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Angel Beat

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Everything posted by Angel Beat

  1. Angel Beat

    Name Change

    Nice non-abstract name, Cobalt.
  2. Hello. ... Got replies from both Shin from HeavensDust and Kessier from Seraphim. I'm happy right now. Very frackin' happy. Still no word from Boa though... Also received my mobile phone yesterday and it owns. It's soo cool. Didn't get to buy a sword though... Heh... just realised the above follows the positive/negative stuff. And the new trains have arrived! So from now on, I'll be traveling in them 4 times a week. ...No ranting from me this time, so see ya around... -|-|- ~~Aishiteru, my sweetie.~~
  3. I knew I forgot something. I should've picked up the movie Taegukgi: The Brotherhood of War today. I ordered this week and it arrived at the music store today. Oh well, going to have to do that next Monday. ----- As you might have noticed, I changed the name of my blog. Made in Twenty (20) is the title of BoA's newest Japanese album, as you can see in my new profile picture. Made in Twenty/Two (20/2), however, is simply the edited version of the album title, basically a 'second version'. All my upcoming entries (including this one) will have the titles or edited versions of the titles of the songs that are on MiT20. There will be some familiar titles, since BoA's last three singles are all featured on the album. My profile picture is the cover of the album + DVD version of Made in Twenty (20). It's also the version I preordered. Will update the buttons to the left when mroe pictures become available. ----- BUT. That's not the only reason I changed the name of my blog. It also has to do with The Teahouse, the shop run by IXI and me... Someone ratted us out to Emperor Sun Li, who sent his Jade Golems and Lotus Assassins to Tien's Koro to capture us. The Water Dragon knows what we have done to Li... Anyway, our Teahouse in Tien's Koro has been devastated by the Jade Golems and IX and I had to run from the Assassins. We would've fought them if the group chasing us was smaller. But that wasn't the case, and now the Teahouse will be officially locked down soon... We'll finish the remaining requests through PM though. IXI has gone hiding in a far away place and has been working under cover in a busy school, which will remain unnamed for the time being. I've been hiding out in my Possum's Hideout until it got raided by the Assassins as well. So now I'm in here, keeping low in a local Carpenter shop. [edit]And now I had to change my name to stay low...[/edit] Who knows? Maybe one day, the Teahouse will return, bigger and better than ever. Until then, you're still welcome to PM me with requests. Now if you will excuse me, there are some Assassins coming my way who need to be cleaned up.. ~~~ Sarangheyo, my dearest...
  4. So the bank I'm with is going into mobile phone services. And I'm tagging along. And I'll get a new mobile to go along with it, replacing my Motorola V3 RAZR with the Samsung D900. My mother will get my RAZR, making her old Pocketline Swing 460 obsolete. This new service is also capable of banking with the phone etc, which is also a first in Europe. "Can I use your phone?" "No, I will not give you my wallet!" I'm pretty excited right now. -------------------------------------- Found this on DevArt: 01)First name: Mario 02)Your nickname: Valenti, Val, Scorpio, Scorps, MDT 03) Birthday: October 9th, 1986 04) Horoscope sign: Libra 05) Birth town: Somewhere in the Netherlands. 06) Religion: Undecided, leaning towards Atheist. 07) Nationality: Dutch 08) Parents: My mother. Father lives somewhere else. 09) Do you love them: Yeah, they're my parents for crying out loud. 10) Brothers or sisters: N/A 11) Do you like the place where you live: It's a bit dead, but aside from that, it's nice~ 13) Color of your eyes: Brown. 14) Height: 1m72 15) Weight: 60-70 kg, I believe. 16) What school: N/A 17) What marks do you have: N/A 18) Do you work anywhere: Yeah, sort of. 19) What do you want to be in your life: Myself. 20) Your life style: Relaxed. 21) Personal quote: Your dreams will come true if you're ready to work for them. 22) Lucky number: It alternates. 23) what are you interested in: Music, games, movies, playing guitar, playing keyboard. 24) Good side of your character: I'm kind, most of the time. 25) Bad side of it: I can be ice cold towards others. 26) Is your life happy: Yup, it is right now. 27) Do you think that you are crazy: No, but I'm happily insane. 28) What is the time: 9:58 PM 29) what is the date: December 7th, 2006~ 30) what’s the weather like: Rainy with some lightning. 31) Favorite day in a week: Saturday or Sunday. 32) Favorite music: Just about everything. 