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Taka Nuvia

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Taka Nuvia

  1. Lol, okay. Now, that y'all feel better: I already mailed my dad about that, so soon my account will be re-Premier, don't worry. All of you. Also: thankies for caring! =J
  2. I just had to empty my pm folders, and what do I read there? You have 756 out of 200 storable messages Or similar. good that the anniversary week is still running - I don't know where I'd have put it otherwise... BO-HOOO! EDIT: Bought life-time Premium membership, so now it should be fixed. ^^
  3. But that would be harsh to myself, and I would cry =/
  4. I'm so glad that the forums are back... - and that I'm able to talk to all of you people again ^^ And that there are comics .. which reminds me - I still have to get the new comic to the End of All hope... ._.
  5. Oh yes, they are. And my duo from the filler series obviously enjoys that ^^
  6. I'm not done greeting yet! But, hey there ^^
  7. Taka Nuvia

    I'm Back!

    Yayz! =D Good to know you're back here, too ^^
  8. *huggles back* It's so AWESOME!! Soo awesome that I can talk to all of you again...
  9. Weird - now that the forums are back I feel the urge to pm/comment everyone whom I've met here... and that would be way too many, I fear. So, if you didn't receive any pms/comments from me: I GREET YOU! Nice to see you again. All of you.
  10. better slooooow than gooonee. but I hope this will get better in the future
  11. I'm still not really believeing that the forums are back up and running... I bet I'll wake up in a few minutes *waits* Oh my, I didn't wake up, so it must be real! =D
  12. Taka Nuvia

    Wings Of Peace

    How do you chose the music you chose? What do you expect from music? I enjoy listening to very emotional music, sometimes dark music, too. But what's most important to me: it should be a song that carries me away, into my dreamworld. It might not be a cheerful place there, but its beautiful. And it's the place where most of my creativity comes from. As well as my nightmares, but that's another story. What fasinates me about sad music is that usually it brings me peace. It gives me time to sort out my feelings, and calm down. Moreover, it gives me so many ideas. And feelings... sometimes it seems like music would be able to restore an empty heart. So, what do you listen to music for?
  13. Taka Nuvia

    -1 Pms?

    So I just got that glitch when cleaning my pm folders... [Look here] Never had it before
  14. I stared... and ended up with "Taco new September weed" nothing I would eat
  15. I fear there's nothing you can do... thanks, though
  16. Taka Nuvia


    ... no way... Yeah. Hey, maybe boobs do scare him/her. And maybe we should not discuss that here.
  17. but how many comic makers let both their real self and their fictional self appear in comics? Sometimes a fictional self ishows what you think of yourself as. Or it is a more exaggerating version of yourself. Or what you'd like to be. Or... nevermind, that's getting to weird for me. ^^
  18. great. now I won'T get this out of my head for ages...
  19. Sadly I don't know much about Halo, so I can't vote ._.
  20. ... I feel so sorry now. I feel sorry for all those who requested drawings from me once. Why? Well, I had them stored in a seperate folder (the pms), and since the Bzpower data crash didn't affect my pm inbox, I didn't care about it much. But today? I looked into it to see what I still have to finish - and it's all cleared! There's nothing left! Therefore: I deeply apologize for not being able to do any of my old requests. I feel so miserable now. ._.
  21. Taka Nuvia

    Filler Time!

    thanks Yeah, I decided to do that this time... also, I'm glad that a few people are actually interested ^^
  22. Taka Nuvia

    Filler Time!

    The new filler series for "The End of All Hope" has started! =D
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