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Status Updates posted by Sybre

  1. Now, I've been told something on a few occasions, and it leaves me one question: How in the %#$& do I make schoolwork fun!??!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sybre


      It all depends on your method, but I can't think of a single way to make schoolwork fun!!

    3. JiMing


      Different strokes for different folks. Though it helps if you like the subject, say, English for me.

    4. Sybre


      Well, I like World History.

  2. I'm feeling nothing today. Unless you count my sudden craving for pizza.

  3. Guuuuhhhhh, I wanna start a new comic series, but so many factors keep me from doing so! :'(

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I want to continue Prototypes, but it took me 30 minutes to make one panel and I just don't have the time. Plus I forgot some planned story details, and some parts of the use of GIMP that are wholly necessary to make the graphics the way they were.

    2. Sybre


      At least now, I resumed comic work last night and made a lot of panels. It'll take today to finish it.

  4. New Sybre avatar! May/may not apply to the future.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JiMing


      Oh, black eyes of crazy! That hasn't been done before.


      And you might wanna crop the avatar so we can, you know, see the face?

    3. Sybre


      Black goo could even leak out!


      Oh, okay. That'll be quick to do.

    4. Sybre


      There we go!

  5. Goodbye, Taker. Hello once again, Sybre! A freaky Sybre-related avatar will be comin' your way soon!

  6. Your avatar looks like a deranged Ninja Turtle!

  7. Sometimes, getting good songs stuck in your head is a good thing. I mean, you won't have to play them for a while. Just listen to them play in your head!

  8. I think in a little less than a week, I'm changing my name back to Sybre!

  9. You're too slow.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sybre


      It won't help you but out of MY world! Here, I AM the real Sonic! Here, you're just a faker! What makes you think that you can defeat your ultimate nightmare?!!

    3. JiMing



    4. Sybre


      Fool, I'm no monster. I AM A DEVIL!!! You can't stop the eternal torment of you and your friends!

  10. Am I really Sybre? I think I've had 7 different display names that aren't variations of Sybre! Only around 4 are Sybre-related! If I'm not Sybre, who am I? This is quite an identity crisis!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sybre


      Ah, I get it. I guess it all depends for me.

    3. Robin MebKohu

      Robin MebKohu

      I did the math. 6 non-Sybre(none of which were related by the way) to 6 Sybre. Hi Sybre!

    4. Sybre


      Phew! My next display name will be Sybre-related, so there's that!

  11. Iɟ ʎon ɔɐu ɹǝɐp ʇɥᴉs' ʎon ɯnsʇ qǝ soɯǝ ʞᴉup oɟ ʍᴉzɐɹp˙

    1. Show previous comments  31 more
    2. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD


    3. Sybre


      Aw yea! This rules!

    4. Dr. Giggles PhD
  12. Listened to Three Days Grace for the first time in a while. I'm hooked all over again!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sybre


      Darn, man. Sounds annoying.


      ...You aren't blaming me, are you..?

    3. Laughing Man

      Laughing Man

      @Meiko: no, you confusingly mislabeled something and then got corrected because it was the musical equivalent of calling "Friday the 13th" a romantic comedy. hardly a "minuscule" difference. I listen to actual post-hardcore music and that's why I got confused and felt the need to bring it up - which would happen anywhere there are serious music fans, by the way, not just BZPower - much like, say, one might correct someone on the proper capitalization of "LEGO".

    4. Laughing Man

      Laughing Man

      (sorry about the probable "new comment" notification spam but these things don't have edit buttons and I'm typing on an iPod in the dark at 4 AM. mistakes were made.)

  13. I hate Mondays. But I detest Fridays. I don't like either of them, except I get pizza on Friday.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sybre


      Therapy? Oh, remember my suicidal thoughts from over a year ago? I told my parents and I've been in therapy ever since.

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Not that, I figured that already. I meant the Spanish e-Class.

    4. Sybre


      Oh. As for the Spanish e-Class, you could sign up for it in order to help you in your learning process. I made the mistake of signing up on the second semester after a whole first semester of boredom and hatred. Luckily, this should be my last semester of Spanish if I don't tear my out brain out of pure insanity first!

  14. Not enough icing? Just buy some cookies and a jar of cake frosting. That'll do it!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sybre


      Sorry, pal. I'm saving my money and I dunno where to get them!

    3. Takuma Nuva

      Takuma Nuva


    4. Sybre


      Besides, you can't trust me around frosting.

  15. I need to listen to something. I got Pokemon's Lavender Town theme stuck in my head!

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Sybre


      I'm gonna regret this.

    3. Dr. Giggles PhD
    4. Sybre


      I've heard the theme. It's not bad, although I think there was a heavy metal version that I enjoyed a little more.

  16. A living taco just busted down my bedroom door, holding a large coke in one hand, and a rapid-fire machine gun in the other. What happens next?

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Sybre


      (You probably saw it somewhere. I knew you liked Dr. McNinja, so I got him involved!)

      His dad who beats up Frieza and gives JiMing Frieza's lunch money. But Frieza's dad King Cold comes along, but JiMing's dad is ready. He...

    3. JiMing


      (Thanks about that as well)

      Blows up the planet twice somehow. Suddenly, JiMing realizes that his 'father' is an impostor! So Deadpool McNinja and Boba Mario...

    4. Sybre


      (It's no problem at all! :D)

      Crack their knuckles and beat up JiMing's pretend dad, who transforms into...

  17. Oh my gosh. That's where you went.

  18. How is your brother not on your friends list here? That's just not right.

  19. Hang on, guys. I'll be back. I heard banging down in the boiler room.

  20. Your sig. Awesome.

  21. *sigh* Life. Unexciting, but it keeps you alive anyway.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Sybre


      That's a good choice. Hopefully, you can still integrate LEGOs into your spare time.

    3. Sybre


      Let's hope. I plan to use spare money on old BIONICLE sets and pieces. But I wish you luck in life.

    4. Sybre


      Thanks. We all need it!

  22. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ LOL, I love this little guy!

  23. Anberlin, my favorite band, is disbanding this year! NOOOOOOOOOO!!! SADNESS! EMPTINESS! WHY??!

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