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Everything posted by Snelly

  1. IC: Zanakra - Fort Razorfish;Vaa - Spineless Bay - Zanakra grunted. "Now that we are firmly established here in Razorfish;Vaa, I would like to get a firm grasp of who are closest neighbors are." Of course when she said neighbors, what she really meant was enemies to either destroy or subjugate. "It would be foolish to think we're the only well established fort this side of Zakaz. We have to learn as much as we can about these 'neighbors', as I'm sure they'll be doing the same." She spit into the nearby pale. "You two seem to have at least half a brain on you, better than most of the Heu:Nii here at any rate. What are your thoughts on this?" Zanakra read in a book somewhere that asking advice from your underlings was a good mark of a leader...actually it was a Lesterin she beat the #### out of who had read that and told her about it but eh, same difference. @Smudge8 @Whisper
  2. IC: Skyra Daring - Fowadi - Ostia - I put the bottle down as I traded it for a glass. "Only one way to find out." I took a sip of the bourbon myself. "Oh wow..."
  3. IC: Skyra Daring - Fowadi - Ostia - I caught the bottle flawlessly as you'd expect. "Apparently I am. No ice." I popped open the bourbon and began to pour it into each of the glasses. "Those words didn't age as well as this bourbon." I commented as I listened to Dorian.
  4. IC: Arisaka - Ga-koro docks - Arisaka nodded.
  5. IC: Skyra Daring - Fowadi - Ostia - "Yuru...Yuru..." Did I know this person? For some reason I felt like I should, but nope! Nothing was coming to me. "...hmmmm whatever, pour me a drink already."
  6. IC: Skyra Daring - Fowadi - Ostia - "Someone attacked you with a tree? What kind of flipping hippie..." I was getting distracted. "...yeah bourbon is fine."
  7. IC: Oceanna Gallywix - The Whatever Inn - Onu-koro - Oceanna strummed her guitar as she warmed up. She couldn't believe she finally got a music gig, it was just too bad it was at this #### inn. "No one appreciates the struggles of an artist..." She strummed her guitar some more, sure she'd made a killing hunting Rahkshi, and sure she got a bad### staff for the trouble, but it hadn't helped her in becoming a famous guitarist at all! If only her voice was as good as her skills with the guitar. "...why are singers so hard to find?" OOC: Open for interaction
  8. IC: Skyra Daring - Fowadi - Ostia - Well, that joke backfired. I shook my head and followed the two boys down to the doctor's office. "Is there anyone else here I know? Naona? Tillian? Dehkaz? How's Krayn? Is he getting enough sleep? Is he sleeping alone?" Tillian, now that was someone I hadn't seen in some time, I wondered how he was doing? "Krayn and Dehkaz are here. I don't know Krayn's sleeping habits well enough to give an answer to that, but knowing him...probably alone yeah." I looked at Dorian as he sat on furniture not meant to be sat on, he was gonna get leg cramps or something.
  9. IC: Zanakra - Fort Razorfish;Vaa - Spineless Bay - She grinned. "Just peachy. Nothiing quite like watching those under you beating the #### out of each other." @Smudge8 @Whisper
  10. IC: Hakari - The Bright Star Inn - Le-Koro - Hakari downed her drink with seconds, "Another please!" Naturally it took a lot of alcohol to get a Lesterin to feel so much as a buzz. @Harvali @BBBBalta @Mel
  11. IC: Arisaka - Ga-koro docks - Arisaka shook her head. "Not that I have seen. The people of Ga-koro have been extremely helpful and welcoming thus far."
  12. IC: Skyra Daring - Fowadi - Ostia - "Ah I get it Praggos, just one of us isn't enough for you huh? How greedy~"
  13. IC: Arisaka - Ga-koro - "I...do not know." Arisaka admitted. "Many are here, though some were left behind. Right now all we can do is find a place for our people who are here to take refugee while we figure out how to retake our home." @Constructelf
  14. IC: Skyra Daring - Fowadi - Ostia - I nodded, that seemed reasonable enough. Though the idea of Dorian being reasonable was weird, he'd definitely changed since I last saw him. Some of the things he was saying were kind of worrying though, not a good idea if he was alone? I didn't really want to think of what that could imply. "Sure I shouldn't come with? You might need backup in case Praggos tries to probe you."
