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Everything posted by Gavla

  1. ..Wow. I'm surprised you lot completely forgot where Goggles came from. Comic One - Comic Two - Comic Three He's not there out of compassion, he isn't there to be the hero. He shouldn't be alive, yet he is. He fell into the new universe. Just like the staff, actually. Comic- The Goggled Gavla
  2. Comic- The Goggled Truth There is a lot I can, and will do with Goggles.
  3. There is still a hole above/near Meta-Nui. Now that the robot has lifted up out the sea, the water flow stopped. Though one could argue that there are holes elsewhere on the robot from the Red Star shards. Comic- The Goggled Trial
  4. Comic- Nation's Address Sorry for uploaded lateness, I got a late start on this one. Plus I set aside time to write up tomorrow/today's script.
  5. I like to add in something funny now and then. Though to be honest, the big reason I made the Toaster-Bot the A.I was to use computer jokes. Although, I'm surprised some of you brought up glitches. I wasn't expecting anyone to do so, so I am proud. Comic- First Decree Also, side note. Try to think like Gavla when you comprehend what he just did. You'll slowly start to understand why he did that.
  6. Comic- Toasted Ascension
  7. Comic- Combined Transformations
  8. Canon was broken at the end of AVID. Also, it shouldn't bother you at this point. Or at least I'd hope not. I've managed to desensitize myself from it. Regardless, these are comics loosely based off toys. So it's more so the entertaining aspect that drives me. Also, I actually do hate Mata-Nui. I guess you could say Comic Gavla's own feelings about him are based off of mine. Comic- Heart Attack Again, I am super sorry this isn't coming out at the normal time. I thought I'd have it done, but I got side tracked again. Guess I'm not as young as I used to be, can't stay focused/up long enough anymore. Hah. Eh.. what do you expect when one's been going at this for five years.
  9. Sorry for lateness, got super busy this afternoon. Comic- Dume's Doom
  10. I'm surprised no one brings up the fact that he practically caused all the killings on Meta-Nui. Since he effectively gave Gavla a cause to start doing that, with money. Comic- Masked Escape
  11. WHEW. I am SUPER sorry for being so late. I got very busy today! Anyway, comic! Frozen Death
  12. Mutated Matoran. Comic- Stability Offline
  13. Dark Matter ate through his mouth, giving him an actual mouth. Or something. Comic- Undercover Guard
  14. I like that name, I think I'll use it. Thanks much. Comic- Escaping Matters This comic took some time to make, plus I had a lot of ideas for it! One would been a sort of "Escape Pod Breached" voice going on near the end. Also tried some lighting and other effects.
  15. Fun fact: I never actually plan what Mole will say. He is not a character that's meant to talk. That's ICC Mole's job, to talk because he's just a servant to a dapper gentleman Gavla. Comic- Toasty Eyes I think Sundays will be my "The Adventures of Emu-Gerlicky" days. Where I'll make a Emu-Gurky comic.
  16. Comic- Vocal Backlash It's not gone yet.
  17. Whew, sorry for posting this late. I worked most of the day trying to add as much detail as I could. Comic- Melted Defenses
  18. Gavla doesn't know they're at his crashed ship. The guards are acting on their own, though all under the command of converting Matoran into Dark Matter subjects. I tried some different techniques with today's comic. Comic- Dark Shots I'm never making bullet holes again. I mean Dark Matter holes.
  19. Majhost seems to be offline. Though here, yesterday's comic linked via Iaza. Basement Fall
  20. Dark Matter is actually a real thing. Which is why I love it. Look it up sometime, it's a very fun read. Comic- Basement Fall Now that quote is one fine piece of work. (Seriously, he's my favorite class. Thanks for the laugh!)
  21. Yes, actually. That was the first appearance of Death. Kind of ironic what you said, about it not being canon. The Void was meant to link all universes in some way. An example was linking the ICC verse to the one I make comics with. So you could.. argue that the past sagas did happen in a different universe. I've just decided to not focus on that one. Comic- Dark Matters
  22. Haha, that's a neat way of putting it. Comic- Three Old Men Random fact- Compare Vakama in this comic to how he looked in AVID. He's different. Similar to what happened to the main cast, the Turaga actually changed. A bonus fact, Gavla is the only one who did not change in terms of looks. Only in terms of his mind and eyes. (Though the eyes are a part of the Mask of Life.)
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