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pls respond

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Everything posted by pls respond

  1. the thing is that kids can enjoy content considered "adult" and still turn out a well adjusted member of society. you also have to realize that kids find about about "adult" subjects even if their parents don't actively expose them to it. they'll find ways to access the content, regardless of the parents. it's the nature of being a child. i'm fairly certain a good number of you all have done that in your days. i'm certain most of your parents did too, and you probably look up to your parents as role models. so really, it does not hurt much for parents to allow kids to see a horror film or play a Call Of Duty game. kids know there's a line between fantasy and reality.
  2. god man, that is an awesome tattoo. mad respect to you for itstructures is pretty great live, i met their lead singer when i saw them the first time. he's pretty chill, gotta say.
  3. okay, how does that make a difference to what i said at all? but see by saying that it's the parent's fault, you're implying that the media is still damaging their minds which is saying that it's the media's fault, which signs point to not being true.
  4. well, when you put it that way...i'm a little skeptical because my good friend said they're really boring, but i'll check them out regardlessi mean i am seeing them on the Glamour Kills tour, no harm in at least getting a little familiarspeaking of Glamour Kills, DAT LINEUP
  5. blagh, i still haven't listened to them. i just started really getting into the genre like a month agoit's sooo great though
  6. you're 15, which means your little brother is probably not too old. give him time dude, kid will learn. most kids snap out of stupid phases like those eventually
  7. i think it's hilarious that you find it ridiculous to compare D&D to CoD. you have to take into consideration that when D&D was under fire, people weren't exposed to levels of violence presented in more modern games. to them, D&D was pretty violent, not to mention the more mystical elements of the games that got attacked by the religious (let's leave that part alone, no need for a religion war to start). so yeah, D&D could easily be considered the CoD of it's age.so now, look at the D&D hysteria and how the kids from that generation turned out fine. you're acting similarly to the people that fought against D&D. calm down. the younger generation's going to turn out fine.Laughin' Man (Eucliwood) is right once again, the media has little effect.
  8. sup bros, now that my musical tastes have expanded beyond just metal i figured it was time for another genre topicthis time it's about my current obsession with pop punkwhat sweet pop punk bands do you guys back?i've been listening to Man Overboard, The Wonder Years, Title Fight, The Story So Far. and Such Gold a lot latelydiscuss!
  9. disappointed that Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close even got nominated. that movie is pure trash.
  10. LADY GAGAA TRUE VILLAIN TO OUR CHILDRENWE MUST QUELL THIS BEAST BEFORE SHE DAMAGES OUR SOCIETY EVEN MOREon a more serious note, pretty much everyone looks at the younger generation and thinks they're stupid. you have to realize that you did all of the stupid things they did. children today are smarter than the children of the past. dat Flynn Effect
  11. bah, really? that's super lame. i'm travelling 4ish hours (one-way) just to see that. the line-up is just too great to miss imo. also mirin that rareform tat. yeah BoO has some great pits, seen them twice (All-stars and headliner). that sounds hilariously amazing. worst thing that's happen to me in a pit was during I, The Breather's set during Scream The Prayer, i got elbowed in the nose by this crazy dude who kept jumping on my friend. bled all over a new shirt. didn't break my nose though, so i wasn't bothered that much.NEW TOPIC: worst stuff that happened to you in a mosh pitalso RIP The Human Abstractalso also i'm seeing Stray From The Path next sunday, screw the superbowl.
  12. i saw them back in december on the sumeriancore supertour (Born Of Osiris' headliner), they were simply amazing. i am thoroughly convinced that Eclipse is going to be the greatest thing everi'll probably catch after the burial again on Whitechapel's headliner and then on Warped, that'll be 3 times seeing them. they're so perf
  13. i like festivals and such, it's a cool way to get exposed to new bands as well as see some of your favorites.also it looks like i'm most likely going to the metal alliance tour in march :Dfor those who don't know, the lineup is Devildriver, The Faceless, Job For A Cowboy, Dying Fetus, 3 Inches of Blood, Impending Doom, and Wretchednot too big on Devildriver and 3IOB but every other band there is awesome.
  14. lol, i actually think Mayhem is looking pretty rad. i like Whitechapel, High on Fire, The Devil Wears Prada, and As I Lay Dying quite a bit. i'd probably just see them and then leave (if i could go, no NC date this year). also Misery Signals is god-tier, good choice!and dang Valenti, i am jealous. there are some seriously great bands on that bill. seems like you'll have a great time there ಠ_ಠwell sorry, it just feels too standard for the band, and it's just kind of, well, boring. it's still good, don't get me wrong, but it's not close to their best imo.
  15. that's probably one of my least favorite tool songs :/also man i think it's just me but Warped Tour is shaping up to be super awesome this year
  16. i recently got a (signed!) vinyl copy of Letlive.'s Fake History when I saw them a few weekends ago.pretty rad stuff, mayne
  17. i feel like the choice here should be obvious.Saint's Row: The Third was by far the most fun i had this year. it's got to be one of the funniest games in recent memory as well.Skyrim's pretty rad too but nothing really came close to SR3 to me
  18. okay so Global Flatline is kind of amazing in every possible waygo listen to it right now if you like awesome music
  19. i'd say go with Human, i mean it is the turning point in their sound really. either way you can't go wrong though
  20. okay did the "it's too expensive part" just pass right by youi can't even get tickets now mayne :/if i could i would've just gone to both (literally tool is on saturday and SFTP is on sunday)
  21. MAD JELZ DUDEi'm probably not going to the show where i live because it's gonna be too expensive and there's a show the day after that i'd rather see (Stray From the Path, Structures and Counterparts). plus watching a band from a seat just seems weirdi hope you have fun though #mom
  22. You could try out Abigail Williams' new album. I enjoyed it quite a bit.also check out the new Veil of Maya song, it's kind of amazing
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