitting in my room watching Ghost Hunters (lol) and a few minutes later a ball of white light moves from one side of the closet door to the other.
    No explanation.
    Then the other day I was gone, over at the other house still packing up some of my stuff.
    I get back at 4:30 AM and my wife and our friend are frazzled (and armed with a steak knife!) while being clearly alarmed to find I hadn't been there at 1:30 AM.
    Apparently, our German Rottweiler girl Midnight went crazy barking down the hallway. Then THEY heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Our friend ran to the stairs thinking it was me... only it wasn't. In fact, it was no one!
    He looked down the stairs (they're not long... maybe only about 10 steps!!!) and the footsteps were coming up them towards him!
    I'll keep you guys posted as things progress.
    I'm guessing they will.
    Looks like the LONG streak of a "normal" life might be coming to an end for me.
    HA! I just remembered when I was younger that it said I'd die at age 33.
    Well, I'm still here 2 years later.
    Then again, it also said something death-like would happen later on at age 58, too.
    Of course by that time, it could mean obtaining a nifty, inorganic body.
    Point? Ouija boards are liars, kids. Don't use'em.
    Bootleg Toy Spotlight 1 - Transmogrifiers "Starholler"

    Lol. Ok, so it's obviously a Transformers toy that's been scaled down greatly to the point it barely moves at all lol. It's name is clearly a pun on "Starscream", but that's just silly... Starscream was never a helicopter!
    The arms don't move upwards, so his gun has to aim diagonally if he's standing.

    The paint jobs on the other few there were TERRIBLE, this was the best.

    I know there's at least two others in the series, one being Galaxy Megatron knockoff. There could be a lot more, if "B6" on the front of the card actually means something.
    They were initially sold at A-Plus mini markets, but I got this guy for $1.99 at a discount outlet near Selingsgrove, PA.
    One sees toys like this and they just want to cry. I mean, the plastic used in it's production could have been turned into something useful, like a few sporks or a part to a much cooler toy.
    You HAVE to read the back of the card... it's better than the toy itself and the sole reason I bought this stupid thing, PERIOD.
    You can tell someone who keeps up on the franchise wrote this, as well as adding humor in in regards to the fact they're bootlegs (Substandrotron lol). Whoever it was, they're awesome lol.

    Allow me to translate it's bled-over, way too bold printing:
    For centuries war raged on the distant world of Substandrotron, a planet of living machines. The
    machine society was divided into two diametrically opposed camps: The heroic Virtuobots and the evil Decievocons.
    When Ubertron, undisputed leader of the Decievocons gained control of the BigSpark, he used its raw power to destroy Substandrotron, scattering both the Virtuobots and Decievocons across the universe.
    In search of a new home, Positivus Prime, leader of the noble Virtuobots located a remote planet called Earth. However, Ultratron and his wicked Decievocons army followed, thus continuing the war here on Earth...
    Wait a minute... Ultratron? I thought they just said he was Ubertron lol.
    In any case, it's great suff lol.
    Notice also this is made by "hot ZONE", the same company who makes most of the toys sold at Turkey Hill mini marts.
    Yes, the same guys who made bootlegs of Sidorak, Keetongu and Roodaka.
    If you got excited by that, you made an infant deity cry.
    I remember seeing a movie called Star Wars.
    It was about a kid who met some droids and an old man.
    They went to a funny bar and hooked up with a space captain and his Wookie friend.
    They saved a princess from some evil guy and then blew his battle station all to heck.
    It was freakin' AWESOME!
    The second one was phenomenal. it had a cool, old jedi master and you found out the bad guy was actually the kid's FATHER! MAN OH MAN, DUDE!
    ...Then there was a third one, and all the main actors were acting cocky and weird.
    Then at the end... eh... the princess was the kid's sister? What?
    The bad dude was the father and the princess was his sister?
    What next, I'm going to find out that the old guy met and saved the kid's mother, that the evil dude (LOL) BUILT one of the droids, the other droid was owned by the kid's mother...
    ...I think the only thing the fanboys writing this junk could add is that maybe Yoda is a special species that develops first as a (censored), and that he was one of Palpatine's before falling off and rolling away to mature into a Jedi knight.
