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Blog Entries posted by Bfahome

  1. Bfahome
    Gravity Hurts: Music vid focusing mainly on Lyoko Warriors, ends with defeat of Kolossus.
    Closer to the Truth: Music vid focusing mainly on William & his XANAfied-ness, ends with him coming back (at practically the very end).
    I've got some really awesome scenes in mind. Now all I need if a ton of Code Lyoko videos and a good video editing program. >_>
  2. Bfahome
    One day when I came home at lunchtime,
    I heard a funny noise.
    Went out to the back yard to find out if it was,
    One of those rowdy boys.
    Stood there with my neighbor called Peter,
    And a Flux Capacitor.
    He told me he built a time machine,
    Like one in a film I've seen,
    Yeah yeah... he said...
    I've been to the year 3000
    Not much has changed but they lived under water.
    And your great great great grand daughter,
    Is doing fine (is doing fine).
    He took me to the future in the flux thing, and I saw everything.
    Boy bands, and another one and another one ... and another one!
    Girls there with round hair like Star Wars float above the floor
    We drove around in a time machine,
    Like the one in the film I've seen..
    Yeah yeah...
    He said, I've been to the year 3000.
    Not much has changed but they lived under water,
    And your great great great grand daughter,
    Is doing fine (is doing fine).
    I took a trip to the year 3000.
    This song had gone multi-platinum.
    Everybody bought our 7th album.
    It had outsold Kelly Clarkson.
    I took a trip to the year 3000.
    This song had gone multi-platinum.
    Everybody bought our 7th album, 7th album, 7th album.
    He told me he built a time machine.
    Like the one in a film I've seen,
    Yeah yeah...
    I've been to the year 3000.
    Not much has changed but they lived under water.
    And your great great great grand daughter,
    Is doing fine (is doing fine).
    He said, I've been to the year 3000.
    Not much has changed but they lived under water.
    And your great great great grand daughter,
    Is doing fine (is doing fine).
    He said, I've been to the year 3000.
    Not much has changed but they lived under water.
    And your great great great grand daughter,
    Is doing fine (is doing fine).
    He said, I've been to the year 3000.
    Not much has changed but they lived under water.
    And your great great great grand daughter,
    Is doing fine (is doing fine).
    Yeah yeah, BZP-safe version. >_>
  3. Bfahome
    The following plans are possible responses to a Class 1-2 outbreak in or around our immediate area. These are all plans that I have come up with based on my location and the resources available to me. Your situation may be different, so you should develop your own plan.
    also leggo my eggo >:[
    Plan 1
    Location: High School
    Preparation Needed:
    • Solar panels for electricity (possibly)
    • Help from principal or janitor (for keys/access; preferably janitor, because he's awesome)
    • Some food, depending on when in the year it is/how much food is already there
    • Spray paint/other window blackeners
    • Radio or other communication device
    • Many people
    • Weapons (not as necessary due to certain supplies in the school)
    • Alert principal/janitor/person with keys
    • Gather friends/acquaintances
    • Notify/invite friends from Massachusetts (who are all awesome) (if they are in danger too)
    • Get to the choppah school and get inside
    • Raid the kitchen for any food (note: the kitchen is accessible through the second floor if the proper measures are implemented)
    • Raid the gym area/storage and weight room for any useful items (compound bows/arrows, golf clubs, weights & heavy objects, bars/poles, fitness machines, etc.)
