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Everything posted by Gavla

  1. Technically speaking, they destroyed all reality. Since the Void holds every universe, every outcome. Each possible calculation. The Void was made with all comics in mind. Your own, my own. So you can argue that two Gavlas and an insane grey eyed guy destroyed the entire comic forum. Or did they. That's the question. It's like Bingo with high chances of "What" and "huh".
  2. This was meant to be posted yesterday, on my birthday. However, BZP went down before I got done. Comic? The End. ? - ? - ?
  3. That's the idea, it's the exact same Death from my work. The idea is Death looks different to everyone, thus he looks different.
  4. Death is a creepy fellow, indeed. I really like the facial expressions you put in the comic. Also, she should be called Lady Caps-Lock what with all the screaming.
  5. Comic- Voided Confrontation
  6. "Somebody kill Life." Is that really a good idea? If someone could, he would end up right back in the Void. Able to keep going. As for MG, I'm surprised people didn't see it coming. We established very early that Life was able to mentally force MG back into his mind and such. That is the difference between old Gavla and Life when it comes to MG. Old Gavla was weak in the mind, new Gavla/Life is much smarter/better mentally. Comic- Crystalline Alliance
  7. Old Gavla isn't much of a fighter. Comic- Decree of Destruction
  8. You really don't have to state that, I update every day. Though granted I'm a few minutes late today since of the holiday. Sorry about that. Comic- A Void In Life Semi short because of the holiday. I say that and look at me. Uploading it at 12:05. That's about six minute past my original planned upload time.
  9. Comments like that make me proud to be a comic maker. Comic- Giant's Fall
  10. You forget that he planned to use Dark Matter with the Vahi because the Void lacks Time and Space. He wants to use the two things it lacks to get to it. The Codrex is full of Dark Matter, and it's holding the Mask. He's not trying to get to the mask, he's trying to destroy it at any cost. If he wanted the mask in his hands, he would just teleport it into his grasp. Comic- The Masked Void
  11. Normally Makron's is a sick like green, which I extract from his heartlight. For some reason I couldn't get it. So think of it like this- If Casio was speaking when a panel was showing Makron and Goggles, his text would be slanted. I can confirm that each Makuta's lines are spoken when they're in a panel. So no Makron text in a Casio panel and vice versa.
  12. Also remember that Death picked that Gavla because he is technically smarter compared to the original. Comic- Robotic Detonation
  13. That's the issue with big sprites. Comic- Critical Failure
  14. Comic- Dangerous Confrontation There is an error with the first three panels. I used the wrong bit of arm/foot. This was corrected in the panels after them, but it was too late to correct those three.
  15. Comic- The Final Injection Short comic since I was busy most of the day.
  16. The Void isn't on Bara-Magna, I just felt it necessary to include said planet in some way. Plus I wanted to showcase the planet panel I made a few months ago. Everything before AVID is considered practice work. Meaning it's non-canon, and not referenced or discussed anymore. There are only a few things from past work that stuck around. Such as Chilly and Meta-Nui.
  17. The Toa were useless, that's the reason. Comic- Life's Explanation This comic doesn't meet my normal standards, but it gets the point across. Panel wise, it's fine. Sort of, text wise I think my brain gave up at the end. There was a lot of cutting of the script. Odd, since this comic was originally planned in advance.
  18. You forget that all universes and dimensions are held in the Void. Destroying one wouldn't destroy another, or a future being. Since time does next exist in the Void. If it did, and your logic was true, Life would already be gone. Since Gavla has already crushed the universes that came before his own. Some people forget what Death said to Gavla in AVID. That in the future his hands will be covered in the dead of trillions. That sentence has come true. Multiple times, probably. Comic- The Launch Also, none of the shown Gavla(s) are the same. Life isn't the same as Dead Gavla, and Goggles is a completely different one. There is only one thing connecting Life and Dead Gavla. Life's body was the one MG took over in AVID. We saw Death move the body. We also already established that in the comics.
  19. Malignus got it right. (*Three.) Comic- The Timeless Void
  20. The Void isn't the underworld, and he's so big because of something called perspective.
  21. Actually, no. Those aren't clones. They're all the same Death. The exact same one. Every time, It is everywhere at every moment. Chath, I fail to see anything that would suggest either of those. Comic- The Truth
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