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Everything posted by E(rik)

  1. E(rik)

    10th Grade

    Im only 11, so i dont have to worry bout highschool for another 2 years. HA!?
  2. E(rik)

    10th Grade

    Im only 11, so i dont have to worry bout highschool for another 2 years. HA!?
  3. E(rik)

    I Love...

  4. iM iN uR pAgE eAtIn Ur DaTaS.

  5. E(rik)


    *Is hoping I dont get 'bliterated*
  6. Yay, you didn't abandon us!!! *Starts discoing*
  7. ER haz an contest? *Run off to read guildlines for ER's contest*
  8. E(rik)

    10 Non-flawsome Songs

    Thank god someone else realized "welcome to the black parade" isn't awesome.
  9. E(rik)


    That'd just blow your speakers. ~EW~ Was that an insult?
  10. E(rik)


    If queen's awesomeness crashes realplayer, then I dont even wanna know what would happen if I played some avenged sevenfold.
  11. Swink reminds me of of kirka. Dont ask how, though.
  12. Mine extra unique! O O O O O O O O O O O O______O O O O O O______O O O OOOO
  13. I dont know what your talking bout, since im too lazy tooo read the whole passage.
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