33) Singer: BoA, Hyori Lee, Utada Hikaru, Mika Arisaka, Mika Nakashima, Lena Park and more... 34) Band: Schwarz Stein, DragonForce, HeavensDust, Dir en grey, Iron Maiden, X-Japan, The TRAX and many more... 35) Song: BoA - We (Oo Ri) 36) Best concert you have been: They were all great. 37) Actress: Grace Park, Kristin Kreuk. 38) Actor: Jet Li, Michael Rosenbaum, Mark Dacascos. 39)Film: Battle Royale 1+2, Vital, Infernal Affairs trilogy, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children and many others. 40) TV series: Star Trek Enterprise, Stargate Atlantis, The Crow: Stairway to Heaven and others. 41) Theatre play: N/A yet. 42) Film director: Don't remember their names... 43) Do you want to be famous: Yup. 44) Do you want to be an actor/actress: Depends on what kinds of movies/tv shows they want me for. 45) Do you want to be a singer: Yeh. 46) Book: The Long Twilight by Keith Laumer. 47) Color: Blue. 48) Flower: The rose. 49) Food: Anything that tastes great. 50) Drink: Hot chocolate. 51) Sweets: Not much of a sweets fan. 52) Fruit: The apple. Granny Smith. 53) the worst food: Old food. 54) The worst Drink: Churned milk. 55) the worst Singer: Can't remember his/her name. 56) the worst Band: MCR 57) the worst Actor: The Governator. 58) the worst Actress: Don't (want to) remember. 59) The worst Movie: Too many to type down. 60) the worst book: Don't know. 61) Do you drink alcohol: Nah. 62) Do you smoke: Nope 63) Do you take some drugs (and what):Not yet, my mother promised me a joint some time tho. 64) What do you adore to wear: Basic clothing. 65) Do you think that you are pretty: Nah, I'm cool tho. 66) What languages do you speak: - Fluent: English, Dutch - Little bits and pieces: German and some basic lines in Korean and Japanese. 67) The most beautiful person you have ever seen/male: Gackt Camui and Yoshiki Hayashi. 68) The most beautiful person you have ever seen/female?: BoA and Hyori Lee. 90) the worst experience in your life: 8 years of scapegoatism. 91) When were you the happiest: Everytime I think of her~ 92) when were you the most scared: When my parents got divorced. <.< 93) When were you the saddest: When my grandmother died. She was so kind. 94) whom do you want to go on deserted island with?: BoA and some of my friends. 95) Do you have a secret: Aber natürlich. 96) What would you do if you were invisible for one hour: I'd wait until I got visible again. 97) Who do you want to get stuck in a lift with: BoA. 98) Do you have an idol: BoA, Yoshiki, Gackt, Shin, Bruce Dickinson and many others. 99) If world goes to apocalypse, and you can save only one person, who would that be?: ...Do you really have to ask? BoA of course. you are tagged to take this quiz and answer all the questions if you read it you are tagged. But...you don't really have to do it if you don't want! ^__~ -|\|/|- ~~Wanna get time for watching you...~~
  5. BoA's interview on CNN was nice. Too bad she didn't speak any English, even though she knows how to speak it. Ah well, she was still cute. Didn't hear much about her new album and her planned acting career though. She did talk about the things she had to go through to be famous and she went through a lot. Also, she said she likes her current image of an innocent girl/woman (woot), so it might be quite some time before (if ever) she goes all Spears on us. And that's just fine with me. ----- Finished the game Freelancer. It's awesome and the game even features a Dyson Sphere. (Look it up on the internet if you don't know what it is.) It's also insanely difficult near the end. I was actually cursing when my ship got destroyed again. That should explain the lack of me being on BZP and MSN for the last couple of days. ----- I highly recommend Ayumi Hamasaki's new album called Secret. It's awesome. ----- My avatar and banner are edits, believe it or not. ~~~~~~ ~The white white snow is coming tonight, make a wish upon your kiss.~
  6. Wootsies. The calendar has arrived! And the pictures look great. I might be able to get the separate pages out of the calendar, because they're big and awesome enough to serve as separate posters. I found pictures of the calendar, but it seems I won't be putting them up, since they're watermarked. And the website displayed in the watermark has forums. Transferred money to my PayPal account, should be uploaded tomorrow. I'm going to pre-order BoA's new album, due January 2007. I also wanted to buy the official Key of Heart and Winter Love posters, but they both got out of print yesterday. And why am I unable to find a legal version of the "Last Live Video" by X-Japan? Because it's out of print and the only versions available are all pirated, that's why. Oh well, gotta stick to YT then. My back hurts like there's no tomorrow.
