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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Bfahome

  1. Past E-T, past Rayg, past Roa, past Dokuhjghbjhb (w/e)… Geez, I'm popular!
  2. Bfahome


    I KNEW the Transformers were real! *hides from Scorponok*
  3. Bfahome


    What a horrible nightmare! D:
  4. Bfahome

    Ac 15 Entry!

    No matter who you are, no matter what you draw, Turakii's entry will eat you. XD
  5. Your name is the story of my life. :P

  6. I dunno where it comes from. O_o

  7. Alritey, first one should be up tomorrow, 'cause I don't like making entries in rapid succession.
  8. I don't watch Doctor Who, I don't play Halo, and I usually hide from Chuck Norris. So no.
  9. Why are you and "Oi" on the most wanted list? O_o
  10. So… yes? Guess. =D[/delight] -Taipu- (really Bunda) Er… yes? Ooh, GS!
  11. Can you eat hard candy? Then I suggest Werther's Originals. They have hard caramels.
  12. Hi, I was thinking of starting a blog comic thing here. Anyone think I should? (I've already made one ) Characters (will likely be expanded): Gavf: Naho (was named before ): Myrr: Lanak: Other: A jellyfish or two…? And I will likely be accepting some GS appearances. But you need a Rayg sprite. You can go here to make a sheet, then just give it to me.
  13. Bfahome

    Caption Contest #2

    "Gah! Stupid portal! It took the Technicolor away!"
  14. Bfahome


    Isn't it "Psy"? O_o And YES.
  15. Bfahome

    Blog Q&A

    Are we allowed to post comics in our blogs? (I didn't see this listed anywhere)
  16. That's not at all redundant at all! >
  17. Bfahome

    Ac15 Entry

    Yeeeah… I'm doomed. But I was doomed anyway. Oh, good luck with that. D:
  18. Bfahome

    I Crashed.

    It ain't, foo'.
  19. Bfahome


    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww… *breaks out the Raffi tapes*
  20. *stares intently at you until you start to twitch*
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