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Status Updates posted by VampireBohrok

  1. I'd be happy to be your friend!

    My answer just gotta be yes! :)

  2. I'm adding you to my friends list, why haven't I done it until now i dnot even

  3. I'm Edward Cullen!? 8O

    Well, that surely explains a lot...

  4. I'm fine, altough I just got home from Spain,

    so I'm pretty tired. =P

    How 'bout you?

  5. I'm going to ask stuff now...

    Nobody's sig will tell me what to do! >:)

  6. I'm going to fire up special a MOC to "celebrate" the name change... I think you'll like it.

  7. I'm innocent!

    I read epics generally rarely, I just don't have the patience to sit and read just like that online when I could as well create stuff myself. Plus, I'm horrible at reviewing texts. :/

  8. I'm just wondering... What are the pros of being a Toa of Bread..?

    Not that there may be any cons... or maybe there is.

  9. I'm sending it to Nid personally.

  10. I've been gone for a while, so I noticed it just now. I'll see if I can find time to post a review.

  11. I've been premier since... a month? Yeah, let's go with that.

  12. I've got lots of stuff going on, I have on the other hand got no camera. :\

  13. I've seen the first one, but I have yet to see the sequal... A moment I love in the first movie is when the temple is locking itself down. But the battle with the Xenomorph Queen is cool as well.

  14. I've taken a look in Zero's comic topic, yes. But I can't say that I'm into spriting...

    But I make comics now and then. Nothing on BZP yet, though...

  15. Indeed. Of course, none of the machines could be considered other than awesome as well.



    Have a good one B)

  17. It is indeed...

    It's got lots of dramatic

    and unexpected turns, and also great music.

    I think that you'd like it very much.^^

  18. It looks like somebody joined the Vahki fad...


  19. It's decided already...

    MOC topic or art topic... We'll see.

  20. It's kind of hard to explain the story...

    In a school a group of small children get the task to draw what they think that the future'll look like. Then they put all the drawings inside a time capsule. 50 years later, they dig up the time capsule

    and give the drawings to the students that are in the same class as the children who made the drawings.

    All the students get a pret

  21. It's okay. after all, everyone wants feedback, right? :P

  22. Lol no, I never did do that. I dug up some computer settings and activated the computer mic instead, which works okay.

    But I'd need a real mic.

  23. Lolwut, Spaegefefrwewr?

    Well, that's another awesome fad for ya.

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