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Everything posted by -DJ-

  1. Yeah, I'm excited, sure, but most of that's theatrics (I'll still kill Chath, though, remember that).20th, hm? Well, I'll see (well, not really) you then, my friend!
  2. -DJ-

    Timely Insanity

    Ok, I'm a bit behind on this, so let's get to it then.Ok, I'll say it right now, Tharik is deliciously evil. I love him as a character, because he's planned this whole scheme for a while, and (to me, at least) it seems like he's really enjoying how his plan is unfolding. Like that line he said to Nami. I could practically hear the subtle glee in his voice - he knows how evil he is, and he loves it.It makes sense that Vataki would go after Nami, after all he is in love with her. Which I guess is a hard decision for him, because he knows it's a trap - why else would they kidnap her? But he knows if they catch him, it could mean the end for his friends and family, maybe the world. But he takes the risk anyway, which shows his growth as a character, and I can't wait to see where you take that character from there.Now, if you ask me, Chath's appearance seems a little forced, but at least it gives the reader a way to understand Vataki's inner turmoil because of his own decisions outside of thought captions, and it's harmless enough that you can ignore it if you want to or (in may case) pretend that's it's a hallucinogenic side effect of the 'Shadow Vahi' persona. So Vataki's made it there, and he's showin those guards who's boss. For me, demonstrating the strength of Vataki's level 2 powers against mortals really gives me a point of reference for when he fights the other 'sons'. And what is this mysterious something?! It intrigues me, and will probably be integral to the plot, no?Well, that's my take on the last few comics. Keep up the awesome job, V.
  3. I was sure I posted before. Ah well, moving on...Ahem.DUUUUUDE! This is the bestest evar.I mean, when you think about it, this is like the ultimate BZP comic. I mean, all the greatest talent to ever roam ArtIII (and me too, for some reason) is in it - not doing any work on it, but it'll be great to see the pixelated faces of some of those great writers that don't really do much in the way of comic writing anymore. I mean, I'm so stoked to see Lavaside Rahi in some more stuff. LR has made a few appearances in some comics relatively recently (namely Tavakai's CC1 entry, even if that was months ago) but still, it's still awesome. People like Dark, who doesn't really do anything at all nowadays. That's who I can't wait to see in a comic again. Plus some popular current writers, like Kahinuva, Eljay, Vataki, Tavakai, Gav as well as others I could name; I can't wait to to see them here. I mean... Guh. I'm kind of gushing now, aren't I? But it's only cuz it's so flipping awesome, man. I'm so psyched. I literally cannot wait. I will die.Oh, and not to put any pressure on you, but if this isn't as good as I hope it is, I'll kill Chath. Not that anyone will care profusely. Bye for now.
  4. I seriously think I might be a little bit in love with Kahinuva...

  5. -DJ-

    Timely Insanity

    Finally, Rakau gets to do something! This will truly be awesomely epic and epicly awesome. Awesomepic.And wow, Vataki really can't catch a break, can he? V: Nami, I, uh, I lo.. Woah! An abandoned cathedral!N: Uh, yeah, neat. But, what were you saying before?V: Oh, I, uh, I lo...R: So, we finally meet, Brother Vataki!V: Oh come on! Really?
  6. -DJ-