    Sad thing is, I'm sure I'm missing other annoying "coincidences" up there.
    Way to make a special movie not so special anymore.
    Am I missing something here?
    Why would this slapped together piece of garbage, this GAG moc get a bunch of hits and such....
    (Replies 17 / Views 376)
    ...when a moc like this, pretty ###### unique and polished flounders then fails?
    (Replies 7 / Views 222)
    Is it that the photography with the green one, despite being mildly blurry, is easier to see than the black moc?
    Or is it that it really is more popular because it's baby-simple, right down it's baby Duplo blocks?
    It's not the first time, either. It seems like the smaller and more stupid a moc is, the better publicity it gets while thought out mocs that look like they belong in the action figure aisle get steamrolled. Of course, maybe that's the answer right there. Maybe action figures are so abundant in the toy world that even ones made of Lego are "common" and boring looking?
    Still, even here... my most-hit Brickshelf folder: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=82577
    11725 VIEWS?!? I thought them up while sitting on the toilet! They're so small you can count the parts with ease!
    Well THAT didn't work too well.
    I didn't bleach my hair first because I didn't want to be a FREAK... I just wanted dark purple hair.
    Unfortunately, in fluorescent light or in sunlight, my hair looks "shiny", like a mixture of thin white fibers with a bit of purple... almost like when you leave a rave and go out in the sun with clear UV blacklight glow hairspray.
    Disappointing. I wonder what I need to do to get the desired effect, or if it's even possible.
    The brighter pic I lightened up as my stupid camera doesn't reproduce the color or effect faithfully (even though it does in the viewfinder's screen?!?)
    ::looks at new sets::
    ::is interested, but only in a part or two of each set::
    ::goes over to kiosk, hits enter::
    ::selects body type of figure::
    ::selects color of body::
    ::selects head type, color and eyes::
    ::selects limbs and color::
    ::selects weapons and color::
    ::selects add-on options::
    OF COURSE....
    ::some of the parts were not available inside the machine, so the whole thing will be mailed::
    ::tries to pay by credit card, forgetting it was left at home::
    ::prints out receipt and brings it up to the register to pay cash::
    ::impatiently waits by mailbox, but happy::
    I'm whizzed that because they're mass-produced in canisters, that you have so little control over individual colors on some parts. Even with a certain site online that lets you buy used parts, it still doesn't let you get them in whatever color you want.
    ::goes back to sleep::
    ::realizes he's in public with no pants on and is embarrassed::
    ::realizes it's a beach with a female aerobics class going on::
    ::they aren't either:: B)
    Ridge Racer. Riiiiiidge Raaaaaacer!
    So I'm there driving some junky, 1987 Volvo 740 GLE to bring home my 84 year old neighbor from MANHATTAN.
    Now, I was mentally drained since I had to get up at 4am, drive to Manhattan for like 5 or 6 hours, then, well, I was driving in FREAKING MAN-FREAKING-HATTAN... all. day. long.
    Right, so anyways we're on our way back and already into New Jersey on 80 or 81 or whatever it is and I notice a guy coming up off a ramp. I even thought to myself, "Yep, this guy's going to do something reeeeeeal stupid".
    I was right. He waited too long to switch lanes, almost got caught going back down the next ramp (lol!), then veered off at the last second into MY lane.
    I was 100% expecting this, even chuckling to myself at his act of idiocy.
    But then he did something TOTALLY inexplicable... he slams on his freaking brakes!!!
    I instantly did a sharp left turn, then slammed on MY brakes so I could do a... I think it's called a "power drift".
    Smoke was pouring out from under the wheel wells as the poor, ancient tires were being stripped of their outsides as they went sideways at 70MPH.
    Luckily, the fruit basket had realized, "Oh. Hey. I almost made people like, die. They might be mad" and had stepped on it.
    I did a quick glance to see if the big yellow Optimus-looking tractor trailer behind me had caught this whole fiasco going on in time to not flatten me.
    I broke out of the slide by easing up on the brakes juuuust with enough time before impact with the trailer and then SLAMMED the gas pedal as I corrected myself back into going straight the RIGHT way.
