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Status Updates posted by Alum

  1. Alum

    Hey, I haven't heard from ya in a while, mate. How's Canada? Leave me a message.

  2. Yes, even the C-A comics.

  3. Well, I miss seeing your work there. But it's okay that you missed my auditions. I had to cancel it anyways.

  4. I love metroid too, Chan'e. It's my favorite series!

  5. Hello to you Tronec.

  6. Alum

    Thanks for making me C-A for your comics! You won't regret this!

  7. Alum

    Hi. Love your artwork.

  8. Yes you're back! Want me to make you a new avi and personal photo?

  9. I miss you in Rayg Kit, Leynok

  10. I can't wait for the prologue.

  11. Great work on uploading Bionicle Music.

  12. Well, I'vwe sufferd many problems. Most of thew auditions were empty and I wasted too much time.

  13. Can't wait for your epic :)

  14. Luckily yes, I still have the Co-Comics. I saved them in my folder.

  15. Hey, we can't PM =(

  16. Hi! Your avi and Personal Pic is so awesome!

  17. Keep up with your MOCs. They rock!

  18. Heya! You wouldn't happen to be TheShadowedOne1 of ####### woudn't you?

  19. Hi, Macku and yes Night Terror that is from the intro.

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