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Touko Fukawa

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Everything posted by Touko Fukawa

  1. You shoot yourself with it.I wish the Makuta ate sopor slime pies and Krillitane oil.
  2. Stormaggedon, Dark Lord Of All, who'se poster got Ninja'dWhy did I have to edit this question in?
  3. Because The Wire kidnapped and replaced my mother.Who's kidnapped and replaced The Invisible Noob's mother?
  4. Actually, I hardly use any!The person below me has heard of Homestuck but not Invader Zim.
  5. It is resolved, but you are from a doomed timeline, and spontaneously combust.I wish for a magic pumpkin.
  6. A strange drilly robot thing, probably from a video game.
  7. Your wish for unwishment is unwished, creating a paradox, which you are trapped in FOREVAH!I wish I had Mind Control powers and knew how to use them.
  8. Soemone offering an escape from death. Sounds sinister. Do I have to sell my soul?
  9. Yes, because I wrote them.TPBM likes chocolate, but not marzipan.
  10. The platypus meme becomes so popular, BZPower becomes platypus power, and the entire internet is completely replaced with platypi. Soon, everyone dies of platypus-induced boredom.I wish for another wish.
  11. Because the Ga-Matoran hove cooler masks.Which is more relevant, 413, 42, or 27(Homestuck, Hitchhiker's/Alice in Wonderland ,and Weird Al)
  12. Only if you consider redundancy redundant to the point of redundance.Do you consider redundancy redundant to the point of redundance?
  13. As long as a 3-sided square is large.Why is a raven like a writing desk?
  14. Oh it's not THAT nightmarish... mostly. A bit. Forget it. COLOUR CODED BZRPG PROFILES. Under CHRONICLER's COMPANY SPRITES. Said BZRPG PROFILES are also above a COOL QUOTE.
  15. I mean I have had to describe a raccoon for the last 20-something posts. The raccoon is going to steal my sanity.
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