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Everything posted by vataki

  1. Ooh, I like Weird Al!

  2. Happy new year (kinda late) awsomest mamber of the staff!

  3. I'm only a month and 3 days older than you!

  4. Ooh, I like Star Wars Battlefront II.

  5. I dont mean to brag!

  6. 5:30? Man, I'm lucky I'm home schooled!

  7. Pretty AWSOME!!! You?

  8. Have you ever seen my comics? If you dont remember, you are a PGS!

  9. Wow, those are cool!!! When I was a guest on BZP, I could never go a day without seeing the newest Dark709 comics!!! Vahi786
  10. Only 4 stars!!! You should have 5!!! You're the great and awsome Dark709 for crying out loud!

  11. Um.. hi PPB. Sorry about that fight we got into once. It was imature of me to do what I did.

  12. Will you use Razor or others.. (Chimoru, RZ etc.)

  13. Happy New Year, Guy I dont even know!!!!!

  14. About your name, LOL!

  15. Happy New Year!

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