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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Essenger

  1. wiat aminute--

    haha i am the only one who comented here whos not a girl

    sorry i am trieing to spaek the language your speaking in the coments

  2. I like POBZBC's cause theyr'e so funny. And the name changes.

  3. Turakii, I think your PM system is down. No one really ever answers the PMs I've sent. Either that or you've become a forum mentor. Uhhh... wait. You ARE a-- nevermind.

  4. Do you like the band Red?

  5. Make your 10,000th post already! The suspense is KILLING me!

  6. Eeeee!


  7. 4 stars! wow thanx everyone!

  8. *taps impatiently*

    Well...? Make your 3000th post already!



  10. Ummm....

    *evil laugh?*

  11. You wrecked my door!

  12. Definitely. You were the one who I wanted to make the Rorzakh hive.

    I just hadn't told you yet.

  13. Weird beings posting in your profile. Do you know these people?

  14. What's up? What's up?

    What's up? What's up?

    What's up? What's up?

    What's up? What's up?

    What's up? What's up?

    What's up? What's up?

    What's up? What's up?

    What's up? What's up?

  15. How'd ya get your last proto boost?

  16. I made you a waffle but Javi and Bfahome ate it. ;_; LOL

  17. And we can see EVERYTHING.

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