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Phantax ~ Storm Master

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Blog Comments posted by Phantax ~ Storm Master

  1. And that's what the original plan was. :P


    I think we should first make the MU, then SM;we could combine the two easily if we set the story after the merging, we'd just have to make the Mata Nui island in the middle of the SM ocean(Mata Nui might've done that ). Or we could do the MU, Bota Magna, and Bara Magna as separate planets. And only then should we consider the EM.

    It was?


    I thought the plan was to do just the EM and not the MU, and call it "Aethion Online."



  2. Did you really just compromise and say we should do it the original way you'd said? :P

    I said we should make both, but concentrate on the MU first, since that's more representative of all of Bionicle then a fanfiction group on one single Bionicle forum.



  3. If someone makes a Bohrok flash game does that mean that the 2002 storyline is still continuing?

    Hm, well you have a point there.


    Why not just make both a MU and an EM? We can have special portals that will take you between worlds.


    Although we should make the MU first since that's the real universe.


    Besides, I'm already making Mata Nui. I have the basic form and now I'm making the hills, mountains, etc.



  4. You guys are also saying that you'll be making up 80% of the locations since we never fully explored the MU. Therefore, sure you can swim in the lakes of Ga-Koro but what happens when they get to the 80% they don't recognize?


    "(censored) is this?" and they will leave.


    Plus, by the time you release the game 2-3 years minimum, Bionicle will be over and all that will be left (probably) will the hard core Bionicle fans and the EM fans. By that point, you'd expect the hard core Bionicle fans to eventually join the EM since that would be the only outlet of Bionicle.

    It won't be the only outlet if we make one.



  5. I'm in support of the MU one, because really lots of Bionicle fans have never heard of BZP let alone the EM, so, to quote Dethraid on our BNG forums:


    And the setting. Some of you want it to be in the EM. I have no clue what the EM is, except that it's really complicated and hasn't been featured in the canon story. It seems to not include the MU. I know a lot of people will want to play in the MU, myself included. The will want to swim in Ga-Koro, work in the forges of Ta-Metru, battle Skakdi on Zakaz. There will probably be a lot of nostlagia going around, and we'll probably get a lot more players if we set it in the MU. If it's in the EM, people will join and be like "(censored) is this?" and they will leave. We don't want that. Maybe we can expand into the EM later, but it should defanantly be set in pre-2010 MU, for nostalgia reasons.


    Perfectly worded. I couldn't put it better.


    If need be we can make the original MU first and make alternate fanon universes later.


    -Phantax (Not Renddslow)

  6. Congratulations for winning!


    Oh, and hooray for Apple! :P


    I love apple. That's what I do everything on, I think Windows are not very user-friendly and too prone to viruses. They both have their ups and downs, but I think Mac has more ups then downs.


    But then again, it really depends which one you grew up on. If you've been using PC all your life, then most of the time you'll like PC. If you've been using Mac your whole life, then you'll probably like Mac better.


    However, my dad, a website, application, and mobile phone app designer, has Macs and PCs, and he likes Mac better for everything.



  7. I'm not great at coloring, but I'm excellent at hand-inking and sketching. Maybe I could do some of the inking?




    To answer this:


    They mean digital colouring, or you could print it off, colour it, then scan it again if you're not lazy. :P


    I probably should have mentioned that at the start. :P

    In that case, nevermind. I don't have a tablet, and I'm bad at controlling the mouse like that. You sure I can't just print it out, ink it, and scan it again?



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