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Vezon the Charming Maniac

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Blog Comments posted by Vezon the Charming Maniac

  1. Greg got to see actual animation? Cool. All Ive seen are some animatics. Guess I'll have to bug somebody to get access... :)

    That's more than what anyone else here got to see. :P


    Anyway, it sounds fantastic. This is one of two movies coming out this year that I'm really excited about. :)

  2. ...You know what? BZP shouldn't be doing reviews at all. All we ever do is complain on and on. Look, I'm even complaining right now. We should find some other site to do them. :P

    Although none of the Glatorian have actually gotten a lot of bad rep. Even Tarix, whom a fair deal of people don't like, isn't nearly despised as much as any of the Mistika were.

  3. Interesting. My brother keeps trying to cut himself with them for some reason. :blink:


    I like Tarix, too.


    I think he might be a little more popular that you think.


    *Turns to Tarix review talkback*

    Gah. I've hated every single set review since Nuparu Mahri's. Gali Mistika's didn't annoy me as much, but I still thought it was very weird. :blink:

    They need to get some different set reviewers. :annoyed:

    The one time I've agreed with DV in a set review was in the one for Gresh.


    I also didn't like the 08 Taka review. He's an awesome figure, but the entire review talked about a few minor complaints.

  4. I basically agree with what's been said about how the Newva represent themselves mentally.


    However, I'm still not sold on the Mistika masks. They really could've looked more like their past selves.


    I can think of 2 great examples of this:


    1. Lhikan's Hau: It has it's differences from the normal Hau, but it's also extremely similar. It's one of the reasons why I've always seen Lhikan's set as a newer version of Tahu.


    2. The 08 Avohkii: It also has it's differences from the original mask. It basically even uses the opposite color. However, the shape is similar enough that I take one look at it and I think *boom* that's the Avohkii.


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