    It was actually pretty ###### fun! Now the reason I say Ridge Racer saved my life... man, I was beat. Even though I'd been jacked up on extra-caffeine french vanilla coffee, with about three creamers of Stok-d dribbled into them that I snatched from a convenience store (essentially, the drink was like 8 cups of coffee at once), I was still fallin' asleep.
    The hot sun setting down on my flesh wasn't helpin' junk either.
    Ah, but Ridge Racer... that crazy as ###### techno music was going through my mind, making me feel more alive than ever. As I saw the car come up, I was even thinking of Ridge Racer. Like, I wondered if they'd go straight, do a quick turn, or bump me. Then I thought about what I might need to do... veer off into another lane and get splattered across the highway, creating a 20 car pile-up with a bunch of kids wondering why their parents weren't coming home from work? (lol)
    Or, a power drift? BAM, the driver made me have to choose and I'm certain that without Ridge Racer, me and my friendly bag of bones for a companion would be dead.
    Summary: Long live gabber techno.
    Well, not exactly...
    More like things I hate hearing when people are talking about conspiracies (that are supposedly) theories:
    Hey, maybe they're there, maybe they're not. If the meetings are as secretive as said, no one would ever hear enough to actually be afraid.
    LOL. Reptilians are the new aliens. If you're watching a vid in which someone seems to know EXACTLY what they're talking about, you can expect to have curious individuals show up talking about "reptilian overlords" lol.
    The technology of holograms are getting better every day. Not yet, but eventually they'll get to a "Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope." kind of quality, but we ain't there yet... much less for ones the size of giant vehicles that can be projected into the sky.
    What all these have in common could be one of two things.
    People are good at heart, even some of the worst.
    The idea that some are not might lead people to think up FANTASTIC things like alien intervention as an excuse for the dark things man is capable of (and responsible for).
    A scapegoat... people passing the buck of man's animalistic horror onto fantasy creatures that are inherently evil.
    It's almost cartoon-like. You have the "good" guys who look good, then "bad" guys who are drawn ugly created as the enemies. All to make mankind not look bad.
    To a lesser degree, holograms. Who wants to think that a terrifying event could have so many willing accomplices when it's just easier to say it's one guy with a really awesome projection system?
    As depressing as these things mentioned so far are, realize it's just the cause of people not wanting to believe the world might contain as much darkness as their gut tells them.
    They're not "bad" people, just being overly optimistic towards humanity.
    This one's not so rosy.
    It's also entirely possible that the talk of the more incredulous possibilities for bad things going on are intentionally placed to have the discussions be laughed at.
    If someone walks up to you in school and snags your cell phone out of your pocket, you can ID them in hopes of getting them in trouble.
    But if you ID someone saying that he had scales where skin should be or duped you by creating a holographic version of himself to run distraction while the "real" one reached for your pocket... not only will the people you're going to for help NOT bother, but they'll treat you like a weirdo from there on in.
    SO. Assuming you were a bad person or part of a big pile of bad people in fact capable of doing bad things...
    What would be a good way to stop people who are talking about what you're doing?
    RIGHT... you jump into the conversation and speak of aliens, reptilians and holograms.
    In doing so, any newbies to the discussion will roll their eyes as if ALL the theorists are bonkers... right before they get the heck out of there. Since no one likes to be called a "kook", they'll probably be gone forever, too.
    The sad thing is, to get away with large-scale bad things these days, you don't really even need aliens, reptilians and hologram silliness any more.
    You do whatever these evil things you have planned for people out in broad daylight, in front of everyone.
    Simple... who would believe someone could do evil things to people in broad daylight, in front of everyone?
    (On the plus side, that also means there's plenty of bad things sitting out right in the open for those brave enough to see them.)
    Oooooh yes, the other thing I hate hearing about!
    "PLANET X", also called "Nibiru".
    Ok, SO there might be a planet out there, SO there might be a strange, rare alignment of planets around 2012... but as was said, it's not proven that it's even there!
    While this could be an item used to distract people from serious conversations like was said before, it could, again, be people not wanting to place the blame of atrocities taking place on MAN, instead blaming the cosmos for a multi-planet event that's making people crazy.
    In any case, it's an item to be ignored. What point is worrying about a celestial event in the future that hasn't been proven to even be THERE yet, all the while here in the present men are stealing and doing terrible things to you right in front of your face?
    lol, THAT is "kooky".
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