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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Bfahome

  1. For me that'd likely be high. This is probably one of my best ones. <.< And the only good one. But I have to say, Practice does make perfect. A month of randomly drawing Toa and Makuta in World Studies (All he does is LECTURE >_<), has helped. That isn't that bad. Looks Chibi and cute. Much more detailed than mine >_> Ohhs, and congrats in the BBC, better than I've ever done! And it's your first! [=-Midnighter-=] oMg i maed it 2 th semifanils!!1!11!1 And got a close third place.
  2. They are. Because TLC was like, "Heh, lets mess the kids' minds!! >8D!!" and the Focus groups were like "Noooeesss!" Then they were like, "Yeehhhhsss!!! >8D>" (They grew a goatee) And then when it was released we were all like, "Nooooeess...but nice Black Faxon!!! " And then TLC was like "Noooesss our plan is fail..... <D8<" Meaning.... I'm pretty psycho as a type this. [=-Midnighter-=] *twitch* Must... ...spam... ...Varaka's comments! >8{D
  3. Bfahome

    Name Change

    Trionicle. Esrever Fizz Meh
  4. Wait... is that good or bad? O.o
  5. You made me lose! :(

  6. Bfahome

    What Is Humor?

    Then why am I not happier? D:
  7. Shhhhhhhhhh! <.< >.> <.< >.> *edits comment*
  8. Yes..es..? O.o

  9. For me that'd likely be high. This is probably one of my best ones. <.< And the only good one.
  10. Wow. That seemed to come up quick. >.> I'm thinking of doing a 200 post special. I wonder what I'll make...
  11. The minifig one. All the other sets have it in green or red or something... ¬_¬

  13. The KFC guy? Bull, that's Orville Redenbacher!

  14. I beleev u ar in posession of ma bucket. Givvit back.

  15. No, silly. Mind control! 8D

  16. Kinda like RobKohr! :o

  17. Oh, and you might want to change " fiance' " to " fiancé ".
  18. Better than I ever expected to do! But way worse than I hoped to do.
  19. ...all the BIONICLE references. Well, not real references, but you get the point. Geometry: Whilst learning about sines, cosines, and tangents, our teacher gave us a neat way to remember the sides that correspond: "SOHCAHTOA". When you say it, it sounds like "soak a Toa". Spanish: When we were learning to conjugate the verb "ir" ("to go"), one of the forms, the "yo" ("I") form, is "voy". So I figured that, if I wanted to say "I go Nui" en español, it would be "Voy a Nui". And in our spanish book, our teacher was kind of reminding us that "v" and "b" sound the same. One of the book examples was: "botar/votar" I swear, they know. They're out to get me. To drive me insane. But I'm too smart for 'em. I already am insane! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!! >8D Yeah. ~Bf
  20. periodperiodperiod


  21. That's what I was thinking. <.>

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