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Hahli Husky

Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Hahli Husky

  1. Not. So. And you know it, Rob.

  2. Your avatar is Misao. Misao is the best Lucky Star character. Therefore, you are completely and utterly awesome.

  3. Sorry, but I couldn't have done anything for your topic, since I'm not a CoT moderator. ^^

  4. Why are the cutest animals usually the worst to have as pets? :( We should just open up an all-otter zoo!!

  5. XD It's Neffi from the Dark Crystal prequel manga.

  6. That reminds me that I really really need to read your comics sometime. :D;;;

  7. Yeah, it's older, but it's a classic!! Hee. ♥

  8. How dare you

    You evil woman, how dare you

  9. Hi there!! Happy new year!!

  10. Sweet I'll check it out. =D

  11. LOL. Well, I'm not all that popular anymore, and certainly not as much as others. But what helped me was keeping my chapters from being too long and reviewing other people's work -constantly-. They were always glad to return the favor, you see.

  12. Wow I have no idea who you are but CONGRATS!


  13. *puffs up* Wai yes lol indeed.

    XP Heh, you're awesome for being so nice!

  14. Aww man, why the heck does your new name have to also be my middle name?!? D=

  15. I had some, but I ate it. D=


  16. Izumi Curtis quote for the win!

    Congrats on the new baby, so adorable!

  17. OMG your profile pic. I LOVE THAT SONG LOL.

  18. Yay a comments place! :D

  19. lol I didn't even think people noticed whether I was premier or not. XD Thanks!

  20. Now you're thinking with portals!

  21. Aww lol poor Havoc.

  22. Hahahaha, naturally.

  23. Yes, Koji Kondo's music is sweet. :D I play some of it on the piano.

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