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Status Updates posted by -Tarik-

  1. Indeed you have. I know your older brother, and I think he led you to my epic. And I think you randomly commented on my profile once or twice. :P

  2. >=D I got to see concept art for the Inika.

  3. Well, he had something to do with the church of Scientology. There aren't, to my knowledge, any religious messages in his books.

  4. Happy belated birthday!

  5. You sir, are obsessed.

  6. whoopie!!! two new comments!!!

  7. Whoa, awesome personal pic!

  8. Another good one is Charlie & The Chocolate Factory. The movies are pretty good too, but I didn't really like Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka. They overdid the quirkiness turning it into downright weirdness.

  9. Congrats on the new baby!

  10. Yay! Another reader! That makes, lets see, four! Oh, and I should be posting a Halloween story soon...

  11. Lol thanks. XP Wait, I mean, don't you like my beard? :o

  12. It would appear so.

  13. Since they'd be pictures of Brickfest, a Lego event, you could put them on Brickshelf if you wanted. Hey, have you seen Coraline?

  14. yes, but if you go to sophenem, then there's this guy with a hat who is standing outside the minigame and his name is Tarik. I never knew there would be runescapers here!

  15. It was nice meeting you at Brickfest! =)

  16. Aw...well hopefully I'll still get to meet you, for however brief a time.

  17. ha, I could only pinch my cat....

  18. My fusion power grants me the ability to rip objects apart as well as fuse them together, so keep that in mind when you choose an opponent.

  19. happy st.Patrick's day!


  20. I'll send ya a PM ^^

  21. no, it's a hobo spider. found the pic on the wiki.

  22. Woah, Optimus Prime!

  23. It's good to see you posting again!

  24. Nice avvie. Is it Vincent?

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