  7. Seems my little time off was cut short by 5-ish days. Will reschedule the off time to another week. Maybe during the Christmas holidays or the beginning of 2007. In the meantime, I still managed to make a new MOC. Going to take and upload the pictures soon. I'm going to contact a certain company as soon as possible, since they sent my bud IX the wrong wallscroll. In other words, I'll be here for a while.
  8. Well, seems my little pc-free week is cut short by something, going to have to reschedule it...
  9. Since I'm on the computer every single day for 10+ hours, I've decided to take a break from the computer. A week long break, to be exact. Time to pick up some of my other hobbies, like reading and MOCing. That also means that all Teahouse and Personal Message requests will be delayed, but it's something I can work on when I'm back. Also, I've completed showing all the pictures from the Olympus camera photoshoot, so there won't be a special signoff this time. See you in a week.... ~~Valenti~~
  10. Congrats Omi! Welcome to the BZP Uncle Club.
  11. Well, well, well... Look who finally makes it onto CNN... I'll be so watching and/or taping that episode next week! >.< I only hope I won't forget. So frackin' happy right now. ---- The calendar is on its way and it should arrive on Friday next week. Maybe on Saturday morning. ---- I got around to watch BoA's 2004 Live Tour DVD today and it was amazing. The stage looked like a big UFO. The sound quality was great and BoA was amazing as always. And she cried during the last song. Felt like hugging her. (But hey, I always feel like that. ) ---- Also had a little emotional breakdown tonight when I was on MSN. I was feeling so bad, but one of my online friends got me over it. I call him my oto-san and he calls me his nii-san. I'm sensing a pattern in here... ---- Got another contact with good ol' Shin from HeavensDust. I'm telling ya, Shin is awesome. And he's kind. Been talking about one of HD's older albums for a bit, since I'm planning on buying it soon. ---- Better scrape some money together for some albums, I guess... A HeavensDust album and single, the new BoA album, an album by a new French metal band called 20 Miles of Wayside and the Winter Love and Key of Heart posters. Correction: Better scrape a lot of money together. ---- Got a new song uploaded. ---- The names of the music videos and commercials etc. which are displayed by the gifs are: Do the Motion Make a Secret Atlantis Princess Be The One Make a Secret [unknown] Kose FASIO/QUINCY [unknown] Make a Secret VALENTI \/\/\/ Let's make our love our life...
  12. Irony can be such a cruel, yet funny thing. (And yes, I'm talking about the pirated BoA DVD.) Almost everything on the casing and the DVD itself are copied masterfully, except for the pirate's logo. They even copied the "Warning: All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws." lines. People get weirder and weirder as time progresses. No real contact updates. Created a new BIONICLE edit though, the colour scheme is also found in the game Need for Speed: Most Wanted. You can view it here. ... Woohoot! Paint Shop Pro Photo XI is finished downloading! Going to install it very soon. Too bad it's a 30 day trial. Also, this is the landscape Saki Kaskas was talking about. Cya all around! /|/|\|\ I'll be here, waiting for your love...
  13. Grr, I hate not being with the woman I love... It sometimes makes me feel sick knowing that she's out of reach. Makes me feel lonely as well... Haven't had a reply from her yet, but I hope she'll contact me soon. I hate waiting. TT_TT But patience is a virtue. So I'll try to be patient waiting for the reply. Can't wait though... Received a comment from Saki Kaskas, also known as Captain Ginger. He composed music for the old NFS games. It appears he likes one of the landscapes I created quite some time ago. =D Makes me happy. But not less lonely... *huggles pictures of Boa* ... Now I gotta find a way to make Yoshiki and Bruce Dickinson to talk to me. xD ... Would be cool if it worked tho. Cya all around in the forums~ //||\\ The white white snow is coming tonight. Make a wish upon your kiss~
  14. Yeah, it was pretty bad, but I'm almost over it. I see, and I'm glad that everything worked out alright.
  15. Not just sad... suicidal. Fortunately, I'm still here.
  16. Angel Beat

    Good Music

    There's (almost) nothing good on TV these days when it comes to music. But that's my opinion.