    Timely Insanity

    I hope this little split-up leads to an emotional scene with Nami and Vataki. I SHIP IT.I'm squeeing already.
  7. I'm glad we're on the same page then, my friend.
  8. WHATCHUFUPAWO*Head explodes**Picks up fragments of skull and grey matter and proceeds to duct-tape them back together*Awesome. Awesomeawesomeawesomeawesome. AWESOME.STOP. BEING. SO. AWESOME. I can't take it anymore, man. Every time you do something, it blows my mind, and I can't take much more. I mean, from what I can tell, your characterisation of Dark is pretty much spot on with his comics, which is tubular, and it also hints slightly at what will happen without giving too much away, which is freaking bodacious; Needless to say, I'm super stoked, bro. High hopes for the final comic, man. High hopes indeed. Good luck!
  9. So, quick post to let you all know I'm not dead. I've been trying to get to work on the new comic, which is around a third done right now, but my schedule is being very difficult right now, so I haven't been able to finish it. Another thing - I may or may not be going on holiday (or vacation, if you're American) in the next week. Im honestly not totally sure at this point. So, after next week, I'll either get some work done (if I can find the time) or I'll just be completely gone for two weeks. I wish I could be more definitive with you guys, but that's all I know at this point.Now, to address the two things above: Thanks a bunch, Vataki. It's good to know that the plot is still keeping people interested, because as the Author and not the reader I honestly can't be sure. And the only reason my series looks as good as it does is hard work. You don't necessarily need Photoshop or GIMP to make a good comic series (though it does help) as long as you put lots of effort into it. Of course, that's not to say that you can't make something even better by using Photoshop or GIMP and putting in lots of effort as well (after all, just look at your series, V). ....what plot twist? I didn't mention a plot twist. I think you're reading too far into things. Right. The Dopants came back as soon as Kamen Rider Alpha dissapered. [sarcasm]Pure coincidence.[/sarcasm] I think I know who the ultimate bad guy is/what the plot twist is in this series. Kinda hard to not miss it.You, my good sir, should shut up XDLet the rest of the audience figure it out please.I'm sure that the author wants his story to be released as he releases it, plot twists or no plot twists.And you, my good sir, should also shut up. XPI've seen many a plot twist in my day. I think I can spot one if it's even hinted at.If the audience can't figure out such an obvious turn of events by now, I don't know what I'd do.I think that's what I'd call paranoia. But whatever. XD Now, DxF, this series is chocked full of ideas; big ones. Even if you think you see something you find obvious, that doesn't necessarily mean that it's the whole picture. Besides, this series is very much in its infancy, so a lot of what you're 'seeing' is mostly buildup, and most likely doesn't have much bearing on coming events. Now, I'm not saying that nobody should speculate about stuff, but when it's this early on, you really don't know enough at this point to make sweeping statements like 'obvious turn of events'. Still, the fact that you've thought this much about it shows me that you're interested, which is never a bad thing in my book. ;)So, yeah, just to reiterate what I said way up there, I'll try to get a comic done in the coming weeks, but I might not get a chance to because of a holiday that may or may not happen. See you soon, Ridermen!
  10. -DJ-

    Timely Insanity

    I know I say this about all of your comics, but, DUDE! That was totally bodacious! I mean....No, that pretty much sums it up. Graphics are amazing, storytelling is superb, characterisation is spot on, just all around an awesome comic, man. Keep it up man. Actually, don't, because if I take in this much epic every time you make a comic, my arteries will explode.
  11. Well, at least you're not dead, even if you only come back from the underworld (Canada) to hype everyone up for all the new stuff. Hooray!
  12. why, thank you. I think I got that gag from some of the old Ultraman dubs, though it's been a while since I've seen them. ....what plot twist? I didn't mention a plot twist. I think you're reading too far into things.
  13. I like learning stuff about comics (even though you tell me everything anyway). Go ahead. ;)Nice comic, by the way. I rather like the way Angie is portrayed in this one. You really can see the worry she has about Chath; the scenario really showcases it well. It's nice to get a little insight into her personality, seeing as, well, she hasn't really DONE much of anything up to this point. Oh, and congrats on six panels. That must be a new record .
  14. No, not his newspaper! ANYTHING BUT CHATH'S NEWPAPER!!Eljay, you heartless cretin.
  15. Well, I do like the look of Kabutomushi very much, and they keep showing up on Riders, so any resemblance is purely coincidental. That's sort of the Kamen Rider motif - they all look like bugs in some way. Not sure if you can tell, but KR NoobZlayer has a bit of a Mantis look going on (don't worry if you don't see it, it'll be a bit more apparent later).Well, now might me as good a time as ever to unveil the next comic (or, if you prefer, the second half of the last comic).The Science PatrolThe problems I was having aren't entirely fixed, and I'll need to figure something out for the next one, but I'm happy enough with this one, and we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, I guess.Bet you can't name all three.
  16. -DJ-

