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Everything posted by Malakyr

  1. They look cool in that comic. But I am so buying them, anyway. And Takanuva. And I STILL need to get the Toa Ignika. *Steals Hat* -AngelFlame
  2. Sounds good. The storyline made me " " for a few moments, but it sounds playable, anyway. -AngelFlame
  3. Woot, I have to agree.

    VGCats is awesome.

  4. You check VG Cats?


  5. -__O ... ... ... ...Oookay... -AngelFlame
  6. Hello! - Hello - Hawk Nelson. How do you feel today? - White and Nerdy - Weird Al Yankovic What do you think of your hair? - Must have Done Something Right - Relient K What are you listening to right now? - WildChild - Enya. What's your favorite color? - The Bad Color - James Newton Howard What do you do in your spare time? - Start A Fire - Audio Adrenaline What's your favorite thing to eat? - Hard to pinpoint a certain one, so I'll say Eat it - Weird Al Who do you admire? - Why Worry - The All American Rejects What's your life goal? - To Kill a Demon - Martin O'Donnell, Halo 3 soundtrack How would you feel if the heavens opened above you and a million dollars dropped into your lap? - Numb - Linkin Park When was the last time you brushed your teeth? - In the End - Linkin Park What do you despise? - Everything About You - Sanctus Real () Is there a place you wish you could visit? - Joy - Newsboys What's your preferred mode of transportation? - Thunder - Boys Like Girls What do you want to be when you're older? - You Decide – Fireflight What will your final words be? - I'm so Sick - Flyleaf Do you have any words of advice for other members? - Let the Good Times Roll - The Eagles Byebyez! - I'm Still Here - John Rzeznik -AngelFlame


  8. What in Mata Nui's name is this? It looks like fun. -AngelFlame
  9. I think so, Tea Leafeh

  10. I'll take. No "j/k". If you want one, I'm open. -AngelFlame
  11. How about Shipwrecked Dracone?


  12. The name IS a bit long, mind. Make a MoC of some Code Lyoko Monsters, or something. It could turn out to be awesome. -AngelFlame

  14. Yummy. Fried Onion Aliens on toast! -AngelFlame
  15. Your Avatar makes me Laugh.


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