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Everything posted by -DJ-

  1. Love it! Don't tell Vataki, though. He has a bit of a.... distaste of ponies....
  2. Well, get used to it, because he's a recurring character. Oh, by the way, can I make Flammee a recurring character? Ah- can't hear you, so I'm doing it anyway! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....
  3. -DJ-

    Timely Insanity

    Snicker, you troll. XDGlad to see that everything worked out in the end. Now I have an excuse to get excited about your comics again! YAY!
  4. Oh, don't worry Chath, you'll find out in the next comic.....WHENEVER THAT GETS FINISHED! AHAHAHAHAH!
  5. I could've sworn that you'd said at least once that Leka was younger than you....Well, this puts everything in perspective!
  6. Nah, it's alright bro. Mainly because the newest comic is here!ReinforcementsFeaturing an appearance from everyone's favourite Malevolent Mad Scientist, Flammee! (Credits to Absorba for creating the Flammee character; used with permission)
  7. Well, that sure was..... It sure was. :PWell, good luck with the flash thing. I'd love to see what you come up with.
  8. There is a comic coming. Of course, the last post was mine, so I can't post it without it being fused to the last post. I need a middle man, as it were, to post before I do. Please and thank you.

  9. Wow, Leka, that looks really awesome! Is this gonna be like an epic? I hope so. I'm super excited!
  10. -DJ-

    Timely Insanity

    what can I say? I'm a Happy Harry fanboy. :3 Aha! I see what you did there! Love it. Incidentally, have you ever eaten a magnet?
  11. -DJ-

    ZOMG I totally just noticed that you are a day older than me. BTW, people born in the August of 1997 are scientifically proven to be awesome. :)

    1. vataki


      I was born in February of 1997


      Does that make me awesome, too?

  12. Wow, don't know what to say except for 'That would've made a great comic derp'.Of course, now that you've mentioned that something else is happening, I'm all excited again. Bravo, good sir!
  13. -DJ-

    Timely Insanity

    :uh:Sonic would've been my vote, though......Despite the whole song thing, I'd probably still vote for Mario.
  14. There once was a man named Jeremy. Except, his name wasn't Jeremy, it was Patrick. And he wasn't a man, he was a self-aware Turnip. Every day, he would wallow in the loneliness and pointlessness of his own existence, that is until the day he exploded for no reason. After that, he reincarnated as Vishnu. Except, he was also an Oviraptor, and stole everyone's eggs and ate everyone's livers. With his new-found self esteem, he was granted the power to turn into a giant kettle and...

    1. -DJ-


      ...Crashed into Mars. The Mars-rocks, imbued with his mystical Kettle energy, rained down upon the Earth, only to be eaten by the Deadly Muffler. The mystical power of the Kettle-smashed, Mars-rocks changed the Muffler into a man. A man named Jeremy. Except, his name wasn't Jeremy, it was Patrick. And he wasn't a man, he was a self-aware Turnip. And we've come full circle.

  15. -DJ-

    Timely Insanity

    What's this? Another ballad? What happened to you gamers? It seems somewhere along the way You turned from doing good And so now evil's holding sway! Rhythm games and fitness games And even cooking sims! 'What else are we to do?' Fight the fight in old Skyrim! Beyond the frozen tundra Lies the homeland of the Nords, Where radiant stories bloom and you can dual wield magic and swords. Use perks just like in Fallout, Defend the family that you've reared. Kill dragons just by shouting; You can even have a beard! 'The game of life's a drag It's filled with homework, filled with books. My job is lame and girls make fun Of my less than stellar looks.' Darn it boy! Why do you heed To such shallow, mortal whims? There's a battle that needs your steel, my son, In the land of old Skyrim! :3
  16. Wow, dude. I'm really sorry to hear that. I mean, that must be really tough.What makes it more depressing is that I was really getting into that comic, and I woud've really loved to see how it ended. I think this comic deserves an honorary mention in the contest, at the very least. Keep doing what you do best, Absorba.
  17. Well, I sure am excited for it, yessiree. I'm always in the mood for some horror. I'll defo vote for you (unless it's rubbish, but hopefully it won't be).Please don't delete my comment this time, sir. I've learnt my lesson. I'll be good, honest.
  18. -DJ-


    I must say, I am in love with this series. Unique humour, unique art style. It's a sprite comic, but at the same time it's not. I wub it like Dubstep. Wub wub wub wub wub wub....
  19. -DJ-

    Timely Insanity

    Yes. But it helps if you're British, because even your sneezes are sophisticated. 'ah, choo, my good sir.'Also, the non updated heading is SO DISTRACTING.
  20. -DJ-

    Timely Insanity

    I don't always scroll all the way down, but when I do, DIABEETUS.XD
  21. Yeah, Charmander's WAAAY too mainstream. Now Bulbasaur, he kicks some serious [alfalfa].lolpunEdit: Iffy-ish pun punished.-Wind-
  22. -DJ-

    Timely Insanity

    Do you eat orange Matoran? XDThat's for me to know, and you to find out. Chath, I'd like you to meet the cast of Jersey Shore...
  23. Autism is no reason to have bad grammar. I have aspergers, which is a form of autism and I rarely have mistakes.It's also not a reason to not read. He's not having GSes or PGSes out of the blue. You have to pm, and I don't think DJ would be willing at this moment. That's how I see it. yeah, I have Aspergers, and I'm a total grammar freak.I probably won't be accepting guest stars at the moment. I know because I have a few people lined up to appear in future comics, but they don't even know yet. That's how far along it is.Regardless, I'll take a PM with details and a Xanis kit, but don't expect to be in a comic until at least a few months from now.EDIT: it just occurred to me that he might've been trolling...Due to time constraints and technical difficulties, I haven't been able to work on a comic for a while, which sucks. However, I am trying to get something done as I write this, and with any luck it'll be done in a couple of weeks. Might take longer, but then again it might take less time.Sorry about this guys. I do really enjoy making these, so I'm just as annoyed as you guys must be. So I'm gonna put my back into it, and try to crank one out for you.Also, for those wondering, this next comic should be a little bit more exciting. Hopefully. That's what I'm going for anyway.Hugs and Impalements.
  24. -DJ-

    Timely Insanity

    And everything else for that matter... Totes me too. I love seeing these characters interact even in a non-plot focused comic, so with a plot should be at least just as (if not more) awesomesauce. Bringin' back the catchphrases, oh yeah.....
  25. ...so, I started watching OOO. I mean, the first few episodes it was ok, not bad but no great. But then it started to get really good and I'm immensely enjoying it. Sure, not ad much as im enjoying Fourze, and not nearly as much as i enjoyed Den-O and W, but it's close. Not quite finished yet, but I'm getting there. Also, ordered a Korean Decadriver, because I liked Decade (sue me). Was going to get a W Driver too, until I found out they'd changed the sound effects to a voice with less of a pronounced Japanese accent. Just thought I'd say that in case any of you were pondering getting it.
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