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Everything posted by -DJ-

  1. -DJ-

    Timely Insanity

    Truly, the perfect couple. :DAww, poor Vataki. But don't worry, you'll never be forever alone as long as you have your DS.
  2. hey Vamp! Long time. I don't think we've spoken since Greyscale. Oh the wasted years....But, yeah, I love the Xanis kit. It's just so fluid, and I really like how creative you can get with them. That's mainly why I don't use kits with prebuilt poses anymore. Thanks for the feedback.
  3. It's about time you three woke up! I was starting to feel lonely. Thanks, but I just used it because I thought that 'Gaia Memory' sounded better (and less redundant) than 'Earth Memory'. Though, that's not to say there won't be a bit of Greekiness later on. You'll just need to wait and see. Thankies, NX09. I like how you like them. :)But, yeah, I can see how it's like a movie, but in the way I've written it it's more like a really drawn-out episodic. I almost wish I could make a show out of it. Yep. Of course, Spammy doesn't think of it as replacing, more like....evolving. But, he's kind of insane, so I wouldn't pay him much attention (at least not from a philosophical standpoint, anyway).
  4. Awww....Poor Robo. :(Am I the only one who thinks that Robo and the Companion Cube would've made the cutest couple ever?
  6. Thanks for the feedback, Calvirick. I hoped that the dialogue was good, because a good chunk of these comics will be dialogue. I just hope it will continue to be good. :)And wow, lots of people like the Noob Dopant. I originally hadn't planned for him to be recurring, but I just might do something about that.Also,YAY CALVIRICK LIKES ME I'M SO HAPPY YAY
  7. Wow. Glad I checked up on this.Loving the newer stuff! I especially like the second comic. The presentation of the characters is superb. I especially like Sybre and Absorba's chemistry. Also, when I read the last panel, I expected a dolphin laughing out loud. I hope someone makes that.BTW, I also like the Shoopquaza. It's just saying what everyone else was thinking.IMMA FIRIN my HYPERBEAM!!
  8. Thanks, Didonchu. I appreciate the feedback. Spammy's plan is good, but very complex. I must've spent the better part of a month just sitting down and thinking it up. Mind you, it gets even more complex further down the line ( but I'm not giving away any details ).
  9. -DJ-


    Wow. Honestly, wow. I can't believe I missed this. Creative, AND funny? I honestly don't see that too often. Then again, I'm mostly just looking at my OWN comics, but y'know. :)I really do like your style of comedy. It's very matter-of-fact, and for some reason it goes great with the drawings (which, by the way, I am in love with).These comics draw me in, and make me want to know more, and I LOVE them for that. I can't wait for the next one. You're doing an awesome job.
  10. Thanks, Joe! That's exactly the response I hoped for. I mean, this comic is going to have a lot of dialogue, kind of like Kaiju movies when the monsters aren't fighting. I needed something to break the tension, ergo Noob Dopant. Again, thanks for the feedback!
  11. -DJ-

    Timely Insanity

    Aha! I c wut u did thar!I also see that you finally changed Sashi's colour-scheme to something less like your own (unless you already did earlier and I didn't notice).I also do like the improved Character sheet. Very insightful. And someone is interested in Chath? Why, that's just preposterous!
  12. You'll never guess....Hostile Exposition.Yes, even with all the issues with the computer I'm using and all the stuff going on in my life, I still managed to crank out a comic. You're welcome.A little info on this comic- this is the one filled with exposition that I keep telling you about. I haven't given everything away (I'm not that bad a writer, you know) but this is where the true plot of these comics starts to show itself, which is different from what many of you may have thought it would be. Sure, I may lose some readers at this point, but honestly I don't really care. I have a story to tell, and I'm not changing it. Hugs and impalements!
  13. I love the new Robo. He's adorable!
  14. Woah. Awesome, suspenseful, grasps my attention and......wait, what's tha..... A HIATUS? Stop being ME Absorba! Oh God, I'm a meme.....AGAIN.Oh, and the extra's good too, I guess. Is that TF2 on the monitor?
  15. Marry me..... Yeah, you're right. 'Hey Chath! Put down that Gameboy, I got a job for ya!'
  16. You could always just join and write up an article for yourself. I think that's what most people do anyways. Or am I just the most narcissistic guy ever for doing that? xD And you could always space-unicorn soup rocket.OR make an article for me pwetty-pwease-with-a-chewwy-on-top Kakaru?
  17. Hmm. According to the wiki, I don't exist. Who'd a' thunk it?....Hintedy hint hint......
  18. -DJ-

    Timely Insanity

    Nooooo!! Giggles, you sicko you destroyed his Pokemans!! Sorry I haven't posted very often recently. I have been preoccupied. Not that anyone noticed.....'Craaaaawling iiiiiiin my skiiiiiiiiin.....'
  19. What's odd is my current series already does have a titular mystery at the centre of the plot, and is going for a less humour-driven and more character-driven storyline. Who'd a' thunk.
  20. Sup guys. Wish I could do more than apologise at this point, but I can't, so I'll just get to the point. No comic this week, sorry. I've been very busy with school, and I went to Tenerife last week, with no WiFi, so I couldn't get anything done there, either. I hope to get one done soon, but at this point I have only part of today and tomorrow to work. Sorry. Hugs and impalements!
  21. -DJ-

    Timely Insanity

    Well, it's about time he appeared in this comic.The plot thickens, sort of......
  22. Good to see you too, Chath. Hey, at least I MADE a comic.
  23. Thanks, Didonchu! Sorry I took so long to reply, but I wanted to wait until I'd finished the next comic first. And, lo and behold, Prelude to the Storm. Admittedly, the title hints at something quite epic, which (as I'd explained in a previous post) this comic is not. However, it hints at the next comic, which should establish the plot and stakes of the entire series. Hope you enjoy it.And, yes, I know I'm being a total tease. Deal with it.
  24. Well, the actual film itself isn't that great in my opinion.
  25. Shin? As in, the movie Shin Kamen Rider? That thing gives me nightmares, man. I mean, he freaking rips of a Kaijin's head, spine and all!
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