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Everything posted by -DJ-

  1. In case anyone's worried that I'm getting up to my old tricks again, don't worry, the next comic will be up in a few days (week at most). But I wouldn't get too excited because, like last time, it's mainly just setup for Comic 4. OK, thanks!Have a banana.
  2. In my opinion, as awesome as Tiger and Bunny is, W is a lot better.As far as Figuarts are going for me, I've never bought any before, but I'm going to get myself an Ichigo, a Nigo and an Amazon, if only because they're my favourite Showa riders that have Figuarts right now (incidentally, anyone else stoked for that Stronger?)Also, why all the Den-O hate? I've watched all of that series that I can find online, and I thought it was freaking awesome!
  3. -DJ-

    Timely Insanity

    I just can't stop laughing at that face at the end! Don't worry Gav! I'll save you! Wait, I'm not in this comic..... Don't worry Gav! Chath will save you!
  4. -DJ-

    Timely Insanity

    Chath used to be peaceful, but then he took an arrow to the knee a spear to the head.Awesome comic, bro. It really makes me want to know what's going to happen next.
  5. Wow. Awesome! My favourite part was when Eemalf said that he 'just wanted to make Science'. XD'Do you know what this discovery could do for Science?! It could allow for vast discoveries in the field of Science!'
  6. Ambulances are no fun. Now, Fire Engines on the other hand.....
  7. If you guys are talking about MC Spamslasher, then yeah, he was in a previous series, but I didn't get to do much with him before the Forums went down. Basically, he was an ex-member of the N00bslayers (to which the DJ character belongs also) who got fed up of all his efforts to stop newbies going unnoticed, and went super-emo and teamed up with Tomstaaka, or something like that.
  8. Another great comic. The "MC Spamslasher" was awesome.And don't worry about the story not exactly progressing. It can take several comics in a plot-based series before it starts really getting somewhere. My current Generation of TI, for example. It won't be getting anywhere plot-wise until the 4th or 5th comic. Even then, it's meant to be confusing for awhile. :PWell, I'm going to continue to read. I really like the looks of this series so far.Thanks, Vataki, I- wait, is that a plug for your current series I see there? Vataki, you sly devil.... Nah, but I did spend about 10 hours on Google Image search. So many images, so few that were completely appropriate. I've got to start being less picky....
  9. Hm. Usually, when I read a newcomer's comics they're sort of a grit-your-teeth, just-get-through-it type of deal, but I genuinely found that entertaining. I mean, the jokes actually made me laugh, which is more than I can say for many. Good job, keep it up!And I agree, the Xbox is incredibly overrated.
  10. Wow, really? I didn't think it did. Though, that's probably because I know what's going to happen.
  11. Thanks, V. Means a lot.Also, new comic is up.First Lead.If it seems a little empty story-wise, it's because it's mainly just setup for the next comic.
  12. -DJ-

    Timely Insanity

    I agree with Chath. Killing her off would be a great idea to distinguish the two of you. She'd be dead, and you wouldn't. Pffft...What kind of stupid idea is that?
  13. So, you dedicated an entire room for people who tried to harm the Noobicorn? How big IS that place?
  14. Well, it's not the real Fuuto. This is Fuuto-Metru, a city on the island of (insert pre-requisite BZP island here). And, no, it won't be a one-shot. Honestly, Absorba, have you no faith?
  15. Oh, don't worry, you will be. Thanks, NX09! I wish I could abbreviate that so that I could sound less formal.
  16. Bet you didn't think you'd see me any time soon. Well, here I am with my new series. Yep. Don't worry, this isn't going to be nearly as pretentious as you might think. Probably. Anyway, this comic is going to have an Act structure, as in there will be comics focusing on one part of the story (yes, this will be story-based) put together in different sections. Just to let you know. ACT I COMIC 1: Prologue COMIC 2: First Lead COMIC 3: Prelude to the Storm COMIC 4: Hostile Exposition COMIC 5: Reinforcements COMIC 6: The Ride Begins COMIC 7: Dopant VS Rider COMIC 8: Agent Alpha COMIC 9: The Science Patrol COMIC 10: Previous Acquaintances <---NEW! Oh, and before I forget: Proud member of the RGB. CREDIT Xanis/Watty for the Xanis kit used for a base for all sprites. NuparuRocks/NR/Ennar for some of the backgrounds used. Toei, and Bandai for Kamen Rider. Ta'rah.
  17. -DJ-

    Timely Insanity

    They're on their way.....From Misery to happiness today! Uhuh, uhuh, uhuh, uhuh.....I'm SO STOKED for this series! Gen7 is going to be the BEST SERIES EVAR.
  18. This is an adorable and heartbreaking moment. STOP RUINING IT WITH YOUR LOGIC.
  19. -DJ-

    Timely Insanity

    YAY! Just one more day till Gen7! I'm especially interested because of Chath's obvious inevitable pain. I like Chath best when he's in obvious inevitable pain...
  20. The extra- it's based on a Doug Walker sketch? Um... who? I'm sorry, never heard of him.I just got this inspiration from a friend of mine (whose name actually is Dominic) who has this ridiculously long answering machine that lasts about ten minutes. Never could get a hold of him.Well, he probably got it from Doug.Why do I even care at this point?
  21. Haha! TGWTG reference! Love it!
  22. -DJ-

    Timely Insanity

    Never worked for me...Well Chath, you're obviously not being annoying enough.*coughcough*As if that were possible*coughcough*
  23. -DJ-

    Timely Insanity

    Being annoying gets you a girlfriend......Well that explains a lot....
  24. -DJ-

    Sup, dude. Long time. What's up?

  25. Meh. That's OK. At least you commented. Nobody else does.... *Craaaawling iiiiiin my skiiiiiiin......*
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