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Status Updates posted by Resev

  1. Kind of the same for me lol

    You like Flyleaf?

  2. You mean Lev's site?

    I haven't been there in months.

    lol psychic powers ftw :P

    I haven't been as active lately... I need to start reading those stories again.

  3. Not really :P

    I see you're still pink :D

  4. Hehe... straight off the top of my head.

    I tend to get random like that when I've missed out on sleep.

  5. Hello Dinosaur man! :D

  6. Hey JG! :)

    My life's been busy, but wonderful at the same time, ever since the move.

    How's it been with you?

    Been keeping busy in school & writing?

  7. Ah, I thought so.

    See, that's my old account which my brother uses.

    I'm Omega Resev.

  8. Yup ^^

    I couldn't be that far away from Ranna any longer :P

    And for guessing correctly, you get your very own bodyguard :D


  9. Same here. Plus, her voice is awesome.

    Would you say that's your favorite song of hers?

  10. Trying to get my YIM to work >_>

    Other then that, I'm lookin' up some new songs to add to my library.

    How about you?

  11. Hehe... Sure is.

    Soon as I heard it, I had to use it


  12. It sure is.

    It's become my fave game of all time.

    If you ever get the chance, you should try it.

  13. I finally got Halo 2.

    But mostly Assassin's Creed since the sequel is coming out.

  14. I knew it was only a matter of time :P

    Still not allowed to play Halo?

  15. Veeeery busy ^^

    But good for the most-part.

    Still got that Xbox?

  16. They should try and build one on Mythbusters, just for the heck of it.

  17. Silly Nihy, you did not smite Ressy.

    For I have the Piece of Eden and you only -think- you killed me.

    *shanks Nihy*

  18. Posts fly when you're having fun, I guess.

  19. *face-palm*

    Gah, My bad lol

    How's it been goin'?

  20. Ah, wait...

    Did it say Alpha Resev or Omega Resev?

  21. Hey there!

    You wouldn't happen to be Vezon, would you?

  22. Whatever you do, just don't spam :P

    I'm pretty sure it'll be years before I come close to that amount...

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