    • Move all scavenged supplies to the second floor
    • Scour the second floor for all the temporary walls (there are like a billion) and use them to barricade all stairwells
    • Black out the windows on all bottom-floor entrance doors, black out the windows on the doors to all stairwells, black out most upper-floor windows
    • Ensure easy access to the roof (via foreign language area and one English room)
    • Knock over/destroy the "permanent temporary walls" in at least one wing of the building to create a large open space
    • Designate certain rooms for certain functions
    • Set up electricity sources (solar panels [if acquired], stationary bikes /w/ generators) and lights
    • Look for entertaining items, remain entertained
    • Survive
    Practicality: High
    Ease of accessibility: Moderate/High
    Distance: Close
    Security from Zombies: Moderate/High
    Security from Bandits: Moderate/High (depending on how thorough the set up is)
    Plan 2
    Location: House of former neighbor
    Preparation Needed:
    • Any supplies they do not readily have
    • Wood, metal, bricks, and/or cinder blocks for possible wall
    • Construction equipment
    • Weapons
    • Radio or other communication device
    • Gather supplies (maybe stop at local store to pick up more)
    • Recruit neighbor at the end of our road who has construction equipment
    • Drive to former neighbor's house
    • Construct deep ditch and dirt wall around property with construction equipment
    • Move all supplies upstairs
    • Destroy porch/other means of entry
    • Destroy staircase (should be easy, it's an awesome staircase)
    • Set up lookout/sniper post on the top floor's "tower"/"tower"'s roof (heck yeah)
    • Survive
    Practicality: Moderate
    Ease of accessibility: Low/Minimal
    Distance: Far
    Security from Zombies: Moderate/High
    Security from Bandits: Low/Moderate
    Awesomeness: > 9000
    Plan 3
    Location: Overpass
    Preparation Needed:
    • Solar panels for electricity (possibly)
    • Sturdy wood and/or metal for a small retractable bridge
    • Other supplies
    • Weapons
    • Radio or other communication device
    • Gather supplies (maybe stop at local store to pick up more)
    • Recruit neighbor at the end of our road who has construction equipment
    • Find a large overpass
    • Put all supplies in the center of the overpass
    • Use construction equipment to destroy both ends of the overpass, cutting off entrance
    • Build a small retractable bridge for escape/scavenging purposes
    • Survive
    Practicality: Low
    Ease of accessibility: Moderate
    Distance: Fairly Close
    Security from Zombies: Moderate/High
    Security from Bandits: Low/Moderate
    If anyone is in the New England area and needs shelter, I can provide you with details of the school's location (if that plan is chosen).
    Also bye August.
  4. Bfahome
    In no particular order:
    - Hahli Mahri (WANT for mask and wings and stuff)
    - Roodaka (HELLO goldmine of awesome pieces <3)
    - Zaktan (I realized his awesomeness too late… )
    - Kalmah (… because…)
    - Bahrag (wantwantwantwantwantwant…)
    - Rockoh T3 (I need another vehicle…)
  5. Bfahome
    B2 C2 72 ≠ BBCC 49
    BxB is not BB, unless B is a variable with a value of I don't know what. And if CxC is CC, wouldn't B and C be equal? So it could be BBBB or CCCC or BCBC or CBCB or something. <_>
    I'm pretty sure the 49 part is correct, though…
    Speaking of which, I gotta do my geometry homework. And my ancient world cultures homework >.<
  6. Bfahome
    "You know, the story's not really that bad if you pay attention to it. "
    "Try turning the leg around. "
    "Believe me, I've read every single one. "
    "Hey guys, I like salad. "


  7. Bfahome
    Six guys land on an island, look for masks, and beat up animals.
    The same six guys fight a bunch of bugs, then are transformed by a magick liquid.
    The same six guys fight more bugs and, with a new seventh guy, fight a bunch of anthropomorphized slugs.
    Six guys that were originally introduced three years ago fight a plant and some robots.
    The same six guys get bitten by some spiders and transform. They then fight the spiders.
    The first six guys go get beat up by yo gangstas, so some more guys that were originally introduced six years ago are transformed by lightning and go and beat them up.
    They then go underwater and fight a bunch of anthropomorphized sea creatures.
    Three of the original six guys go flying into the air to beat up some bats. The other three go into a swamp and beat up more bugs.
    The guy all these people were living inside is chucked to another planet where he fights a bunch of bad guys and builds a robot.
    Up until that last part, it sounds like an episode of George Shrinks.
  8. Bfahome
    Since it's the most wonderful time of the year, I figured I'd celebrate with prizes. Or, prize, singular.
    So, what you do is guess a number between 1 and 13. So the positive integers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13. Pick one, guess it. You have until the close of Sunday, Eastern US time, to pick a number.
    Once entries are closed, I'll RNG a number, and then of the people who guessed that number I'll RNG a winner. Winner gets a Hero Pack, with its fancy transparent pumpkin Mask of Fire and scary scuttly Skull Spider.
    - One entry per person
    - You're gonna have to give me your shipping address if you win
    - I guess you can change your guess until entry period is over, but I don't think that'd help you that much
    - No cheating
    - No pointing out that the Mask of Fire isn't actually a Hau, it's a good pun and you know it
    Violation of any rule is grounds for disqualification. Especially the last rule.
    Good luck.
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