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Everything posted by Burnmad

  1. #1: Should this scene take place in Aftermath or Vundas? Aftermath #2: If you picked Aftermath, who should be the 2 characters who journey there? Me and Sonu. (Have I just been sitting one a couch since the one chapter I was in?) #3: What exactly should the place be?(a spaceship floating in the middle of endless space, a cave underground, etc, just remember the scene has to be dark) A crashed space transport, or "frigate". . (not one word ._.) #4: What should be one creature they encounter? (make something up, all ideas are welcome) Zombies of past Zehvor members. By the way WHATISYOURGAMERTAG? -
  2. Oh, that's bad... Is it possible to have checks mailed to you? That's all I can think of. -
  3. Burnmad


    Chronicles wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin. -
  4. Burnmad

    It's A Fad!

    I'm considering being Sylvester... Or is it Silvester? -
  5. Burnmad

    Leaked Images

  6. Remember, MT; truck>bike . -
  7. Could you please put Creed in my quiz banners? -
  8. haiformybirfdayigotmoneyandmadeanedibleraysoyamiisalwasyumy OMNOMNOMherhavesomesonu. psmyspasbarizbroknLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOROFLOLOLO LOLOLOLOLSPAMSPAMSPAMNOM -
  9. Burnmad

    Game Maker Pro

    u shud get rpgmaker. I can haz working on RPG? -
  10. Burnmad

    Admin For A Day

    Pohuaki, longtime Global Moderator, steps down. Out of all the Forum Leaders, who replaces him? I'd say... ToM Dracone. Now you need a FA to fill the FL's spot. Out of all the current FAs, who do you promote? Nikira. Next, you need a new FA. Who do you hire? Actually, now that I think about it, you should be an FA, Sumiki. Now, you need a new reporter. Who do you employ? GATA. -
  11. Burnmad


    *Gags* *Takes plane to Russia, a boat back, and leaves Waffles in the brig, tied up with duct tape over mouth* Be right back... I have to find something. MUAHAHAFOUNDIT. -
  12. You guys do realize that when BIONICLE ends, this site goes soon after, right? -
  13. Burnmad

    Periodic Table

    No, Sumiki, that's the most epic FORUM WIN ever. Halo 3: ODST, is MUCH more epic, and it's only a game. Anyways, yaaaaay siens! -
  14. You're thinking whether my answer to the question is correct or not . -
  15. Not your average noobs, my friend. No, these are... *Insert epic picture with awesome caption here* -
  16. WIIOWNSDIE. MW2, H3:ODST (The most epic of all wins), HW, Infamous. -
  17. I'm getting only money for my birthday, which is December 9th. You posted this November 9th, saying this day would come in a LITLLE OVER a month. So, due to the huge size of my family, I will have enough money to make a machine that will make Yami SUPA-YUMEH. FOREVER. THEN I WILL FEAST. SONU MAY HAVE SOME, TOO. -
  18. Yanno, I don't think BZP has eeeeeeevvvvveeeeeeeerrrrrr llllllllaaaaaaaggggggggeeeeeeeeedddddddd fffffffooooooooorrrrrrrrr mmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeee............................................................................ - - - - - - - -
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