  15. IC: Arisaka - Ga-koro - "Lady Asa." Arisaka said with a nod, while Arisaka was never much for socializing compared to most, she did feel a bond with the others from the expedition. "I'm afraid so. Our home has been ravaged by these 'Sons of Makuta', Rahkshi is what the Mata Nuian's call them." Arisaka looked grim. "The Rora called for an evacuation to Mata Nui, which is why they're all here now." @Constructelf
  16. IC: Arisaka - Ga-koro - Docks - Arisaka had been busy helping the Dasaka refugees for the last while. There was no end to it naturally, with how many there were. Most of them were not in the best moods, which was understandable. Arisaka was taking a short break for the moment, wiping sweat off her mask. Directing people was tiring. OOC: Open for interaction
  17. IC: Skyra Daring - Fowadi - Ostia - I grinned back. "Yo ###." I swore he probably broke out of jail just using that smile. "You look like ####, how'd you manage to cheat death this time?"
  18. IC: Hakari - The Bright Star Inn - Le-Koro - Hakari was quick to go up to the bartender and order a drink. "Gimme your fruitiest drink!" She exclaimed cheerfully. OOC: @Harvali @BBBBalta @Mel @Anyone else in the Bright Star Inn
  19. IC: Skyra Daring - Fowadi - Ostia - I rubbed the left side of my head as I looked at Dorian. I expected to feel incredibly angry, but it all just faded away. I knew I had every right to be angry, for many reasons, but I just couldn't. I didn't know what I was feeling honestly, couldn't describe it if I tried. "Hahaha ####...I know I'm sober but I really don't feel like I am...hurl the #### bag already."
  20. IC: Skyra Daring - Fowadi - Ostia - I gave Praggos a friendly slap on the back. "Nice shot! But yeah, you should probably go get tha...a..aaa...aaaaaa...." I happened to glance towards the docks and saw someone who should not be there. "N-No...that's not..." I rubbed my eyes, it was a trick of the light, dust in my eye, a mirage. Whoever that was just happened to look like him. Calm down Skyra...he's dead, you've accepted that and moved on, when you open your eyes again he won't be- He was right there, there was no mistaking it, why was I seeing him!? "P-Praggos help me...I think...I think I'm starting to hallucinate...I'm seeing a very dead man and I know ghosts aren't real cause #### you Jaron...so the only explanation is I'm having a mental break down or something oh gods why is this happening..." I had dropped my blunderbuss on the deck at some point (thankfully I had not reloaded it), I had my hands on the rails and I think I was hyperventilating. I was prepared for Praggos to tell me I'd finally lost it and needed to see a shrink, there was no way this was real, destiny was not this kind. One thing I'd found I absolutely had in common with Dorian was that we were both really good at cheating death...but you only got lucky so many times right? I finally gathered the courage to look again and finally I just accepted what I saw, it was Dorian Shaddix, in the flesh. Naturally, I had a few things to say. "A letter...A GOD####ED LETTER!" I shouted as I yanked the ear plugs out. "That's all you had to do! It could have just said "Yo b####!" and that would have been fine!" My hands were squeezing the rails so hard I think they were stuck. I felt dizzy, he was going to be the death of me, I knew it.
  21. IC: Hakari - Le-Koro - Hakari waved goodbye to Ramaka before looking towards the Bright Star Inn that Kanohi seemed to be gesturing towards. That seemed like a good enough place to rest up. "Ah the Bright Star Inn, they have good drinks there!" She marched towards it with some enthusiasm, it seemed she had her mind set on getting a drink. OOC: @Harvali
  22. IC: Zanakra - Fort Razorfish;Vaa - Spineless Bay - "Oh they will come, and their bones will decorate our halls." It seemed the boss lady had been listening. @Smudge8 @Whisper
  23. IC: Skyra Daring - Fowadi - Ostia - "Don't #### it up Praggos."
  24. IC: Hakari - Le-Koro - "Oh uh, sure! No problem!" Hakari rubbed the back of her head, it wasn't like she had been trying to be a hero or anything, but she couldn't stand idle when someone right in front of her needed help. Hakari stepped off the elevator as they reached the top, Le-koro was the bustling koro it always was, even in times of strife like this. "Sooooo, you two should probably get a check up from a doctor I'd think, or if you feel fine at least rest up at an inn or something." OOC: @Harvali
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