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Everything posted by Gavla

  1. Life sees Death as Gavla. Gavla killed ChilBot, something Life would never do. Look at this from that point of view. Comic- Void Inhabitants
  2. This is embarrassing. I was so caught up in Death's lines, I forgot to add in Life's! Haha, the link is now FIXED with the correct changes. I'm a forgetful old comic maker.
  3. Keep in mind: Life outlawed red and blue. He was enforcing his law. Also remember that Life's eyes are mutated. He actually views Death as Gavla. That's why Death's mask changed. Comic- The Watching Death
  4. You do, and that's great. You fellows are some of the best readers I've ever had. Take it from me, I've done this for a long time. So I've had a bunch over the years. Comic- Transition Estimation
  5. We will soon. Anyway, I'm sorry to say that there will probably be no comic today. I can't seem to end today's right. I keep going back and editing the script. Chances are I won't get it done until later tonight, so I think it's best if I just continue the comic into tomorrow. This means it will be a bit longer, since it should be two comics in one. Or that's what I'm guessing. Aside from that, I ended up rather busy in the afternoon. Which cut into my comic making time. So sorry fellows, but this does happen sometimes. Hope you lot can understand.
  6. Comic- Of Time And Space Things are about to get very busy in the comics. Fun fact: There is a slight error in text size with Life and Salesman. I didn't realize the mistake until after I was done Salesman's lines. Was too later to fix Life's. So sorry about that.
  7. Comic- One Sided Discussions The tossing effect is a bit bleh, started feeling sickish again this evening. So sorry.
  8. I want this for my Engineer loadouts.
  9. Comic- The Tribal Chief
  10. Mini-Mini-Comic- Armful Of Remembrance Good news. We know what I'm sick with, so I've started my antibiotic. First dose was double what I'll be taking the rest of the week, so I was pretty tired today. Hah! Again, I am so sorry for the three day break in story comics. I normally don't get sick. I can promise a story comic tomorrow. I've got the script all ready and everything.
  11. Ah, the Blender. Mini-Mini Comic- Arms Bonus points if you remember the Blue One.
  12. The Mohtrek is ugly. Also, would you really want him to bring about past versions? They would all look like.. well, Gavla. He'd slaughter them in an instance. Personally, I view the Vahi as the more dangerous one. Destroying that one is very bad. Though it's a good thing you brought up the Mohtrek, as I'll have to keep a mental note for the future on it. Anyway, no comic today. I was too tired/sick to do anything except sleep and drink milkshakes. I'll see about making a small comic tomorrow, depends how I feel.
  13. I dunno, that's their jurisdiction. They are free to do with them as they wish. I gave one request: To never harm them. In actually, there are alternate Mini Gav and Mini Chilly in this universe. @Tenuk: I apply logic to what do, in an attempt to make it realish. On Earth we have our own groups of humans that are very tribal like. We even have very strange creatures. Similar to the Tribal Matoran and their beasts. The Starter robot was based on the idea that the Great Beings had to have created multiple prototypes that worked to some extent. Comic- Fading Consciousness Note: I'm getting sick. Sore throat and stuffed nose already. How I feel tomorrow will help me decide on if I should make a comic or rest. I will keep you updated.
  14. Sorry for no comic yesterday, I fell asleep right before it was done. So have it today, and enjoy it. I did some new stuff with it in terms of panels and some perspectives. Tribal Matoran
  15. I re-named the link just for you, Tenuk. Cha. Comic- Masked Matters As stated last night, super busy. So I could only get a very small comic done. Sorry!
  16. I notice you, M_G. Cha, but hello. It's nice to see you again. I should update the front page! Thanks for reminding me, friend. Comic- Masked Babysitter I've got a busy day tomorrow, so super sorry if I don't get a comic done. It's hard to make one when I'm away for the middle of the day. Chah.
  17. Now that there is a cute lil' fella. Cha-ha. Not bad, a bit big in terms of space. Such as the large amount of white. If I may make a suggestion, perhaps lower the amount of white space in the future?
  18. Probably knocked out against a wall in the ship, since last time we saw them they were all falling down the hallway. We'll get to them soon. As stated, they're probably knocked out. Comic- Mutation Laboratory
  19. Comic- Filtration Defense
  20. The Green Makuta could be either, depending on the body it takes. After all, they're just gas now. Comic- Gassed Robotics Makuta gas is such a tricky thing to work with. I think this was the first time I used it as a visual weapon. Helps that that Makuta helped design the Golden Rahkshi.
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