    Retro Comics

    Alright then. Let's get started.Comic 2 -I rather like the question posed in this comic. It's funny, definitely, but also a bit scary in that that's probably what learning will devolve to. Comic 3 -Ash is adorable, first and foremost. I like this type of character, because there are so many opportunities for jokes or even just funny scenarios. I do really want to see what else you can do with this little fellow. :)So, yeah. Doing great so far. Keep it up. :)Have a banana.
  17. Yes, you do look awesome. You're welcome. :3 Yeah, that was a motif that I tried to incorporate in his design. I'm glad it came over so well. Doesn't he just look fabulous? That red muffler is to die for.
  18. Hey, hey. Sarcasm's my thing.Now, a word on this next comic. I'd originally written two comics, but seeing as the first one was a bit naff by itself, I put them together to make one comic. BUT THEN, there were problems concerning the last half, so I split the comic back into two parts so as not to leave you sorry lot without a comic. So, here we go.Agent AlphaSorry if it's a bit rubbish.
  19. I can guess, if everyone is going to be told, I can assume an intervention is in order.I love a good intervention. I'm at the heart of SO many...
  20. -DJ-

    Timely Insanity

    Well, I must say its pretty cool what you've done here. You've clearly thought this out quite a bit, and the fact that you only hinted at the bigger picture (what with all the name-dropping and such) really does give this depth, and makes the reader (or at least me) want to know more about what's happening, a want which you, as creator, will grant us in due time.Well played, good sir. Well played indeed.
  21. -DJ-

    Retro Comics

    Wow, the whole 'intro comic' cliche is starting to wane in popularity. That's always a good thing.On the comic itself, I really do like it. The art style is rather interesting, in that it's not too detailed but does look good. I am a fan of the cartooniness.As far as humour goes, I genuinely find this funny! Unlike a lot of comics where you can see the joke but generally not find it amusing, I did laugh out loud (which was weird for everyone involved, trust me). I always appreciate someone who can poke fun at themselves, and somehow simultaneously make a joke at someone else's expense (I also suppose it helps that I rather like a jab at the BZP community, all things considered). Overall, I like the comic and, if this is a sign of things to come, I'm excited for coming events. Keep up the awesome work, and I just might stick around.
  22. Working on the next comic. Based on the script I wrote, it's looking to have 40 bleeding panels. Hooray for me.

  23. Oh.Haha, what do you use for it then, DJ? Well, I actually only use MSPaint to make these comics. I'd get GIMP, but it doesn't appear to be compatible with my computer for some reason (and also because Chath has reveiled what an absolute nightmare it is to work with sometimes).Also, I figured I might as well do something to pass the time. Here's a few banners you can use to advertise these if you really want.[url="http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=2578&st=40"][img=http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/N00bSlayer/Comics/KamenRiderComics/kamencomiclogo.png][/url][url="http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=2578&st=40"][img=http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/N00bSlayer/Comics/KamenRiderComics/kamencomiclogo2.png][/url]Give credit if used (though I guess people clicking them will be credit enough herp derp).Thankies. :3
  24. Well, I really do like what you did with the presentation of Chath and the Shadow. It's really cool and honestly a little disturbing in the way he goes from one to the other, perhaps suggesting that the Shadow may actually be another facet of Chath's mind rather than a being all of it's own. Or maybe it was just a cool design choice and I'm overanalysing it. Still, pretty dang awesome. oh yeah, that..... :3
  25. -DJ-

    Timely Insanity

    WOOOAAAH...!! So awesome. So, there are 5 other Makuta Matoran, eh?Who are they?What are their fake elements? What is their story significance?All these questions and more probably won't be answered on the next installment of....TIMELY INSANITY!EPIC BAKSTORI TIEMZ PLS KTHNX
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