  17. The last 24 hours have been pretty weird for me with stuff happening that's pretty exciting. 1.) I found a way to send a message to Boa. Did that as soon as possible. And I wrote everything with my heart and it felt good. Maybe, just maybe, I might get a reply. I doubt it, since she could receive tens of thousands of messages without having the time to read them all. Oh well, at least I got to say what I wanted to say. And that's a relief. 2.) My happy little order arrived today, so I can now put the BoA concert DVD placeholder (aka the pirated DVD) in my room and put the official DVD in the DVD rack near the TV downstairs. Also received Lena Park's 5th Korean album On & On. And the cover is awesome, it's wider than the BoA DVD case is high. Which was surprising, since I expected a simple jewel case. 3.) [negative thingy] The muscle pains aren't over yet, but it's weekend for me now. Hope my muscles are feeling better next Monday. 4.) Just found out that the composer Saki Kaskas/Captain Ginger is in my friends list on [guess]. Never knew I added him or that he added me. Saki Kaskas made music for the old Need for Speed games. And I certainly never knew he was Captain Ginger (one of the artists) from Need for Speed Porsche Unleashed. Pleasant surprise number 3. In other words, I has a pretty awesome day. Haven't head from Shin, HeavensDust's singer, yet though... |/|\| You´re the only one for me, baby...
  18. Yup~ This is something I'll keep remembering for the rest of my life. Remembering the tough times and looking back at them every once in a while is good for the soul. At least, that's my opinion. Awesome, now I gotta remember to disable my own sig... ^^;;
  19. [This will go in the "Life" category.] Should've been at work today, but the muscles in my neck, shoulders and upper back region are killing me. I think I slept in the wrong position last night, because the pain is worse than yesterday. Ah well, life ain't easy... At least I have a little something to look out for in January next year. BoA's new Japanese album, which doesn't have a title yet. I hope her latest 3 singles will be featured on it. That'd be great. Some of ye goode members might think why Valenti is obsessed with BoA. The answer is simple: I'm not obsessed, I'm very dedicated. I've dedicated a large part of my life to her. She basically saved my life and I'm very grateful for it. Thus, I made it one of mi life's goals to personally meet up with Boa and thank her for saving my life. Maybe, just maybe, even more. But whatever may happen, she'll always have a special place in my heart. Just so you know. Also, I hate it when people call me obsessed. Sure, I laugh along with them about it, but on the inside, I'm always deeply hurt when someone says it. Maybe I should talk to them about this. Again. And again. Yeah, they don't always listen very well to what I have to say to them. Some people are so annoying. <.<;; And before you ask, yes, I do love her with all my heart. =D Got to listen to BoA's new song Sunshine today. And it's a great ballad. One of the best I've ever heard actually. It literally put a tear to my eye, making Sunshine one of the few songs that ever made me cry (or almost cry). It's the ending theme for a new Korean drama movie which came out in theatres a couple of days ago, but I fail to remember the title of the movie. =[ When I find a better sound quality mp3, I'll give it an upload. Speaking of mp3s, are the ones currently on display still available? [i could use the downloads. ] ... I want an Olympus camera. ~~ /|\ ~~ Baby, do you, do you love me?
  20. My music collection just got bigger. It grew with 3 more singles, all by BoA. The titles are Quincy, Meri Kuri and Everlasting (Korean Version). Got contact with those people of that online store where I got the pirated DVD and if I read correctly, they sent another copy, hopefully a legal version this time, since it (AAA Anime or something, it's another web store, I believe) is not on one of BoA's biggest fansite's hit list... Yes, they have a piracy hit list. Also, next week my third order will arrive, with the legal version of the same DVD which I got from YesAsia, my standard online store. That order also has Lena Park's 5th abum, of which I hope it's great. ----- I also want your opinions on "Fallen Icons", which is my SSC#3 entry and it's also one of my very first songfics. So don't hesitate to post! "Get Nidhiki, get Nidhiki..." *cough* ----- I feel like hugging someone. ~~/~|~\~~ If you were here tonight..
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